Social discrimination & equal treatment
Gender Perspectives on Property and Inheritance
Legal and customary arrangements and practices govern women's rights to resources, such as land and housing. This book highlights women's unequal position in formal and customary laws and practices and the way in which gender relations affect men’s and women's access to property through inheritance....
Gender and Lifecycles
This book links gender issues to the life-courses of women and men. Gender-based discrimination is experienced differently according to age, generation, and status in the family. In particular, female children and elderly women perform an enormous amount of the world’s work. endure appalling abuse o...
Gender and Disability
Women with disabilities face a double discrimination, both in terms of gender and also of their particular disability. This book examines the situation of women with various types of disability, in the Middle Eastern context. It provides a general overview of gender and disability and includes sever...
Questioning Empowerment
Focusing on the term empowerment this book examines the various meanings given to the concept of empowerment and the many ways power can be expressed - in personal relationships and in wider social interactions.
Women, Employment and Exclusion
Considering various types of finance schemes, this text compares the effectiveness of various approaches in aiding poverty reduction. The provision of credit and other financial services has become increasingly seen as the answer to the problem facing poor people. Microfinance interventions have the...