Climate Change and Gender Justice
Climate change is often framed as a problem that needs mainly technical and economic solutions. Climate Change and Gender Justice considers how gender issues are entwined with people’s vulnerability to the effects of climate change, and how gender identities and roles may affect women’s and men’s perceptions of the changes. The vivid case studies in this book show how women and men in developing countries are experiencing climate change and describe their efforts to adapt their ways of making a living to ensure survival, often against extraordinary odds. Contributors also examine how gender-equality concerns should be integrated into international negotiations and agreements on climate change mitigation and adaptation to ensure that new policies do not disadvantage poor women, but rather deliver them some benefits. ‘No climate justice without gender justice’; the rallying call by lobbyists at the 2007 UN Climate Change Conference in Bali continues to resonate as international negotiations on how to tackle and adapt to climate change become more urgent.
Series: Working in Gender & Development
Published: 2009
Pages: 224
eBook: 9781780440088
Paperback: 9781853396939
Introduction Geraldine Terry | |||
Gender and climate hazards in Bangladesh Terry Cannon Reducing risk and vulnerability to climate change in India: the capabilities approach Marlene Roy and Henry David Venema Gendering responses to El Nino in rural Peru Rosa Rivero Reyes Engendering adaptation to climate variability in Gujarat, India Sara Ahmed and Elizabeth Fajber | |||
Resilience, power, culture, and climate: a case study from semi-arid Tanzania Valerie Nelson and Tanya Stathers | |||
Gender, water, and climate change in Sonora, Mexico: implications for policies and programmes on agricultural income-generation Stephanie Buechler | |||
Building gendered approaches to adaptation in the Pacific Ruth Lane and Rebecca McNaught | |||
The Noel Kempff project in Bolivia: gender, power, and decision-making in climate mitigation Emily Boyd | |||
Climate change and sustainable technology: re-linking poverty, gender, and governance Sam Wong | |||
The bio-fuel frenzy: what options for rural women? Nidhi Tandon Women’s rights and climate change: using video as a tool for empowerment in Nepal Marion Khamis, Tamara Plush, and Carmen Sepulveda Zelaya | |||
Engendering the climate-change negotiations Minu Hemmati and Ulrike Rohr | |||
Conclusion Geraldine Terry | |||
Resources Liz Cooke, Geraldine Terry and Sally King | |||
Index |
Geraldine Terry Geraldine Terry is researching gendered responses to climate impact in Uganda. She is based at the School of Development Studies at the University of East Anglia and is affiliated to the Tyndall Centre for Research on Climate Change and the Makerere Institute of Social Research, Kampala. She is the author of Women’s Rights, published by Pluto Press.
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