Developing Technologies for the Rural Poor
This selective review looks at case studies where NGOs have been involved in rural/agricultural technology programmes directed at the rural poor, and attempts to identify those common features which characterize the agencies that have met with success. (Published in the ITDG Occasional Paper series).
Published: 1984
Pages: 122
eBook: 9781780441986
Paperback: 9781853393655
Stephen Biggs
Stephen Biggs retired from DEV in 2004 but has continued researching fair trade, rural poverty reduction, rural mechanization, employment and energy policy, and science and technology policy. Most of his research and professional interests have been concerned with rural poverty reduction in Nepal, Bangladesh and India. Currently, he is working with colleagues on rural poverty, mechanization, employment and energy policy in South Asia.
Ruth Alsop
Ruth Alsop has worked as a rural sociologist in South and East Asia, and in East Africa. After completing her doctoral research, her career in development began with British NGOs. Since then she has worked as a Research Fellow at the University of East Anglia, for the Ford Foundation, the International Food Policy Research Institute and the World Bank.
A farming systems approach: Some unanswered questions
Biggs, Stephen D.
Agricultural Administration, Vol. 18 (1985), Iss. 1 P.1
https://doi.org/10.1016/0309-586X(85)90037-8 [Citations: 18]Rural mechanisation: a review of processes, policies, practice and literature
Gass, G. M.
Biggs, Stephen D.
Project Appraisal, Vol. 8 (1993), Iss. 3 P.157
https://doi.org/10.1080/02688867.1993.9726905 [Citations: 9]