Farmer First Revisited
Innovation for agricultural research and development
Agriculture is an urgent global priority and farmers find themselves in the front line of some of the world's most pressing issues- climate change, globalization and food security. Twenty years ago, the Farmer First workshop held at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK, launched a movement to encourage farmer participation in agricultural research and development (R & D), responding to farmers' needs in complex, diverse, risk-prone environments, and promoting sustainable livelihoods and agriculture. Since that time, methodological, institutional and policy experiments have unfolded around the world. Farmer First Revisited returns to the debates about farmer participation in agricultural R & D and looks to the future.The book presents a range of experiences that highlight the importance of going beyond a focus on the farm to a wider innovation system, including market interactions as well as the wider institutional and policy environment. If, however, farmers are really to be put first, a politics of demand is required in order to shape the direction of these innovative systems.
Series: Farmer First
Published: 2009
Pages: 384
eBook: 9781780440156
Paperback: 9781853396823
Prelims (Foreword - Robert Chambers) | |||
Part I: Revisiting Farmer First | |||
Farmer First revisited: innovation for agricultural research and development | |||
Ian Scoones and John Thompson | |||
Challenges to strenghtening agricultural innovation systems: where do we go from here? | |||
Andy Hall | |||
Fostering Farmer First methodological innovation: organizational learning and change in international agricultural research | |||
Jacqueline A. Ashby | |||
Part II: Systems of innovation | |||
Developing seed systems in Africa | |||
Jean Claude Rubyogoand Louise Sperling | |||
Client-oriented breeding and seed supply | |||
John Witcombe, Krishna Devkota, Daljit Virk, Krishna Rawal, Satish Prasad, Vikas Kumar and Krishna Joshi | |||
Learning from experience: potato innovation systems and participatory research | |||
Oscar Ortiz, Ricardo Orrego, Willy Pradel, Peter Gildermacher, Renee Castillo, Ronal Otiniano, Julio Gabriel, Juan Vallejo, Omar Torres, | |||
Part III: The politics of demand and organizational change | |||
Part IV: New professionalism, learning and change | |||
Part V: Looking forward | |||
Back Matter (Appendix 1: List of participants and contributors, References, Index) |
‘Farmer First Revisited is a powerful testament to the impact the Farmer First approach to agricultural research and development has had and continues to have in the 20 years since the first volume on this topic was published. From an almost subversive critical movement that challenged the prevailing linear science-driven paradigm, Farmer First has won broad acceptance by rigorously proving its superior efficiency in making science
work for the poorest and most marginal farmers. It is indeed a pleasure to see how the established and dedicated practitioners, together with a new generation of committed young scientists, have built upon the original concepts and methods to create this dynamic, exciting and effective corpus of work.’
Joachim Voss, Independent Consultant, formerly Director General, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali, Colombia.
‘A brilliant account of why we need to continue questioning conventional assumptions about agriculture, and why multiple knowledges and sources of innovation are more important than ever.’
Judi Wakhungu, Executive Director, African Centre for Technology Studies, Nairobi, Kenya and co-chair International Assessment of Agricultural Science, Knowledge and Technology for Development.
‘Farmer First Revisited is a timely publication. I hope that this book will be read and used widely for fostering an evergreen revolution in our farms.’
M.S. Swaminathan, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Chairman, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India.
‘Twenty years on and the concept and practice of Farmer First remain powerful and compelling and even more relevant in today’s world.’
Gordon Conway, Chief Scientific Adviser, UK Department for International Development and Professor of International Development, Imperial College, London.
‘Farmer First Revisited shows why farmers need the power, organization and knowledge to engage with science, policy and private sector actors to get their priorities addressed. A timely statement of what, why and how.’
Camilla Toulmin, Director, International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK.
‘Farmer First Revisited is an important contribution to our understanding of farmer participation and innovation systems in agriculture research and development. It offers excellent cases and practical experiences of great value to agricultural R&D practitioners, as well as to general on-farm and farmer-oriented research scientists. I strongly recommend it.’
Kwesi Attah-Krah, Deputy Director General, Bioversity International, Rome, Italy.
‘First there was Farmer First – followed by a critical assessment in Beyond Farmer First. Since all good things come in threes, Farmer First Revisited is a necessary addition to the series. Seldom have readers had the opportunity to get a clearer view of the development of agrarian development thinking. This book proves the Farmer First movement – and the inspiration behind it – is alive and kicking.’
Louk de la Rive Box, Rector, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands.
Ian Scoones Ian Scoones is co-director of the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex and joint convenor of the IDS-hosted Future Agricultures Consortium. He is an agricultural ecologist whose interdisciplinary research links the natural and social sciences.
John Thompson John Thompson is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
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