Development studies
A Bucket of Water
The Sustainable Development Goals, which were adopted by 193 countries in 2015, set clear targets for ending hunger and undernutrition, as well as tackling poverty, inequality and the impact of climate change, by the year 2030. The vision they represent is an inclusive one, in which no one is left b...
Technology Justice and Faecal Sludge Management
While globally rates of access to improved sanitation remain woefully low, Bangladesh stands out as a country that has made remarkable progress in eliminating the scourge of open defecation. However, across the country’s growing urban centres, this success has created a so-called ‘second-generation’...
Panorama energético de los pobres 2016
¿Qué necesidades energéticas señalan los pobres de los países en desarrollo como las más acuciantes? ¿Iluminación eléctrica? ¿Cocinas no contaminantes y modernas? ¿Energía para los centros de salud? Aprovechando la información obtenida en las exhaustivas consultas realizadas a las comunidades que vi...
Perspectives énergétiques des populations pauvres 2016
Si on donnait la parole aux populations pauvres des pays en développement, quels besoins en matière d’énergie identifieraient-elles comme les plus urgents ? L’éclairage électrique ? Des fourneaux de cuisine propres et modernes ? De l’électricité pour les cliniques médicales ? En s’appuyant sur une c...
Managing Humanitarian Relief 2nd Edition
Armed conflicts, natural disasters and environmental degradation result in human misery, and the common response is to want to help. Responding effectively to humanitarian disasters is far from straightforward, however, and relief workers often find themselves in a world of uncoordinated, highly com...
Urban Governance in the Realm of Complexity
Meine Pieter van Dijk, Jurian Edelenbos, Kees van Rooijen
The challenge in the face of growing urban complexity is to foster new forms of urban governance through collective action, urban governance networks, and new forms of multi-level governance. New approaches to urban governance are arising to stand alongside technical or management solutions. Governa...
Volunteer Voices
Do you want to want to spend time on the other side of the world, seeing how people in developing countries live, and doing something to ‘make a difference’? Do you want to get first-hand experience of grassroots development as you start a career in international development? Volunteer Voices is a g...
Argentina under the Kirchners
In 2003 Néstor Kirchner took power in a country still reeling from financial meltdown. He set out to reverse the extreme neo-liberal policies of the 1990s, and ruled through heady years of unprecedented economic growth. Néstor was one half of a political couple -- his wife Cristina Fernández de...
Smoke Free Nepal
Traditional cooking fires are still used in more than half the households in Nepal. But they are a silent killer, with their smoky fumes responsible for the deaths of nearly 23,000 people every year. The Government of Nepal was one of the first to recognize this problem and has a target to eradicate...
Measuring Energy Access in India
This briefing paper reports on the largest energy access survey ever conducted in India, covering a representative sample of the rural poor across six states with interviews in 8,566 households. It adapts the World Bank’s multi-tier framework to measure access to household electricity and clean cook...