Climate change
Uncertain Futures
Community-based adaptation is a new concept whose meaning is still to be fully understood. Most agree that communities should be supported to respond to the challenges they face, and some see this as the goal of community-based adaptation. By contrast, Uncertain Futures proposes that community-based...
More People, More Trees
Over 20 years ago, concerned famers’ groups in Kenya and Burkina Faso began to adopt new measures to conserve soil and water and to re-establish trees in their fields. Two videos, Looking after our Land and Building on Traditions, recorded the new participatory approaches for land conservation being...
Climate Change and Gender Justice
Climate change is often framed as a problem that needs mainly technical and economic solutions. Climate Change and Gender Justice considers how gender issues are entwined with people’s vulnerability to the effects of climate change, and how gender identities and roles may affect women’s and men’s pe...
Understanding Climate Change Adaptation
Poor people bear the brunt of climate change since they live in those regions most affected by fluctuating temperatures, sea level rise, flooding and drought. Far from behaving as victims, however, they use the assets and resources at their disposal to adapt and survive. How can agencies assist loca...
Just One Planet
The impacts of climate change are being felt all around the world and as they become more damaging and widespread, it is the 2.7 billion people in the world who live on less than $2 a day who will be hit first and hardest. The carbon emissions fuelling the lifestyles of people in the North are causi...
The Charcoal Dilemma
This book examines the history of charcoal production and its chief industrial applications - pig-iron and steel making. It argues for the need for economic and environmental sustainability as the means to ensure the future of the industry. Brazil faces serious socio-economic, environmental and fina...
Under The Eagle 2nd Edition
The Caribbean basin is one of the most volatile areas of the world today. Since the last century the United States has maintained its supremacy in the region through direct and indirect military intervention, alliances with local oligarchies and economic domination. The poverty, repression and under...
Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps
Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps contains twenty one versions of the chain and washer water lifting device, displayed at the 1958 Peking Agricultural Exhibition, China. Each version of the pump was designed and built by separate communes, using local materials, skills and tools.
Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps
Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps contains twenty one versions of the chain and washer water lifting device, displayed at the 1958 Peking Agricultural Exhibition, China. Each version of the pump was designed and built by separate communes, using local materials, skills and tools.