Double Standards, Single Purpose
Reforming housing regulations to reduce poverty
For the majority of the urban poor in developing countries, European standards for housing and infrastructure are inappropriate and unaffordable. But what is the alternative? This was the issue addressed by an international research project within ITDGs Shelter Programme, of which this book is the major output. This book provides development workers, planners and decision makers with information and advice on the revision of housing standards at the national, local or project level. The shelter context is described, the particular place of standards, regulations and procedures, as well as current thinking and approaches to their revision. These chapters are based on an international literature survey as well as case studies in a dozen developing countries. The recent revisions of housing standards in Kenya and Zimbabwe are explored in more detail, their origin, the participants involved, their relevance to low-income residents, their impact as well as lessons learned for future reviews. Overriding issues are covered, such as informal enforcement, which emerge from work with low-income residents, the case studies and the literature reviews. Finally, how to get future standards right is examined.
Published: 2001
Pages: 192
eBook: 9781780443171
Paperback: 9781853395253
9781780443171.000 |
Saad Yahya
Saad Yahya currently hold the positon of Principle Partner at Saad Yahya & associates. He was a professor at University of Nairobi for 42 years. He was a visiting professor at LSE in 2010.
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