Bibliographies, catalogues
Ethnoveterinary Medicine
This volume contains some 700 abstracts from around the world relating to peoples animal healthcare, otherwise known as ethnoveterinary medicine. Each abstract, many of the substantial, contains where possible detail of the livestocks disease, the name of the treatment, its method of preparation and...
An Annotated Bibliography on Rural Transport
Rural transport in developing countries has received increasing attention in development policy, and research and field experience has generated a number of books, articles and documents from organizations working in a variety of locations throughout the developing world. The International Forum for...
A Bibliographical Survey of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations
In many countries in Africa and Asia, rotating savings and credit associations underpin much of the economy. This survey covers the wide range of literature on these associations. Published with Centre for Cross-Cultural Research on Women.
Technical Principles of Building for Safety
Andrew Coburn, Richard Hughes, Antonios Pomonis, Robin Spence
This book describes principles and construction techniques for builders, householders and communities who are building in hazard-prone areas. The principles are clearly and simply presented- and in a form which can be adapted for use in training or public information campaigns - with an emphasis on...
Building For Safety Compendium
Compendium of key publications, organizations, information sources and funding agencies for building improvement programmes. Over 100 selected publications and institutions.
Services for the Urban Poor
Richard Franceys, Andrew Cotton
The result of a review of the literature on infrastructure design for urban low-income housing. Covers infrastructure planning; site preparation; drainage; roads and access; water supply; power supply; sanitation; solid waste management.
Animal Draught Technology
An important and useful guide to the widely scattered literature on a subject of increasing importance - over 300 annotated items.
Auxiliaries in Primary Health Care
This sourcebook lists a wide variety of material used in training auxiliaries in different levels, and is a vital work for health planners and health workers in developing countries. Includes textbooks, course descriptions, and visual aids.