Insects in the human food chain: global status and opportunities
Peter Fellows | Afton Halloran | Christopher Muenke | Paul Vantomme | Arnold van Huis
Insects are part of the traditional diets of approximately 2 billion people worldwide. Insects can contribute to food security and be a part of the solution to protein shortages, given their high nutritional value, low emissions of greenhouse gases, low requirements for land and water, and the high efficiency at which they can convert feed into food. This article outlines the potential of insects as a food for humans as well as a feedstock for animals and fish. The majority of insects consumed in developing countries today are harvested in nature from wild populations. In Western countries, the disgust factor in considering insects as food, combined currently with their limited availability on the market, and a lack of regulations governing insects as food and feed, are major barriers for their further expansion. However, the biggest opportunity may well lie in the production of insect biomass as feedstock for animals and fish, to partly replace the increasingly expensive protein ingredients of compound feeds in the livestock industries. Considering the immense quantities of insect biomass needed to replace current protein-rich ingredients such as meal from fish and soybeans, automated mass rearing facilities need to be developed. For this to occur, significant technological innovations, changes in consumer food preferences, insect-encompassing food and feed legislation, and progress towards more sustainable food production systems are needed. The close collaboration of government, food and feed industry, media, chefs, and academia will be essential for success.Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A. and Songonuga, E.A. (2006) ‘The nutritional value of fourteen species of edible insects in southwestern Nigeria’, African Journal of Biotechnology 5(3): 298-301 <≯.
Barroso, F.G., de Haro, C., Sánchez-Muros, M-J., Venegas, E., Martínez-Sánchez, A., Pérez, Banón, C. (2014) ‘The potential of various insect species for use as food for fish’, Aquaculture 422/423: 193-201 <≯ assessed on 26 june by Paul Vantomme.
Bauserman, M., Lokangaka, A., Kodondi, K.K., Gado, J., Viera, A.J., Bentley, M.E., Engmann, C., Tshefu, A. and Bose, C (2013) ‘Caterpillar cereal as potential complementary feeding product for infants and young children: nutritional content and acceptability’, Maternal & Child Nutrition 9(4): 1-10 <≯.
Belluco, S., Losasso, C., Maggioletti, M., Alonzi, C.C., Paoletti, M.G. and Ricci, A. (2013) ‘Edible insects in a food safety and nutritional perspective: a critical review’, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 12(3): 296-313 <≯.
Caparros Megido, R., Sablon, L., Geuens, M., Brostaux, Y., Alabi, T., Blecker, C., Drugmand, D., Haubruge, é. and Francis, F. (2013) ‘Edible insects acceptance by Belgian consumers: promising attitude for entomophagy development’, Journal of Sensory Studies 29: 14-20 <http://dx.doi. org/10.1111/joss.12077≯.
Cazaux, G., Van Gijseghem, D. and Bas, L. (2010) Alternatieve eiwitbronnen voor menselijke consumptie [pdf] Brussels: Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Monitoring en Studie < alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf≯ [accessed 10 December 2013]. alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf
Cerritos, R. (2009) ‘Insects as food: an ecological, social and economical approach’, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 4(27): 1-10 <≯.
Cerritos, R. and Cano-Santana, Z. (2008) ‘Harvesting grasshoppers Sphenarium purpurascens in Mexico for human consumption: a comparison with insecticidal control for managing pest outbreaks’, Crop Protection 27(3-5): 473-80 <≯.
Chapman, A.D. (2009) Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World, 2nd edn, Canberra, Australia: Report for the Australian Biological Resources Study.
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (2004) ‘Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, volume 1 - Asia’, in K. Kuster and B. Belcher (eds), Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation, Jakarta, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Central Statistics Office (CSO) (2004) Forestry Statistics, technical report, Gaborone, Botswana: CSO.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1995) ‘Edible insects as minilivestock’, Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3): 306-21.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1997) ‘An overview of the role of edible insects in preserving biodiversity’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 36(2-4): 109-32.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1999) ‘Insects as food: why the western attitude is important’, Annual Review of Entomology 44: 21-55 <≯.
Department for International Development (DFID) (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), Final Technical Report, London: DFID: 119.
FAVV (2013) ’In de handel brengen van insecten en levensmiddelen op basis van insecten voor humane consumptie’ (Placing on the market of insects and insect-based foods intended for human consumption) [online] Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain <≯ assessed by paul V. on 26 june [accessed 17 june 2014].
Finke, M.D. (2007) ‘Estimate of chitin in raw whole insects’, Zoo Biology 26(2): 105-15 <≯.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) State of Forest and Tree Genetic Resources in Dry Zone Southern Africa Development Community Countries [online], Forest Genetic Resources Working Papers, FAO <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO (2009) Bees and their Role in Forest Livelihoods: A Guide to the Services Provided by Bees and the Sustainable Harvesting, Processing and Marketing of their Products [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2011) Forests for Improved Nutrition and Food Security [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2012) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 [pdf] Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < htm≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) Six-legged Livestock: Edible Insect Farming, Collecting and Marketing in Thailand [online], Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, p. 69 <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013c) The Contribution of Insects to Food Security, Livelihoods and the Environment [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2013d) The State of Food Insecurity in the World: The Multiple Dimensions of Food Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013e) The State of Food and Agriculture: Food Systems for Better Nutrition (SOFA 2013) [pdf], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America (FDA) (2011) ‘Defect levels handbook: levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods that present no health hazards for humans’ [web page], FDA≯ [accessed 30 January 2014].
Gatlin, D.M., Burrows, F.T., Bellis, D., Brown, P., Campen, J., Dabrowski, K., Gaylord, T.G., Hardy, R.W., Herman, E., Hu, G., Krogdahl, Å., Nelson, R., Overturf, K., Rust, M., Sealey, W., Skonberg, D., Souza, E., Stone, D., Wilson, R. and Wurtele, E. (2007) ‘Expanding the utilization of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds - a review’, Aquaculture Research 38(6): 551-79 <≯.
Ghazul, J. (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), DFID Final Technical Report, p. 119, London: Department for International Development (DFID).
Grabowski, N., Klein, G. and Lopez, A.M. (2013) ‘European and German food legislation facing uncommon foodstuffs’, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 53(8): 787-800 <≯.
Heinrich Böll Foundation (2014) Meat Atlas: Facts and Figures About the Animals We Eat [pdf], Berlin, Germany <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
Hobane, P.A. (1994) The Urban Marketing of the Mopane Worm: The Case of Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe: Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe.
Hölldobler, B. and Wilson, E. (1990) The Ants, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Jongema, Y. (2012) ‘List of edible insect species of the world’ [web page], Wageningen, Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University < list.htm/≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Kayikananta, L. (2000) ‘Biological study and rearing techniques on bamboo caterpillar, Omphisa fuscidentalis (Hampson)’, in L. Puangchit, B. Thaiutsa and S. Thamincha (eds), Proceedings of the BAMBOO 2000 International Symposium, 2-4 August 2000, Chang Mai, Thailand, pp. 186-95.
Kozanayi, W. and Frost, P. (2002) Marketing of Mopane Worm in Southern Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Environmental Studies.
Leksawasdi, P. (2010) ‘Compendium of research on selected edible insects in northern Thailand’ in P. Durst, D.V. Johnson, R.N. Leslie and K. Shono (eds), Forest Insects as Food: Humans Bite Back. Proceedings of a 19-21 February 2008 Workshop on Asia-Pacific Resources and their Potential for Development, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp. 183-8 [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office of Asia-Pacific <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
Looy, H., Dunkel, F.V. and Wood J.R. (2014) ‘How then shall we eat? Insect-eating attitudes and sustainable foodways’, Agriculture and Human Values 31(1): 131-41 <≯.
Losey, J.E. and Vaughan, M. (2006) ‘The economic value of ecological services provided by insects’, BioScience 56(4): 311-23, <[311:TEVOES]2.0.CO;2≯.
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Makhado, R.A., von Maltitzm, G.P., Potgieter, M. and Wessels, D.C.J. (2009) ‘Contribution of woodland products to rural livelihoods in the Northeast of Limpopo Province, South Africa’, South African Geographical Journal 91(1): 46-53 <≯.
Melo, V., Garcia, M., Sandoval, H., Jimenez, H.D. and Calvo, C. (2011) ‘Quality proteins from edible indigenous insect food of Latin America and Asia’, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 23(3): 283-9.
N’Gasse, G., Moussa, J.-B., Mapunzu, P.M. and Balinga, M.P. (2004) Contribution des chenilles/larves comestibles à la reduction de l’insécurité alimentaire en République centrafricaine (RCA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Nakagaki, B.J. and DeFoliart, G.R. (1991) ‘Comparison of diets for mass-rearing Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) as a novelty food, and comparison of food conversion efficiency with values reported for livestock’, Journal of Economic Entomology 84(3): 891-6.
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Barroso, F.G., de Haro, C., Sánchez-Muros, M-J., Venegas, E., Martínez-Sánchez, A., Pérez, Banón, C. (2014) ‘The potential of various insect species for use as food for fish’, Aquaculture 422/423: 193-201 <≯ assessed on 26 june by Paul Vantomme.
Bauserman, M., Lokangaka, A., Kodondi, K.K., Gado, J., Viera, A.J., Bentley, M.E., Engmann, C., Tshefu, A. and Bose, C (2013) ‘Caterpillar cereal as potential complementary feeding product for infants and young children: nutritional content and acceptability’, Maternal & Child Nutrition 9(4): 1-10 <≯.
Belluco, S., Losasso, C., Maggioletti, M., Alonzi, C.C., Paoletti, M.G. and Ricci, A. (2013) ‘Edible insects in a food safety and nutritional perspective: a critical review’, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 12(3): 296-313 <≯.
Caparros Megido, R., Sablon, L., Geuens, M., Brostaux, Y., Alabi, T., Blecker, C., Drugmand, D., Haubruge, é. and Francis, F. (2013) ‘Edible insects acceptance by Belgian consumers: promising attitude for entomophagy development’, Journal of Sensory Studies 29: 14-20 <http://dx.doi. org/10.1111/joss.12077≯.
Cazaux, G., Van Gijseghem, D. and Bas, L. (2010) Alternatieve eiwitbronnen voor menselijke consumptie [pdf] Brussels: Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Monitoring en Studie < alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf≯ [accessed 10 December 2013]. alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf
Cerritos, R. (2009) ‘Insects as food: an ecological, social and economical approach’, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 4(27): 1-10 <≯.
Cerritos, R. and Cano-Santana, Z. (2008) ‘Harvesting grasshoppers Sphenarium purpurascens in Mexico for human consumption: a comparison with insecticidal control for managing pest outbreaks’, Crop Protection 27(3-5): 473-80 <≯.
Chapman, A.D. (2009) Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World, 2nd edn, Canberra, Australia: Report for the Australian Biological Resources Study.
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (2004) ‘Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, volume 1 - Asia’, in K. Kuster and B. Belcher (eds), Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation, Jakarta, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Central Statistics Office (CSO) (2004) Forestry Statistics, technical report, Gaborone, Botswana: CSO.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1995) ‘Edible insects as minilivestock’, Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3): 306-21.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1997) ‘An overview of the role of edible insects in preserving biodiversity’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 36(2-4): 109-32.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1999) ‘Insects as food: why the western attitude is important’, Annual Review of Entomology 44: 21-55 <≯.
Department for International Development (DFID) (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), Final Technical Report, London: DFID: 119.
FAVV (2013) ’In de handel brengen van insecten en levensmiddelen op basis van insecten voor humane consumptie’ (Placing on the market of insects and insect-based foods intended for human consumption) [online] Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain <≯ assessed by paul V. on 26 june [accessed 17 june 2014].
Finke, M.D. (2007) ‘Estimate of chitin in raw whole insects’, Zoo Biology 26(2): 105-15 <≯.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) State of Forest and Tree Genetic Resources in Dry Zone Southern Africa Development Community Countries [online], Forest Genetic Resources Working Papers, FAO <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO (2009) Bees and their Role in Forest Livelihoods: A Guide to the Services Provided by Bees and the Sustainable Harvesting, Processing and Marketing of their Products [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2011) Forests for Improved Nutrition and Food Security [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2012) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 [pdf] Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < htm≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) Six-legged Livestock: Edible Insect Farming, Collecting and Marketing in Thailand [online], Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, p. 69 <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013c) The Contribution of Insects to Food Security, Livelihoods and the Environment [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2013d) The State of Food Insecurity in the World: The Multiple Dimensions of Food Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013e) The State of Food and Agriculture: Food Systems for Better Nutrition (SOFA 2013) [pdf], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America (FDA) (2011) ‘Defect levels handbook: levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods that present no health hazards for humans’ [web page], FDA≯ [accessed 30 January 2014].
Gatlin, D.M., Burrows, F.T., Bellis, D., Brown, P., Campen, J., Dabrowski, K., Gaylord, T.G., Hardy, R.W., Herman, E., Hu, G., Krogdahl, Å., Nelson, R., Overturf, K., Rust, M., Sealey, W., Skonberg, D., Souza, E., Stone, D., Wilson, R. and Wurtele, E. (2007) ‘Expanding the utilization of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds - a review’, Aquaculture Research 38(6): 551-79 <≯.
Ghazul, J. (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), DFID Final Technical Report, p. 119, London: Department for International Development (DFID).
Grabowski, N., Klein, G. and Lopez, A.M. (2013) ‘European and German food legislation facing uncommon foodstuffs’, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 53(8): 787-800 <≯.
Heinrich Böll Foundation (2014) Meat Atlas: Facts and Figures About the Animals We Eat [pdf], Berlin, Germany <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
Hobane, P.A. (1994) The Urban Marketing of the Mopane Worm: The Case of Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe: Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe.
Hölldobler, B. and Wilson, E. (1990) The Ants, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Jongema, Y. (2012) ‘List of edible insect species of the world’ [web page], Wageningen, Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University < list.htm/≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Kayikananta, L. (2000) ‘Biological study and rearing techniques on bamboo caterpillar, Omphisa fuscidentalis (Hampson)’, in L. Puangchit, B. Thaiutsa and S. Thamincha (eds), Proceedings of the BAMBOO 2000 International Symposium, 2-4 August 2000, Chang Mai, Thailand, pp. 186-95.
Kozanayi, W. and Frost, P. (2002) Marketing of Mopane Worm in Southern Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Environmental Studies.
Leksawasdi, P. (2010) ‘Compendium of research on selected edible insects in northern Thailand’ in P. Durst, D.V. Johnson, R.N. Leslie and K. Shono (eds), Forest Insects as Food: Humans Bite Back. Proceedings of a 19-21 February 2008 Workshop on Asia-Pacific Resources and their Potential for Development, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp. 183-8 [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office of Asia-Pacific <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
Looy, H., Dunkel, F.V. and Wood J.R. (2014) ‘How then shall we eat? Insect-eating attitudes and sustainable foodways’, Agriculture and Human Values 31(1): 131-41 <≯.
Losey, J.E. and Vaughan, M. (2006) ‘The economic value of ecological services provided by insects’, BioScience 56(4): 311-23, <[311:TEVOES]2.0.CO;2≯.
Makhado, R. and Makhado, P.M. (2009) ‘Are insects valuable? Synopsis of mopane worms’ Non-Wood News 19 (July 2009), p. 6 [pdf] <≯ accessed on 26 june [accessed 18 June 2014].
Makhado, R.A., von Maltitzm, G.P., Potgieter, M. and Wessels, D.C.J. (2009) ‘Contribution of woodland products to rural livelihoods in the Northeast of Limpopo Province, South Africa’, South African Geographical Journal 91(1): 46-53 <≯.
Melo, V., Garcia, M., Sandoval, H., Jimenez, H.D. and Calvo, C. (2011) ‘Quality proteins from edible indigenous insect food of Latin America and Asia’, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 23(3): 283-9.
N’Gasse, G., Moussa, J.-B., Mapunzu, P.M. and Balinga, M.P. (2004) Contribution des chenilles/larves comestibles à la reduction de l’insécurité alimentaire en République centrafricaine (RCA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Nakagaki, B.J. and DeFoliart, G.R. (1991) ‘Comparison of diets for mass-rearing Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) as a novelty food, and comparison of food conversion efficiency with values reported for livestock’, Journal of Economic Entomology 84(3): 891-6.
OECD-FAO (2010) Agricultural Commodity Markets Outlook 2011-2020 [pdf], OECD Publishing <≯ [accessed 26 May 2014].
Offenberg, J. and Wiwatwitaya, D. (2010) ‘Sustainable weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina) farming: harvest yields and effects on worker ant density’, Asian Myremecology 3: 55-62.
Oonincx, D.G.A.B. and de Boer, I.J.M. (2012) ‘Environmental impact of the production of mealworms as a protein source for humans: a life cycle assessment’, PLoS One 7(12) <≯.
Oonincx, D.G.A.B., van Itterbeeck, J., Heetkamp, M.J.W., van den Brand, H., van Loon, J.J.A. and van Huis, A. (2010) ‘An exploration on greenhouse gas and ammonia production by insect species suitable for animal or human consumption’, Plos One 5(12) <≯.
Paoletti, M.G., Dufour, D.L., Cerda, H., Torres, F., Pizzoferrato, L. and Pimentel, D. (2000) ‘The importance of leaf- and litter-feeding invertebrates as sources of animal protein for the Amazonian Amerindians’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 267(1459): 2247-52.
Ramos Elorduy, J. (2006) ‘Threatened edible insects in Hidalgo, Mexico and some measures to preserve them’, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2 (51): 1-10 <http://dx.doi. org/10.1186/1746-4269-2-51≯.
Rastogi, N. (2011) ‘Provisioning services from ants: food and pharmaceuticals’, Asian Myrmecology 4: 103-20 <≯.
Rebe, M. (1999) The Sustainable Use of Mopane Worms as a Harvestable Protein Source for Human Consumption: Local Perceptions, MSc thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Regulation (EC) Nr 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2002) Laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption, OJ L 273.
Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 1997 concerning novel foods and novel food ingredients. Official Journal L 043, 14/02/1997 P. 0001 - 0006.
Regulation (EC) proposal: Novel Food Regulation COM (2007) 872,
Regulation (EC) Nr 56/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2013) Amending Annexes I and IV to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, OJ L 21/3.
Rozin, P. (2002) ‘Human food intake and choice: biological, psychological, and cultural perspectives’, in H. Anderson, J. Blundell and M. Chiva (eds), Food Selection: From Genes to Culture, pp. 7-24, Paris: Danone Institute.
Rozin, P., Haidt, J. and McCauley, C.R. (2008) ‘Disgust’, in M. Lewis, J.M. Haviland-Jones and L.F. Barrett (eds), Handbook of Emotion, 3rd edn, pp. 757-76, New York: Guilford Press.
Rumpold, B.A. & Schlüter, O.K. (2013) ‘Nutritional composition and safety aspects of edible insects’, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 57(3): 802-23 <≯.
Sanchez-Muros, M-J., Barroso, F.G. and Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2014) ‘Insect meal as renewable source of food for animal feeding: a review’, Journal of Cleaner Production 65: 16-27 <≯.
Shackelton, C. and Shackelton, S. (2004) ‘The importance of non-timber forest products in rural livelihood security and as safety nets: a review of evidence from South Africa’, South African Journal of Science 100 (11/12): 658-64.
Sribandit, W., Wiwatwitaya, D., Suksard, S. and Offenberg, J. (2008) ‘The importance of weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricus) harvest to a local community in Northeastern Thailand’, Asian Myrmecology 2: 129-38.
Styles, C.V. (1994) ‘The big value in Mopane worms’, Farmers Weekly, July 22: 20-22.
Styles, C.V. (1996) ‘The biological ecology of Imbrasia belina (Saturnidae) with reference to its behaviour, physiology, distribution, population dynamics, impact within mopane veld and utilization within South Africa’, in B.A. Gashe and S.F. Mpuchane (eds), Proceedings of the First Multidisciplinary Symposium on Phane≯. Gaborone, Botswana: NORAD.
van Huis, A. (2013) ‘Potential of insects as food and feed in assuring food security’, Annual Review of Entomology 58: 563-83 <≯.
van Itterbeeck, J. and van Huis, A. (2012) ‘Environmental manipulation for edible insect procurement: a historical perspective’, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 8(3): 1-19 <≯.
Vantomme, P., Göhler, D. and N’Deckere-Ziangba, F. (2004) Contribution of Forest Insects to Food Security and Forest Conservation: The Example of Caterpillars in Central Africa, ODI Wildlife Policy Briefing, London: ODI.
Verhoeckx, K.C.M., van Broekhoven, S., den Hartog-Jager, C.F., Gaspari, M., de Jong, G.A.H., Wichers, H.J., van Hoffen, E., Houben, G.F. and Knulst, A.C. (2014) ‘House dust mite (Der p 10) and crustacean allergic patients may react to food containing yellow mealworm proteins’, Food and Chemical Toxicology 65(3): 364-73 <≯.
Yen, A.L. (2009) ‘Entomophagy and insect conservation: some thoughts for digestion’, Journal of Insect Conservation 13(6): 667-70.
Yhoung-Aree, J. and Viwatpanich, K. (2005) ‘Edible insects in the Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam’, in M.G. Paoletti (ed.), Ecological Implications of Minilivestock: Potential of Insects, Rodents, Frogs and Snails, pp. 415-40, Enfield, NH: Science Publisher, Inc.
Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A. and Songonuga, E.A. (2006) ‘The nutritional value of fourteen species of edible insects in southwestern Nigeria’, African Journal of Biotechnology 5(3): 298-301 <≯.
Barroso, F.G., de Haro, C., Sánchez-Muros, M-J., Venegas, E., Martínez-Sánchez, A., Pérez, Banón, C. (2014) ‘The potential of various insect species for use as food for fish’, Aquaculture 422/423: 193-201 <≯ assessed on 26 june by Paul Vantomme.
Bauserman, M., Lokangaka, A., Kodondi, K.K., Gado, J., Viera, A.J., Bentley, M.E., Engmann, C., Tshefu, A. and Bose, C (2013) ‘Caterpillar cereal as potential complementary feeding product for infants and young children: nutritional content and acceptability’, Maternal & Child Nutrition 9(4): 1-10 <≯.
Belluco, S., Losasso, C., Maggioletti, M., Alonzi, C.C., Paoletti, M.G. and Ricci, A. (2013) ‘Edible insects in a food safety and nutritional perspective: a critical review’, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 12(3): 296-313 <≯.
Caparros Megido, R., Sablon, L., Geuens, M., Brostaux, Y., Alabi, T., Blecker, C., Drugmand, D., Haubruge, é. and Francis, F. (2013) ‘Edible insects acceptance by Belgian consumers: promising attitude for entomophagy development’, Journal of Sensory Studies 29: 14-20 <http://dx.doi. org/10.1111/joss.12077≯.
Cazaux, G., Van Gijseghem, D. and Bas, L. (2010) Alternatieve eiwitbronnen voor menselijke consumptie [pdf] Brussels: Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Monitoring en Studie < alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf≯ [accessed 10 December 2013]. alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf
Cerritos, R. (2009) ‘Insects as food: an ecological, social and economical approach’, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 4(27): 1-10 <≯.
Cerritos, R. and Cano-Santana, Z. (2008) ‘Harvesting grasshoppers Sphenarium purpurascens in Mexico for human consumption: a comparison with insecticidal control for managing pest outbreaks’, Crop Protection 27(3-5): 473-80 <≯.
Chapman, A.D. (2009) Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World, 2nd edn, Canberra, Australia: Report for the Australian Biological Resources Study.
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (2004) ‘Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, volume 1 - Asia’, in K. Kuster and B. Belcher (eds), Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation, Jakarta, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Central Statistics Office (CSO) (2004) Forestry Statistics, technical report, Gaborone, Botswana: CSO.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1995) ‘Edible insects as minilivestock’, Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3): 306-21.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1997) ‘An overview of the role of edible insects in preserving biodiversity’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 36(2-4): 109-32.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1999) ‘Insects as food: why the western attitude is important’, Annual Review of Entomology 44: 21-55 <≯.
Department for International Development (DFID) (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), Final Technical Report, London: DFID: 119.
FAVV (2013) ’In de handel brengen van insecten en levensmiddelen op basis van insecten voor humane consumptie’ (Placing on the market of insects and insect-based foods intended for human consumption) [online] Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain <≯ assessed by paul V. on 26 june [accessed 17 june 2014].
Finke, M.D. (2007) ‘Estimate of chitin in raw whole insects’, Zoo Biology 26(2): 105-15 <≯.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) State of Forest and Tree Genetic Resources in Dry Zone Southern Africa Development Community Countries [online], Forest Genetic Resources Working Papers, FAO <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO (2009) Bees and their Role in Forest Livelihoods: A Guide to the Services Provided by Bees and the Sustainable Harvesting, Processing and Marketing of their Products [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2011) Forests for Improved Nutrition and Food Security [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2012) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 [pdf] Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < htm≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) Six-legged Livestock: Edible Insect Farming, Collecting and Marketing in Thailand [online], Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, p. 69 <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013c) The Contribution of Insects to Food Security, Livelihoods and the Environment [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2013d) The State of Food Insecurity in the World: The Multiple Dimensions of Food Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013e) The State of Food and Agriculture: Food Systems for Better Nutrition (SOFA 2013) [pdf], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America (FDA) (2011) ‘Defect levels handbook: levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods that present no health hazards for humans’ [web page], FDA≯ [accessed 30 January 2014].
Gatlin, D.M., Burrows, F.T., Bellis, D., Brown, P., Campen, J., Dabrowski, K., Gaylord, T.G., Hardy, R.W., Herman, E., Hu, G., Krogdahl, Å., Nelson, R., Overturf, K., Rust, M., Sealey, W., Skonberg, D., Souza, E., Stone, D., Wilson, R. and Wurtele, E. (2007) ‘Expanding the utilization of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds - a review’, Aquaculture Research 38(6): 551-79 <≯.
Ghazul, J. (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), DFID Final Technical Report, p. 119, London: Department for International Development (DFID).
Grabowski, N., Klein, G. and Lopez, A.M. (2013) ‘European and German food legislation facing uncommon foodstuffs’, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 53(8): 787-800 <≯.
Heinrich Böll Foundation (2014) Meat Atlas: Facts and Figures About the Animals We Eat [pdf], Berlin, Germany <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
Hobane, P.A. (1994) The Urban Marketing of the Mopane Worm: The Case of Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe: Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe.
Hölldobler, B. and Wilson, E. (1990) The Ants, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Jongema, Y. (2012) ‘List of edible insect species of the world’ [web page], Wageningen, Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University < list.htm/≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Kayikananta, L. (2000) ‘Biological study and rearing techniques on bamboo caterpillar, Omphisa fuscidentalis (Hampson)’, in L. Puangchit, B. Thaiutsa and S. Thamincha (eds), Proceedings of the BAMBOO 2000 International Symposium, 2-4 August 2000, Chang Mai, Thailand, pp. 186-95.
Kozanayi, W. and Frost, P. (2002) Marketing of Mopane Worm in Southern Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Environmental Studies.
Leksawasdi, P. (2010) ‘Compendium of research on selected edible insects in northern Thailand’ in P. Durst, D.V. Johnson, R.N. Leslie and K. Shono (eds), Forest Insects as Food: Humans Bite Back. Proceedings of a 19-21 February 2008 Workshop on Asia-Pacific Resources and their Potential for Development, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp. 183-8 [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office of Asia-Pacific <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
Looy, H., Dunkel, F.V. and Wood J.R. (2014) ‘How then shall we eat? Insect-eating attitudes and sustainable foodways’, Agriculture and Human Values 31(1): 131-41 <≯.
Losey, J.E. and Vaughan, M. (2006) ‘The economic value of ecological services provided by insects’, BioScience 56(4): 311-23, <[311:TEVOES]2.0.CO;2≯.
Makhado, R. and Makhado, P.M. (2009) ‘Are insects valuable? Synopsis of mopane worms’ Non-Wood News 19 (July 2009), p. 6 [pdf] <≯ accessed on 26 june [accessed 18 June 2014].
Makhado, R.A., von Maltitzm, G.P., Potgieter, M. and Wessels, D.C.J. (2009) ‘Contribution of woodland products to rural livelihoods in the Northeast of Limpopo Province, South Africa’, South African Geographical Journal 91(1): 46-53 <≯.
Melo, V., Garcia, M., Sandoval, H., Jimenez, H.D. and Calvo, C. (2011) ‘Quality proteins from edible indigenous insect food of Latin America and Asia’, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 23(3): 283-9.
N’Gasse, G., Moussa, J.-B., Mapunzu, P.M. and Balinga, M.P. (2004) Contribution des chenilles/larves comestibles à la reduction de l’insécurité alimentaire en République centrafricaine (RCA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Nakagaki, B.J. and DeFoliart, G.R. (1991) ‘Comparison of diets for mass-rearing Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) as a novelty food, and comparison of food conversion efficiency with values reported for livestock’, Journal of Economic Entomology 84(3): 891-6.
OECD-FAO (2010) Agricultural Commodity Markets Outlook 2011-2020 [pdf], OECD Publishing <≯ [accessed 26 May 2014].
Offenberg, J. and Wiwatwitaya, D. (2010) ‘Sustainable weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina) farming: harvest yields and effects on worker ant density’, Asian Myremecology 3: 55-62.
Oonincx, D.G.A.B. and de Boer, I.J.M. (2012) ‘Environmental impact of the production of mealworms as a protein source for humans: a life cycle assessment’, PLoS One 7(12) <≯.
Oonincx, D.G.A.B., van Itterbeeck, J., Heetkamp, M.J.W., van den Brand, H., van Loon, J.J.A. and van Huis, A. (2010) ‘An exploration on greenhouse gas and ammonia production by insect species suitable for animal or human consumption’, Plos One 5(12) <≯.
Paoletti, M.G., Dufour, D.L., Cerda, H., Torres, F., Pizzoferrato, L. and Pimentel, D. (2000) ‘The importance of leaf- and litter-feeding invertebrates as sources of animal protein for the Amazonian Amerindians’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 267(1459): 2247-52.
Ramos Elorduy, J. (2006) ‘Threatened edible insects in Hidalgo, Mexico and some measures to preserve them’, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2 (51): 1-10 <http://dx.doi. org/10.1186/1746-4269-2-51≯.
Rastogi, N. (2011) ‘Provisioning services from ants: food and pharmaceuticals’, Asian Myrmecology 4: 103-20 <≯.
Rebe, M. (1999) The Sustainable Use of Mopane Worms as a Harvestable Protein Source for Human Consumption: Local Perceptions, MSc thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Regulation (EC) Nr 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2002) Laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption, OJ L 273.
Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 1997 concerning novel foods and novel food ingredients. Official Journal L 043, 14/02/1997 P. 0001 - 0006.
Regulation (EC) proposal: Novel Food Regulation COM (2007) 872,
Regulation (EC) Nr 56/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2013) Amending Annexes I and IV to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, OJ L 21/3.
Rozin, P. (2002) ‘Human food intake and choice: biological, psychological, and cultural perspectives’, in H. Anderson, J. Blundell and M. Chiva (eds), Food Selection: From Genes to Culture, pp. 7-24, Paris: Danone Institute.
Rozin, P., Haidt, J. and McCauley, C.R. (2008) ‘Disgust’, in M. Lewis, J.M. Haviland-Jones and L.F. Barrett (eds), Handbook of Emotion, 3rd edn, pp. 757-76, New York: Guilford Press.
Rumpold, B.A. & Schlüter, O.K. (2013) ‘Nutritional composition and safety aspects of edible insects’, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 57(3): 802-23 <≯.
Sanchez-Muros, M-J., Barroso, F.G. and Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2014) ‘Insect meal as renewable source of food for animal feeding: a review’, Journal of Cleaner Production 65: 16-27 <≯.
Shackelton, C. and Shackelton, S. (2004) ‘The importance of non-timber forest products in rural livelihood security and as safety nets: a review of evidence from South Africa’, South African Journal of Science 100 (11/12): 658-64.
Sribandit, W., Wiwatwitaya, D., Suksard, S. and Offenberg, J. (2008) ‘The importance of weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricus) harvest to a local community in Northeastern Thailand’, Asian Myrmecology 2: 129-38.
Styles, C.V. (1994) ‘The big value in Mopane worms’, Farmers Weekly, July 22: 20-22.
Styles, C.V. (1996) ‘The biological ecology of Imbrasia belina (Saturnidae) with reference to its behaviour, physiology, distribution, population dynamics, impact within mopane veld and utilization within South Africa’, in B.A. Gashe and S.F. Mpuchane (eds), Proceedings of the First Multidisciplinary Symposium on Phane≯. Gaborone, Botswana: NORAD.
van Huis, A. (2013) ‘Potential of insects as food and feed in assuring food security’, Annual Review of Entomology 58: 563-83 <≯.
van Itterbeeck, J. and van Huis, A. (2012) ‘Environmental manipulation for edible insect procurement: a historical perspective’, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 8(3): 1-19 <≯.
Vantomme, P., Göhler, D. and N’Deckere-Ziangba, F. (2004) Contribution of Forest Insects to Food Security and Forest Conservation: The Example of Caterpillars in Central Africa, ODI Wildlife Policy Briefing, London: ODI.
Verhoeckx, K.C.M., van Broekhoven, S., den Hartog-Jager, C.F., Gaspari, M., de Jong, G.A.H., Wichers, H.J., van Hoffen, E., Houben, G.F. and Knulst, A.C. (2014) ‘House dust mite (Der p 10) and crustacean allergic patients may react to food containing yellow mealworm proteins’, Food and Chemical Toxicology 65(3): 364-73 <≯.
Yen, A.L. (2009) ‘Entomophagy and insect conservation: some thoughts for digestion’, Journal of Insect Conservation 13(6): 667-70.
Yhoung-Aree, J. and Viwatpanich, K. (2005) ‘Edible insects in the Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam’, in M.G. Paoletti (ed.), Ecological Implications of Minilivestock: Potential of Insects, Rodents, Frogs and Snails, pp. 415-40, Enfield, NH: Science Publisher, Inc.
Banjo, A.D., Lawal, O.A. and Songonuga, E.A. (2006) ‘The nutritional value of fourteen species of edible insects in southwestern Nigeria’, African Journal of Biotechnology 5(3): 298-301 <≯.
Barroso, F.G., de Haro, C., Sánchez-Muros, M-J., Venegas, E., Martínez-Sánchez, A., Pérez, Banón, C. (2014) ‘The potential of various insect species for use as food for fish’, Aquaculture 422/423: 193-201 <≯ assessed on 26 june by Paul Vantomme.
Bauserman, M., Lokangaka, A., Kodondi, K.K., Gado, J., Viera, A.J., Bentley, M.E., Engmann, C., Tshefu, A. and Bose, C (2013) ‘Caterpillar cereal as potential complementary feeding product for infants and young children: nutritional content and acceptability’, Maternal & Child Nutrition 9(4): 1-10 <≯.
Belluco, S., Losasso, C., Maggioletti, M., Alonzi, C.C., Paoletti, M.G. and Ricci, A. (2013) ‘Edible insects in a food safety and nutritional perspective: a critical review’, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 12(3): 296-313 <≯.
Caparros Megido, R., Sablon, L., Geuens, M., Brostaux, Y., Alabi, T., Blecker, C., Drugmand, D., Haubruge, é. and Francis, F. (2013) ‘Edible insects acceptance by Belgian consumers: promising attitude for entomophagy development’, Journal of Sensory Studies 29: 14-20 <http://dx.doi. org/10.1111/joss.12077≯.
Cazaux, G., Van Gijseghem, D. and Bas, L. (2010) Alternatieve eiwitbronnen voor menselijke consumptie [pdf] Brussels: Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Monitoring en Studie < alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf≯ [accessed 10 December 2013]. alternatieve%20eiwitbronnen_verkenning.pdf
Cerritos, R. (2009) ‘Insects as food: an ecological, social and economical approach’, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 4(27): 1-10 <≯.
Cerritos, R. and Cano-Santana, Z. (2008) ‘Harvesting grasshoppers Sphenarium purpurascens in Mexico for human consumption: a comparison with insecticidal control for managing pest outbreaks’, Crop Protection 27(3-5): 473-80 <≯.
Chapman, A.D. (2009) Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World, 2nd edn, Canberra, Australia: Report for the Australian Biological Resources Study.
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (2004) ‘Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, volume 1 - Asia’, in K. Kuster and B. Belcher (eds), Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation, Jakarta, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Central Statistics Office (CSO) (2004) Forestry Statistics, technical report, Gaborone, Botswana: CSO.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1995) ‘Edible insects as minilivestock’, Biodiversity and Conservation 4(3): 306-21.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1997) ‘An overview of the role of edible insects in preserving biodiversity’, Ecology of Food and Nutrition 36(2-4): 109-32.
DeFoliart, G.R. (1999) ‘Insects as food: why the western attitude is important’, Annual Review of Entomology 44: 21-55 <≯.
Department for International Development (DFID) (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), Final Technical Report, London: DFID: 119.
FAVV (2013) ’In de handel brengen van insecten en levensmiddelen op basis van insecten voor humane consumptie’ (Placing on the market of insects and insect-based foods intended for human consumption) [online] Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain <≯ assessed by paul V. on 26 june [accessed 17 june 2014].
Finke, M.D. (2007) ‘Estimate of chitin in raw whole insects’, Zoo Biology 26(2): 105-15 <≯.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2003) State of Forest and Tree Genetic Resources in Dry Zone Southern Africa Development Community Countries [online], Forest Genetic Resources Working Papers, FAO <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO (2009) Bees and their Role in Forest Livelihoods: A Guide to the Services Provided by Bees and the Sustainable Harvesting, Processing and Marketing of their Products [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2011) Forests for Improved Nutrition and Food Security [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2012) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 [pdf] Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations < htm≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) Six-legged Livestock: Edible Insect Farming, Collecting and Marketing in Thailand [online], Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, p. 69 <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013c) The Contribution of Insects to Food Security, Livelihoods and the Environment [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
FAO (2013d) The State of Food Insecurity in the World: The Multiple Dimensions of Food Security [online], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
FAO (2013e) The State of Food and Agriculture: Food Systems for Better Nutrition (SOFA 2013) [pdf], Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations <≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America (FDA) (2011) ‘Defect levels handbook: levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods that present no health hazards for humans’ [web page], FDA≯ [accessed 30 January 2014].
Gatlin, D.M., Burrows, F.T., Bellis, D., Brown, P., Campen, J., Dabrowski, K., Gaylord, T.G., Hardy, R.W., Herman, E., Hu, G., Krogdahl, Å., Nelson, R., Overturf, K., Rust, M., Sealey, W., Skonberg, D., Souza, E., Stone, D., Wilson, R. and Wurtele, E. (2007) ‘Expanding the utilization of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds - a review’, Aquaculture Research 38(6): 551-79 <≯.
Ghazul, J. (2006) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’, in J. Ghazul (ed.), DFID Final Technical Report, p. 119, London: Department for International Development (DFID).
Grabowski, N., Klein, G. and Lopez, A.M. (2013) ‘European and German food legislation facing uncommon foodstuffs’, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 53(8): 787-800 <≯.
Heinrich Böll Foundation (2014) Meat Atlas: Facts and Figures About the Animals We Eat [pdf], Berlin, Germany <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
Hobane, P.A. (1994) The Urban Marketing of the Mopane Worm: The Case of Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe: Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe.
Hölldobler, B. and Wilson, E. (1990) The Ants, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Jongema, Y. (2012) ‘List of edible insect species of the world’ [web page], Wageningen, Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University < list.htm/≯ [accessed 22 May 2014].
Kayikananta, L. (2000) ‘Biological study and rearing techniques on bamboo caterpillar, Omphisa fuscidentalis (Hampson)’, in L. Puangchit, B. Thaiutsa and S. Thamincha (eds), Proceedings of the BAMBOO 2000 International Symposium, 2-4 August 2000, Chang Mai, Thailand, pp. 186-95.
Kozanayi, W. and Frost, P. (2002) Marketing of Mopane Worm in Southern Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Environmental Studies.
Leksawasdi, P. (2010) ‘Compendium of research on selected edible insects in northern Thailand’ in P. Durst, D.V. Johnson, R.N. Leslie and K. Shono (eds), Forest Insects as Food: Humans Bite Back. Proceedings of a 19-21 February 2008 Workshop on Asia-Pacific Resources and their Potential for Development, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp. 183-8 [pdf], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office of Asia-Pacific <≯ [accessed 12 June 2014].
Looy, H., Dunkel, F.V. and Wood J.R. (2014) ‘How then shall we eat? Insect-eating attitudes and sustainable foodways’, Agriculture and Human Values 31(1): 131-41 <≯.
Losey, J.E. and Vaughan, M. (2006) ‘The economic value of ecological services provided by insects’, BioScience 56(4): 311-23, <[311:TEVOES]2.0.CO;2≯.
Makhado, R. and Makhado, P.M. (2009) ‘Are insects valuable? Synopsis of mopane worms’ Non-Wood News 19 (July 2009), p. 6 [pdf] <≯ accessed on 26 june [accessed 18 June 2014].
Makhado, R.A., von Maltitzm, G.P., Potgieter, M. and Wessels, D.C.J. (2009) ‘Contribution of woodland products to rural livelihoods in the Northeast of Limpopo Province, South Africa’, South African Geographical Journal 91(1): 46-53 <≯.
Melo, V., Garcia, M., Sandoval, H., Jimenez, H.D. and Calvo, C. (2011) ‘Quality proteins from edible indigenous insect food of Latin America and Asia’, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 23(3): 283-9.
N’Gasse, G., Moussa, J.-B., Mapunzu, P.M. and Balinga, M.P. (2004) Contribution des chenilles/larves comestibles à la reduction de l’insécurité alimentaire en République centrafricaine (RCA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
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