Development studies
Unity is Strength
James Dunkerley, Chris Whitehouse
Latin American workers and peasants live in extreme poverty, exploited by a global economic system which concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the multinational corporations and local capitalists at the expense of the mass of working people. In many Latin American countries this system is en...
Since 1954 Paraguay has been ruled by the dictator Alfredo Stroessner, the longest surviving head of state in the world. His regime has been characterized by extreme brutality, corruption and economic stagnation. However, in 1973 Paraguay began to experience dramatic economic and social changes as a...
Europe and Latin America 1980
Underdevelopment, poverty, dictatorship and repression in Latin America are persistent and interrelated problems. Many Latin American governments pursue economic policies which deepen social inequalities and conflict and which are frequently implemented through the violent suppression of civil and p...
Uraguay was once known as 'the Switzerland of Latin America', an apparent model of stability, progress and prosperoty in a turbulent continent. But the illusion began to crumble in the 1950s as declining world prices for Uraguay's exports exposed the vulnerability of its dependent economy. By the la...
How to Make Basic Hospital Equipment
There are parts of the world where the amount of money available for health care services is pitifully small. A dollar a head a year buys very little when it has to cover not only salaries, drugs, etc., but also the building and equipping of health care facilities. Prices in the catalogues of even...
Nicaragua: Dictatorship and Revolution traces the history of one of the longest lasting and most repugnant dictatorships in Latin America and describes the popular insurrection which finally overthrew the 43 year old Somoza dynasty. It also chronicles the history of support for the dynasty by the US...
Britain and Latin America 1979
Most Latin American countries are characterised by social injustice, economic repression and widespread violations of human rights. Relations between Britain and Latin America. Although longstanding, are largely unquestioned by policy-makers and are rarely the subject of public debate. In publishing...
Technology for a Changing World
This book has been compiled from John Davis' writings by Roger England in order that a wider group of people at home and overseas may see in simple outlines some of the most significant issues that have emerged in the course of this project - the search for more appropriate ways of meeting the mater...
Britain and Latin America 1978
Most Latin American countries are characterised by social injustice, economic repression and widespread violations of human rights. Relations between Britain and Latin America. Although longstanding, are largely unquestioned by policy-makers and are rarely the subject of public debate. In publishing...
Guatemala is a society of fear. Whilst events in Chile have outraged international opinion, the widespread political violence in Guatemala has gone unnoticed. Over the past ten years there have been an estimated 20,000 political killings, a death toll as high as that inflicted by the savage earthqua...