NGO Management and Advocacy
NGOs, Civil Society and the State
Support for civil society has become a major concern for development agencies since the early 1990s. However, there has been some confusion about the role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) on civil society. Sometimes, the funding of NGOs has simply been rephrased as support for civil society....
NGOs and Governments
One of the key determinants of NGOs' contribution to development in general - and in articulating the concerns of the poor in particular - is their relationship with the state. NGOs have grown enormously in numbers over the past 20 years and have an ever-widening scope of work, to the extent that th...
NGO Coordination at Field Level
The results of studying a number of co-ordination bodies worldwide are distilled here into suggestions for setting up a field-based NGO co-ordination mechanism. The handbook provides chapters on getting started, the first year, expanding and consolidating, financial security, regional and internatio...
Direct Funding from a Southern Perspective
A number of studies have looked at the direct funding of southern NGOs by official governmental agencies. However, few have done so from a southern perspectives. The basis of Direct Funding from a Southern Perspective are the case studies of developing countries carried out by southern researchers a...
Strengthening the Capacity of NGOs
A growing proportion of overseas aid resources is flowing through indigenous NGOs in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Concerns about the capacity and performance of many Southern NGOs are leading Northern NGOs and official donors to seek ways of strengthening their partners that extend beyond technic...
A Basic Guide to Evaluation for Development Workers
Focuses on the principles underlying evaluation, and deals with issues to be considered at the planning stage, the steps involved in carrying out evaluations and the importance of involving people in the evaluation process throughout.
Grassroot Horizons
Richard Morse, Anisur Rahman, Kersten L Johnson
Grassroot activists and researchers build on their varied personal experiences to clarify and strengthen the effectiveness of participatory group action in overcoming impoverishment, oppression and exclusion.
Governance, Democracy and Conditionality
Governance, Democracy and Conditionality is based on the proceedings of the international INTRAC workshop on 'Governance, Democracy, and Conditionality: What Role for NGOs?' which was held in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, from 4-6 June 1993. INTRAC organised the Amersfoort workshop in order to explor...
Measuring the Process
David Marsden, Peter Oakley, Brian Pratt
Based on an international workshop which brought together both practitioners and academics, Measuring the Process is a unique attempt to set out guidelines for evaluating social development processes. It is intended primarily as a practical guide for undertaking the evaluation of social development...
Institutional Development and NGOs in Africa
Alan Fowler, Piers Cambell, Brian Pratt
Institutional Development is recognized as an important element in projects and programmes dedicated to the sustainable alleviation of poverty, the promotion of gender equity, and achieving social justice for marginalized populations. Commissioned by the Netherlands Organization for International De...