Latin America - Culture and Politics
Promised Land
Jenny Pearce crossed the front line in El Salvador to collect oral histories from the people living under bombardment in Chalatenango, an area controlled by the FMLN guerillas. Promised Land traces how, despite 50 years of systematic and brutal repression, the peasants began to organize themselves....
Whose Gold?
An examination of the banana trade from planting in the Eastern Caribbean to purchase in Britain, raising questions concerning trade between countries in the South and the North. Using personal experiences and case studies, it encourages pupils to see the implications of their own consumption.
Fight for the Forest 1st Edition
"They would have to kill us all to destroy our movement and they can't. I don't get that cold feeling anymore. I am no longer afraid of dying."-Chico Mendes, November 1988 Chico Mendes, the charismatic founder of the Brazilian rubber tappers union, was murdered by a hired assassin on 22 December 198...
The Poor And The Powerless
Foreign interests have dominated the economic development of the Caribbean since the first arrival of Europeans in the region five centuries ago. From the plantation system and slavery to the exploitation of oil and bauxite by the multinational corporations, the history of the Caribbeau people is o...
Green Gold
Green Gold looks at the history and future prospects for the banana industry in four Caribbean islands: Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia and St Vincent. It focuses on conditions for the small farmers and includes a study of Geest PLC, the company solely responsible for distributing Windward bananas in Br...
Guatemala: False Hope, False Freedom
After the installation of a civilian government in 1986, many Guatemalans hopes for a sharp break with the poverty and repression of the past. This updated edition examines the first half of Christian Democrat President Vinicio Cerezo's five-year term in office.
Soft Drink, Hard Labour
Mike Gatehouse, Miguel-Angel Reyes
For nine years the 450 workers at the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Guatemala City fought a battle with their employers for their jobs, trade union and lives. Three times they occupied the plant - on the last occasion for thirteen months. Three General Secretaries of their union were murdered and five...
Peru: Paths to Poverty
Peru has changed dramatically over the last twenty years. Industrialisation has further marginalised the Andean peasantry from national life but provided minimal gains for the millions of newly-urbanised poor. The country's economy, historically disadvantaged in the world market, has entered into a...
Fitzroy Ambursley, James Dunkerley
The US invasion of Grenada in October 1983 was a flagrant and direct violation of international law. The Reagan government's determination to suppress the Grenadian people's right to sovereignty and the shallowness of its justification for this position indicate a preparedness to escalate further vi...
Guyana: Fraudulent Revolution
Guyana is on the verge of economic collapse and a profound social crisis. The socialist rhetoric of President Forbes Burnham's regime contrasts strikingly with the ugly details of his personalist and authoritarian rule. Burnham supports progressive third world views internationally, yet his party is...