Development in States of War
In this collection Alex de Waal focuses on famine as a tool for violating human rights, while Francisco Alvarez Solis and Pauline Martin, writing about El Salvador, show how civilian organisations mobilised for peace in the midst of war. Lucy Bonnerjea addresses the needs of children who become separated from their families, and Hans Buwalda describes work in the Philippines that helps children come to terms with their suffering. Derek Summerfield offers guidance on policy and practise to NGO's involved in conflict-related emergencies.
Published: 1996
Pages: 112
eBook: 9780855986995
Paperback: 9780855983444
Preface Deborah Eade | |||
1. In the line of fire:development in conflict Stephen Commins Operationality in turbulance: the need for a change | |||
Chris Roche | |||
2. Breaking the cycle of violence:doing development in situations of conflict | |||
Linda Agerbak | |||
3. Famine and human rights | |||
Alex de Waal | |||
4. 'Dancing with the prince': NGOs' survival strategies in the Afghan conflict | |||
Jonathan Goodhand and Peter Chamberlain | |||
5. The role of Salvadorean NGOs in post-war recontruction | |||
Francisco Alvarez Solis and Pauline Martin | |||
6. Children of war in the Philippines H'ans Buwalda Training indigenous workers in menta-health care | |||
Jane Shackman and Jill Reynolds | |||
7. The United Nations speaks out on forced evictions | |||
Miloon Kothari | |||
8. Assisting survivors of war and atrocity: notes on 'psycho-social' issues for NGO workers | |||
Derek Summerfield | |||
9. Supporting eductaion in emergencies: a case study from southern Sudan | |||
Alison Joyner | |||
10. Family tracing - in whose interest? | |||
Lucy Bonnerjea | |||
Annotated bibliography | |||
Research projects and relevant organisations | |||
Addresses of publishers and other organisations |
Deborah Eade Deborah Eade was Editor-in-Chief of Development in Practice from 1991 to 2010, prior to which she worked for 10 years in Latin America. She is now an independent writer on development and humanitarian issues, based near Geneva.
Stephen Commins At UCLA, Dr. Commins teaches courses in regional and international development, and the role of Non-Governmental Organizations. His current courses are on urbanization in developing countries, NGOs, and disaster management.
Violence, kinship networks, and political resilience
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