Myth of Community
Gender issues in participatory development
The Myth of Community critically assesses how women can be involved more appropriately and equally in participatory approaches and how gender issues can be tackled more meaningfully. Containing a rich array of contributions from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, this book provides a variety of viewpoints and perspectives from those most closely involved in participatory approaches to development. This is essential reading for anyone involved in participatory practices in the development sector. Published in the Participation in Development series.
Published: 1998
Pages: 308
eBook: 9781780440309
Paperback: 9781853394218
Acknowledgements | |||
Author Profiles | |||
Foreword Robert Chambers | |||
1. Waking up to power, conflict and process | |||
PART 1 Theoretical Reflections | |||
PART 2 Sharing Experiences in Research and Action | |||
PART 3 Institutional Processes | |||
Notes | |||
Index |
Irene Guijt Irene Guijt is an independent consultant, Visiting Fellow at the Department of Forestry at ANU, Research Associate for the International Institute for Environment and Development in London and Research Associate for Overseas Development Institute.
Meera Kaul Shah Meera Kaul Shah has degrees in economics, rural management, and gender and development. She has been working in the development field for 17 years supporting various NGOs and government agencies globally.
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Eliminating Child Labour in Rural Areas: Limits of Community-Based Approaches in South-Western Côte d’Ivoire
Babo, Alfred
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91177-9_5 [Citations: 4]Empowerment, participation and social work
Empowering communities and political systems
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https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-137-05053-3_8 [Citations: 0]