Earth Construction
A comprehensive guide
A comprehensive and illustrated handbook which will be essential reading for anyone involved in construction. Earth is extremely versatile and cheap but users must have a proper knowledge of its real potential in order to use it to its best effect. There are virtually no limitations on the use of the material, if users are aware of how to profit from the wide range of its qualities and ameliorate its defects.
This book is intended to serve as a practical manual and teaching handbook. It is aimed as all persons involved in earth construction projects: decision makers and planners, building inspectors, architects and engineers, technicians of all levels, building promoters, bricklayers, and sub-contractors.
Published: 1994
Pages: 376
eBook: 9781780444826
Paperback: 9781853391934
This book is intended to serve as a practical manual and teaching handbook. It is aimed as all persons involved in earth construction projects: decision makers and planners, building inspectors, architects and engineers, technicians of all levels, building promoters, bricklayers, and sub-contractors.
FOREWORD ix | |||
by Jan Pronk, Minister for Development Co-operation, The Netherlands | |||
Introduction to small-scale energy technologies 1 | |||
by Peter Fraenkel | |||
Socio-economic considerations 11 | |||
by Wim Hulscher | |||
1 Solar power | |||
Introduction by Anthony Derrick, Roy Barlow and Modibo Dicko 23 | |||
Photovoltaic equipment 40 | |||
2 Wind power | |||
Introduction by Frank Goezinne, Dick Veldkamp, | |||
Alvaro Pinilla and Robert W. Todd 73 | |||
Wind pumps 86 | |||
Wind generators 102 | |||
3 Water power | |||
Introduction by Andy Brown and Bikash Pandey 123 | |||
Water turbines 137 | |||
Hydraulic ram pumps 172 | |||
4 Biomass energy technologies | |||
Introduction by Joy Clancy, Hajo Brandt and P.D. Grower 175 | |||
Pre-treatment equipment 204 | |||
Briquetting equipment 207 | |||
Gasifiers 235 | |||
Combustion equipment 213 | |||
Steam turbines 219 | |||
5 Internal combustion engines | |||
by Joy Clancy and Kamal Siddiqui 239 | |||
INDEX 275 |
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