Development studies
Fixing Health Systems
Don de Savigny, Graham Reid, Harun Kasale, Conrad Mbuya
Fixing Health Systems (2nd Edition)
Sanitation for Primary Schools in Africa
R.A. Reed, Rod Shaw, Ken Chatterton
Produced as part of WEDC's contribution to the International Year of Sanitation 2008, this book provides easy-to-use tools for assessing sanitation, water supply and hygiene facilities in primary schools in Africa sothat appropriate decisions can be made about sanitation improvements. It also presen...
Practising Gender Equality in Education
Sheila Aikman, Elaine Unterhalter
Drawing on the work of the Beyond Access, Gender, Education, and Development project, contributors discuss some of the key challenges in achieving gender equality in education, give examples of initiatives in a range of contexts, and make recommendations for action. They suggest that there is a more...
Producer Organisations
Small-scale producers face huge challenges in todays world. They have to adopt a market-oriented approach if they want to compete in and benefit from local and global markets. This book opens with an explanation of why collective action in the form of producer organisations is a key strategy for i...
Reconstructing Agriculture in Afghanistan
The book raises critical questions relating to both humanitarian intervention and development agendas in crisis states. It supports a growing literature that interrogates past and present interventions, but does so by putting food security at the heart of both short- and long-term responses to crisi...
Sharing Power for Development
Decentralisation and good local governance are often identified as necessary precursors to effective pro-poor development work. In this publication, the authors examine case studies from the work of Swiss development organisation Helvetas and its local partners in the Philippines, Cameroon, Mali, Vi...
Springs of Participation
Learning from others in the form of fusion and adaptation of existing tools and approaches is very much part of evolving new participatory methods, and is a key component of the process of creating fresh approaches to new challenges. Springs of Participation brings together the experiences and refle...
Humanitarian Programmes and HIV and AIDS
This manual will help field staff to mainstream HIV andAIDS in humanitarian emergencies. It assumes someknowledge of humanitarian programming and is intended to build staff skills in addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability to HIV infection and the consequences of HIV and AIDS, particularly...
Revisión de Capacitación en Género
Formation sur le genre dans les années 1990 et proliféré a gagné du terrain en mettant l'accent sur l'intégration du genre, une stratégie adoptée lors de la quatrième Conférence mondiale des femmes 1995 à Beijing. À l'heure actuelle formation sur le genre est de plus en plus remis en question comme...
Impact Measurement and Accountability in Emergencies (Arabic)
What difference are we making? How do we know? The Good Enough Guide helps busy field workers to address these questions. It offers a set of basic guidelines on how to be accountable to local people and measure programme impact in emergency situations and contains a variety of tools on needs assessm...