Disappearing Peasantries?
Rural labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Deborah Bryceson, Christobal Kay, Jos Mooij
This book points out how peasant labour redundancy can undermine rural welfare and political stability, and why academics and policy-makers of the twenty-first century cannot ignore the world's disappearing peasantries without endangering sustainable development and international security. The editors combine rural research with a new analytical perspective on major peasant and agrarian development debates, and provide an insight into peasant studies and the western biases that have permeated it. The rich case study material from all three continents illustrates the pressures and opportunities that have befallen peasants, leading them to 'diversify' into a number of occupations and non-agricultural income-earning avenues. The relationship of peasants to the land has changed; and the factors influencing this are discussed. These include multi-occupational livelihoods, intensified labour mobility and flexibility, straddled urban and rural residences, and flooded labour markets. The state and market influences on the rural family and village community are also examined.
Published: 2000
Pages: 344
eBook: 9781780440118
Paperback: 9781853394775
Foreword | |||
Introduction | |||
Chapter 1. Peasant Theories and Smallholder Policies. Past and Present. | |||
Chapter 2. African Peasants' Centrality and Marginality. Rural Labour Transformations | |||
Chapter 3. Modernization and Adjustment in African Peasant Agriculture | |||
Chapter 4. Veiled Conflicts: Peasant Differentiation, Gender and Structural Adjustment in Nigerian Hausaland | |||
Chapter 5. The Politics of Peasant Ethnic Communities and Urban Civil Society: Reflections of an African Dilemma | |||
Chapter 6. Peasant Wars in Africa: Gone With the Wind. | |||
Chapter 7. Latin America's Agrarian Transformation: Peasantisation and Proletarianisation | |||
Chapter 8. Towards a Reconstruction of Cuba's Agrarian Transformation: Peasantisation, Depeasantisation and Repeasantisation | |||
Chapter 9. The Mexican Peasantry and the Ejido in the Neo-Liberal Period | |||
Chapter 10. Global-Local Links in Latin America's New Ruralities | |||
Chapter 11. Structural Adjustment, Peasant Differentiation and the Environment in Central America. | |||
Chapter 12. Changing Peasantries in Asia | |||
Chapter 13. Labour and Landlessness in South and Southeast Asia | |||
Chapter 14. Women Workers in Bonded Labour in Rural Industry in South India: Responsibility without Rights | |||
Chapter 15. The Fate of the Chinese Peasantry since 1978 | |||
Chapter 16. Japan's New Peasants John Knight. | |||
Conclusions. | |||
Chapter 17: Disappearing Peasantries? Rural Labour Redundancy in the Neo-Liberal |
Deborah Bryceson Deborah Bryceson is Reader in Urban Studies, Department of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow.
Christobal Kay Cristobal Kay is an associate professor at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Jos Mooij Jos Mooij is a lecturer at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands.
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