Warfare & defence
A Safer Future
A Safer Future draws on Oxfam's experience of working with communities caught up in armed conflict in many countries around the world and makes recommendations for urgent action by governments that would reduce the risk of war and protect civilian lives. It looks specifically at changes in internati...
Development in States of War
In this collection Alex de Waal focuses on famine as a tool for violating human rights, while Francisco Alvarez Solis and Pauline Martin, writing about El Salvador, show how civilian organisations mobilised for peace in the midst of war. Lucy Bonnerjea addresses the needs of children who become sepa...
Development in Conflict
Judy El Bushra, Eugenia Piza-Lopez
This report arose out of a workshop held in Thailand in February 1993, which included participants from Oxfam UK and Ireland, from the Gender and Development Unit, staff in Asia and the Middle East and from sister organizations. The report aims to present the discussions at the workshop in a form wh...
Women and Conflict
In situations of war or violent conflict, all civilians suffer. However, there are many specific, gender-related human rights issues which organizations involved in relief, development, and emergency work in conflict situations need to address. This book concentrates on gender issues in situations o...
War and Famine in Africa
This study shows how internal wars are fought on a terrain of semi-subsistence economies, with the result that the traditional strategies of coping with famine are destroyed. Up to half all the people who suffer from food insecurity in Africa have been affected by war. Local conflict is a long-term...