Food Sovereignty
Towards democracy in localized food systems
Michael Windfuhr, Jennie Jonsén
Food Sovereignty is the new policy framework proposition for the governance of food and agriculture. It embraces policies not only for localising the control of production and markets, but also for the Right to Food, people’s access to and
control over land, water and genetic resources, and for promoting the use of environmentally sustainable approaches to production. It addresses the current problems of hunger and malnutrition, as well as rural poverty, that have become a priority challenge for international policy. The latest FAO figures show the number of chronically hungry in developing countries has been increasing over the last decade at a rate of almost 5 million per year - from 800 million to 852 million. Yet the rules that govern food and agriculture at all levels - local, national and international - are designed a priori to facilitate not local production and consumption, but international trade.
In this Practical Action Working Paper , Michael Windfuhr shows how the Food Sovereignty policy framework has developed to address this dilemma, what the basic assumptions are, analyses how Food Sovereignty relates to the current
problems in rural and agricultural policies and discusses possible policy constraints to its adoption. What emerges is a persuasive and highly political argument for refocusing the control of food production and consumption within democratic processes rooted in localized food systems.
Published: 2005
Pages: 64
eBook: 9781780441160
Paperback: 9781853396106
control over land, water and genetic resources, and for promoting the use of environmentally sustainable approaches to production. It addresses the current problems of hunger and malnutrition, as well as rural poverty, that have become a priority challenge for international policy. The latest FAO figures show the number of chronically hungry in developing countries has been increasing over the last decade at a rate of almost 5 million per year - from 800 million to 852 million. Yet the rules that govern food and agriculture at all levels - local, national and international - are designed a priori to facilitate not local production and consumption, but international trade.
In this Practical Action Working Paper , Michael Windfuhr shows how the Food Sovereignty policy framework has developed to address this dilemma, what the basic assumptions are, analyses how Food Sovereignty relates to the current
problems in rural and agricultural policies and discusses possible policy constraints to its adoption. What emerges is a persuasive and highly political argument for refocusing the control of food production and consumption within democratic processes rooted in localized food systems.
Prelims (Contents, Preface, Acknowledgements, Acronyms, Executive Summary) | |||
1 Context: Poverty, hunger and malnutrition | |||
2 Core elements of Food Sovereignty | |||
3 Comparison of Food Sovereignty with food security and the Right to Food | |||
4 Potential for Food Sovereignty policies to eradicate poverty and hunger and to provide sustainable livelihoods | |||
5 Analysis of constraints to the adoption and implementation of Food Sovereignty policies | |||
6 Extent of recognition of Food Sovereignty by governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society organizations and social movements | |||
7 Current relevance of Food Sovereignty |
Michael Windfuhr
Michael Windfuhr is Secretary General of FIAN-International. He began working for FIAN in 1988, and during the 1990s worked at FIAN part-time while co-ordinating a research project at IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) , teaching at the University of Heidelberg (1993–95), and lecturing at Heidelberg’s Institute for Political Science (1995–2000). Michael has published articles in scientific journals and newspapers, and several books on international economics.
Jennie Jonsén
Jennie Jonsén is a political scientist, educated at the University of Umeå, Sweden. She works as policy researcher in the International Secretariat of FIAN-International.
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