Sanitation for Primary Schools in Africa
R.A. Reed, Rod Shaw, Ken Chatterton
Produced as part of WEDC's contribution to the International Year of Sanitation 2008, this book provides easy-to-use tools for assessing sanitation, water supply and hygiene facilities in primary schools in Africa sothat appropriate decisions can be made about sanitation improvements. It also presents guidelines for rehabilitating or decommissioning existing latrines; for choosing the right type of latrine where new facilities are requires; for siting latrines appropriately within a school compound; and for the operation and maintenance of these facilities. A number of low-cost toilet designssuitable for many rural and peri-rural locations in Africa are also included.
Written in a readable style and copiously illustrated, the book has been designed primarily for school managers and headteachers but it will also be of interest to planners, architects and engineers.
Published: 2008
Pages: 58
Paperback: 9781843801276
Written in a readable style and copiously illustrated, the book has been designed primarily for school managers and headteachers but it will also be of interest to planners, architects and engineers.
R.A. Reed
Bob Reed is a Programme and Project Manager at the Water, Engineering and Development Centre, UK.