Production, consumption, and quality attributes of Lanhouin, a fish-based condiment from West Africa
J.M. Kindossi | V.B. Anihouvi | G. Vieira-dalodé | N.H. Akissoé | A. Jacobs | N. Dlamini | D. Pallet | D.J. Hounhouigan
Indigenous knowledge related to Lanhouin processing, commercialization, and consumption was investigated through a survey in the Mono District in the south of Benin using a questionnaire. The questionnaire focused on the socio-cultural profile of actors, the raw materials used for the processing, the technologies used, the quality attributes, the forms of consumption, and the storage of the product. The data collected were analysed by means of descriptive statistics and correspondence analysis. The results showed that Lanhouin is generally processed in informal small-scale plants. A large number of women are engaged in the production and the trade of Lanhouin and this constitutes the main source of income for most of them. Three variants of technologies were used to produce Lanhouin, but all apparently concluded in the same end product. The appreciation of the quality of Lanhouin by the actors is mainly based on sensory attributes such as the colour, texture, aroma, consistency of flesh, and the general appearance of the product. In Benin, Lanhouin serves various markets: domestic markets and sub-regional markets that contribute to an expanding market. As regards the forms of consumption, Lanhouin is used as a taste and flavour enhancing condiment in some main dishes such as vegetable, slimy vegetable, and tomato sauces.Abbey, L.D., Hodari-Okae, M. and Osei-Yaw, A. (1994) Studies on Traditional Processing and Quality of Fermented Fish (Momone), Ghana/Netherlands Artisanal Fish Processing and Applied Research Project Report, Food Research Institute, Accra, Ghana.
Anihouvi, V.B., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Ayernor, G.S. (2005) ‘La production et la commercialisation du lanhouin, un condiment à base de poisson fermenté du golf du Bénin’, Cahiers agricultures 14(3): 323-330 <≯.
Anihouvi, V.B., Ayenor, S.G., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Sakyi-Dawson, E. (2006) ‘Quality characteristics of lanhouin, a traditionally processed fermented fish in the republic of Benin’, African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development 6: 1-15 <≯.
Beddows, C.G. (1985) ‘Fermented fish and fish products’, in B.J. Wood (ed.), Microbiology of Fermented Food, pp. 1-39, Elsevier Applied Science, London.
Cadwallader, K.R., Back, H.H., Chung, H.Y. and Moody, M.W. (1994) ‘Contribution of lipid derived components in the flavour of alligator meat’, in C.T. Ho and T.G. Hartman (eds), Lipids in Food Flavors, ACS Symposium series 558, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
Chadare, F.J., Hounhouigan, J.D., Linnemann, A.R., Nout, M.J. R. and Van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2008) ‘Indigenous knowledge and processing of Adansonia digitata L. food products in Benin’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 47(4): 338-362 <≯.
Dagnelie, P. (1998) Statistiques théoriques et appliquées: Inférence statistique à une et à deux dimensions, p. 559, de Boeck Université, Tome 2, De Boeck and Larcier S.A., Brussels, Belgium.
Durnford, E. and Shahidi, F. (1998) ‘Flavour of fish meat’, in F. Shahidi (ed.), Flavor of Meat, Meat Products and Seafoods, 2nd edn, pp. 130-158, Blackie Academic and Professional, London.
DP (2009) Direction des Pêches, Rapport du service suivi-évaluation, fiche annuelle de production, Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Elevage et de la Pêche, Direction des Pêches, Cotonou, Bénin.
Essuman, K.M. (1992) Fermented Fish in Africa: A Study on Processing, Marketing and Consumption, p. 80, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 329, FAO, Rome.
Horemans, B. (1998) The State of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa in 1997, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Technical Report 122, FAO, Rome.
Horner, W.F.A. (1997) ‘Preservation of fish by curing (drying, salting and smoking)’, in G.M. Hall (ed.), Fish Processing Technology, 2nd edn, pp. 32-72, Blackie Academic & Professional, London.
Abbey, L.D., Hodari-Okae, M. and Osei-Yaw, A. (1994) Studies on Traditional Processing and Quality of Fermented Fish (Momone), Ghana/Netherlands Artisanal Fish Processing and Applied Research Project Report, Food Research Institute, Accra, Ghana.
Anihouvi, V.B., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Ayernor, G.S. (2005) ‘La production et la commercialisation du lanhouin, un condiment à base de poisson fermenté du golf du Bénin’, Cahiers agricultures 14(3): 323-330 <≯.
Anihouvi, V.B., Ayenor, S.G., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Sakyi-Dawson, E. (2006) ‘Quality characteristics of lanhouin, a traditionally processed fermented fish in the republic of Benin’, African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development 6: 1-15 <≯.
Beddows, C.G. (1985) ‘Fermented fish and fish products’, in B.J. Wood (ed.), Microbiology of Fermented Food, pp. 1-39, Elsevier Applied Science, London.
Cadwallader, K.R., Back, H.H., Chung, H.Y. and Moody, M.W. (1994) ‘Contribution of lipid derived components in the flavour of alligator meat’, in C.T. Ho and T.G. Hartman (eds), Lipids in Food Flavors, ACS Symposium series 558, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
Chadare, F.J., Hounhouigan, J.D., Linnemann, A.R., Nout, M.J. R. and Van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2008) ‘Indigenous knowledge and processing of Adansonia digitata L. food products in Benin’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 47(4): 338-362 <≯.
Dagnelie, P. (1998) Statistiques théoriques et appliquées: Inférence statistique à une et à deux dimensions, p. 559, de Boeck Université, Tome 2, De Boeck and Larcier S.A., Brussels, Belgium.
Durnford, E. and Shahidi, F. (1998) ‘Flavour of fish meat’, in F. Shahidi (ed.), Flavor of Meat, Meat Products and Seafoods, 2nd edn, pp. 130-158, Blackie Academic and Professional, London.
DP (2009) Direction des Pêches, Rapport du service suivi-évaluation, fiche annuelle de production, Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Elevage et de la Pêche, Direction des Pêches, Cotonou, Bénin.
Essuman, K.M. (1992) Fermented Fish in Africa: A Study on Processing, Marketing and Consumption, p. 80, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 329, FAO, Rome.
Horemans, B. (1998) The State of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa in 1997, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Technical Report 122, FAO, Rome.
Horner, W.F.A. (1997) ‘Preservation of fish by curing (drying, salting and smoking)’, in G.M. Hall (ed.), Fish Processing Technology, 2nd edn, pp. 32-72, Blackie Academic & Professional, London.
Abbey, L.D., Hodari-Okae, M. and Osei-Yaw, A. (1994) Studies on Traditional Processing and Quality of Fermented Fish (Momone), Ghana/Netherlands Artisanal Fish Processing and Applied Research Project Report, Food Research Institute, Accra, Ghana.
Anihouvi, V.B., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Ayernor, G.S. (2005) ‘La production et la commercialisation du lanhouin, un condiment à base de poisson fermenté du golf du Bénin’, Cahiers agricultures 14(3): 323-330 <≯.
Anihouvi, V.B., Ayenor, S.G., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Sakyi-Dawson, E. (2006) ‘Quality characteristics of lanhouin, a traditionally processed fermented fish in the republic of Benin’, African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development 6: 1-15 <≯.
Beddows, C.G. (1985) ‘Fermented fish and fish products’, in B.J. Wood (ed.), Microbiology of Fermented Food, pp. 1-39, Elsevier Applied Science, London.
Cadwallader, K.R., Back, H.H., Chung, H.Y. and Moody, M.W. (1994) ‘Contribution of lipid derived components in the flavour of alligator meat’, in C.T. Ho and T.G. Hartman (eds), Lipids in Food Flavors, ACS Symposium series 558, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
Chadare, F.J., Hounhouigan, J.D., Linnemann, A.R., Nout, M.J. R. and Van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2008) ‘Indigenous knowledge and processing of Adansonia digitata L. food products in Benin’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 47(4): 338-362 <≯.
Dagnelie, P. (1998) Statistiques théoriques et appliquées: Inférence statistique à une et à deux dimensions, p. 559, de Boeck Université, Tome 2, De Boeck and Larcier S.A., Brussels, Belgium.
Durnford, E. and Shahidi, F. (1998) ‘Flavour of fish meat’, in F. Shahidi (ed.), Flavor of Meat, Meat Products and Seafoods, 2nd edn, pp. 130-158, Blackie Academic and Professional, London.
DP (2009) Direction des Pêches, Rapport du service suivi-évaluation, fiche annuelle de production, Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Elevage et de la Pêche, Direction des Pêches, Cotonou, Bénin.
Essuman, K.M. (1992) Fermented Fish in Africa: A Study on Processing, Marketing and Consumption, p. 80, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 329, FAO, Rome.
Horemans, B. (1998) The State of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa in 1997, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Technical Report 122, FAO, Rome.
Horner, W.F.A. (1997) ‘Preservation of fish by curing (drying, salting and smoking)’, in G.M. Hall (ed.), Fish Processing Technology, 2nd edn, pp. 32-72, Blackie Academic & Professional, London.
Abbey, L.D., Hodari-Okae, M. and Osei-Yaw, A. (1994) Studies on Traditional Processing and Quality of Fermented Fish (Momone), Ghana/Netherlands Artisanal Fish Processing and Applied Research Project Report, Food Research Institute, Accra, Ghana.
Anihouvi, V.B., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Ayernor, G.S. (2005) ‘La production et la commercialisation du lanhouin, un condiment à base de poisson fermenté du golf du Bénin’, Cahiers agricultures 14(3): 323-330 <≯.
Anihouvi, V.B., Ayenor, S.G., Hounhouigan, J.D. and Sakyi-Dawson, E. (2006) ‘Quality characteristics of lanhouin, a traditionally processed fermented fish in the republic of Benin’, African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development 6: 1-15 <≯.
Beddows, C.G. (1985) ‘Fermented fish and fish products’, in B.J. Wood (ed.), Microbiology of Fermented Food, pp. 1-39, Elsevier Applied Science, London.
Cadwallader, K.R., Back, H.H., Chung, H.Y. and Moody, M.W. (1994) ‘Contribution of lipid derived components in the flavour of alligator meat’, in C.T. Ho and T.G. Hartman (eds), Lipids in Food Flavors, ACS Symposium series 558, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
Chadare, F.J., Hounhouigan, J.D., Linnemann, A.R., Nout, M.J. R. and Van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2008) ‘Indigenous knowledge and processing of Adansonia digitata L. food products in Benin’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 47(4): 338-362 <≯.
Dagnelie, P. (1998) Statistiques théoriques et appliquées: Inférence statistique à une et à deux dimensions, p. 559, de Boeck Université, Tome 2, De Boeck and Larcier S.A., Brussels, Belgium.
Durnford, E. and Shahidi, F. (1998) ‘Flavour of fish meat’, in F. Shahidi (ed.), Flavor of Meat, Meat Products and Seafoods, 2nd edn, pp. 130-158, Blackie Academic and Professional, London.
DP (2009) Direction des Pêches, Rapport du service suivi-évaluation, fiche annuelle de production, Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Elevage et de la Pêche, Direction des Pêches, Cotonou, Bénin.
Essuman, K.M. (1992) Fermented Fish in Africa: A Study on Processing, Marketing and Consumption, p. 80, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 329, FAO, Rome.
Horemans, B. (1998) The State of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa in 1997, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Technical Report 122, FAO, Rome.
Horner, W.F.A. (1997) ‘Preservation of fish by curing (drying, salting and smoking)’, in G.M. Hall (ed.), Fish Processing Technology, 2nd edn, pp. 32-72, Blackie Academic & Professional, London.
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