The future of smallholders in Latin America: land, food, livelihoods, and the growth of monoculture
Greater investment in agriculture is needed to reduce rural poverty and improve food security; but how investment is made, its context and conditions, is at least as important as how much is invested. This paper presents three case studies of large-scale agricultural investment in Paraguay, Guatemala, and Colombia and shows how monoculture expansion is displacing communities, undermining smallholder livelihoods, and worsening local food security. In some cases displacement is a direct result, when companies acquire land from smallholders. In others it is indirect, when smallholders next to plantations are unable to coexist with the health and environmental problems caused by the intensive use of agrochemicals. Cases also showed how large-scale monoculture expansion is competing for land with small-scale basic food production; thus, households which used to be self-sufficient in food now rely on local markets. Even when companies claim to operate responsibly, their business model determines who bears the risks, who has access to capital, and where market power lies. Responsibility should mean benefits and costs are fairly distributed and all rights upheld, including land rights. Private agricultural investment is needed, but it should complement rather than undermine smallholders, who are the main investors in agriculture.Alcaraz, G. (2013) From Promises to Priorities: Putting Small-scale Family Producers at the Centre of a Fair Food Production System in Latin America and the Caribbean [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, 23 July 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Anseeuw, W., Alden Wiley, L., Cotula, L. and Taylor, M. (2012) Land Rights and the Rush for Land: Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Research Project, Rome: Land Coalition.
Benítez-Leite, S., Macchi, M.L. and Acosta, M. (2009) ‘Malformaciones congénitas asociadas a agrotóxicos’, Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay 80(3): 237-47 <≯.
Berdegué, J.A. and Fuentealba, R. (2011) ‘Latin America: the state of smallholders in agriculture’, paper presented at the IFAD Conference on New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture, 24-25 January 2011, Rome.
Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA (2011) Centroamérica: ¿Mercados o naciones? Impactos del DR-CAFTA en la región a cinco años de vigencia, Guatemala City: Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA .
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) (2013) Terms of Reference to Develop Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment [pdf], October 2012, CFS <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Consan (2011) Strategic Plan for Food and Nutrition Security (PESAN) 2012-2016, Guatemala City, Guatemala: Government of Guatemala.
Cotula, L., Vermeulen, S., Leonard, R. and Keeley, J. (2009) Land Grab or Development Opportunity? Agricultural Investment and International Land Deals in Africa, Rome: FAO, IFAD; London: IIED.
De Ferranti, D., Perry, G.E., Lederman, D., Foster, W. and Valdes, A. (2005) Beyond the City: The Rural Contribution to Development, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Deininger, K., Byerlee, D., Lindsay, J., Norton, A., Selod, H. and Stickler, M. (2011) Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?, Washington, DC: World Bank.
De Lapérouse, P. (2012) Case Studies on Private Investment in Farmland and Agricultural Infrastructure, Topsfield, MA: HighQuest Partners.
European Commission (2013) Paraguay Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013, Brussels: EC.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2011) Concentración y Extranjerización de la tierra en América Latina, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2012) The State of Food and Agriculture 2012: Investing in Agriculture for a Better Future, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Fan, S. and Rao, N. (2008) ‘Public investment, growth and rural poverty’, in S. Fan (ed.), Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Geary, K. (2012) ‘Our Land, Our Lives’: Time Out on the Global Land Rush [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, October 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
General Directorate of Statistics, Surveys and Census of Paraguay (2011) Permanent Household Survey 2011, Fernando de la Mora: DGEEC.
Government of Colombia (1994) Act 160 of 1994, Bogota, Colombia: Government of Colombia. Guereña, A. (2013) The Soy Mirage: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of the Company Desarrollo Agrícola del Paraguay [online], Oxfam Research Report, August 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Guereña, A. and Zepeda, R. (2013) The Power of Oil Palm: Land Grabbing and Impacts Associated with the Expansion of Oil Palm Crops in Guatemala: The Case of the Palmas del Ixcan Company [online], Oxfam America Research Backgrounder <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Günberg, J., Grandia, L. and Milian, B. (2012) Tierra e Igualdad: Desafíos para la Administración de Tierras en Petén, Guatemala, World Bank: Guatemala.
Hernández, S. and Castañeda, F. (2011) El Programa de Palma Africana: ¿Un programa de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional? Guatemala: Centro Internacional para Investigaciones en Derechos
Humanos and Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Ibáñez, A.M. and Muñoz, J.C. (2011) La persistencia de la concentración de la tierra en Colombia: ¿Qué pasó entre 2000 y 2010?, Notas de Política 9, Bogotá: Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Económico (CEDE) of the Universidad de los Andes.
IFAD and UNEP (2013) Smallholders, Food Security and the Environment, Rome: International Fund for Agricultural Development.
International Land Coalition (2011a) Tirana Declaration [pdf], Global Assembly, 26 May 2011 < pdf≯ [accessed 24 June 2014]. pdf
International Land Coalition (2011b) The Concentration of Land Ownership in Latin America: An Approach to Current Problems [pdf], January 2011 <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014.
International Land Coalition and FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture. Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Paraguay (2008) National Census of Agriculture and Livestock [pdf] <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014].
Office of Colombia (2007) ‘Informe alternativo de sociedad civil al Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas’ <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Oxfam (2013) Divide and Purchase: How Land Ownership is Being Concentrated in Colombia [online], Oxfam Research Report <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Palau, T., Ortega, G., Villagra, L.M., Pereira, M. and Doughman, R. (2012) Los impactos socioambientales de la soja en Paraguay [pdf] Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales <≯ [accessed July 2014].
Rulli, Javiera (2007) ‘Los refugiados del modelo agroexportador’, in Repúblicas Unidas de la Soja: Realidades sobre la producción de soja en América del Sur, Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales.
Tandon, N. and Wegerif, M. (2013) Promises, Power and Poverty: Corporate Land Deals and Rural Women in Africa [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 170, April 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2007) 39th session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva, 5-23 November 2007.
United Nations Human Rights Council (2010) Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. Addendum. Mission to Guatemala. Geneva: UNHRC.
Vorley, B., Cotula, L. and Man-Kwun Chan (2012) Tipping the Balance: Policies to Shape Agricultural Investments and Markets in Favour of Small-scale Farmers [online], Oxfam Research Report, December 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
World Bank (2011) ‘The World Bank Group's framework for engagement in the palm oil sector’, draft for consultation, Washington, DC: International Finance Corporation.
Zagema, B. (2011) Land and Power: The Growing Scandal Surrounding the New Wave of Investments in Land [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 151 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Cargill, ‘Cargill's commitment to corporate responsibility’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO, ‘Investment in agriculture’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
World Bank ‘Data’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
Alcaraz, G. (2013) From Promises to Priorities: Putting Small-scale Family Producers at the Centre of a Fair Food Production System in Latin America and the Caribbean [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, 23 July 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Anseeuw, W., Alden Wiley, L., Cotula, L. and Taylor, M. (2012) Land Rights and the Rush for Land: Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Research Project, Rome: Land Coalition.
Benítez-Leite, S., Macchi, M.L. and Acosta, M. (2009) ‘Malformaciones congénitas asociadas a agrotóxicos’, Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay 80(3): 237-47 <≯.
Berdegué, J.A. and Fuentealba, R. (2011) ‘Latin America: the state of smallholders in agriculture’, paper presented at the IFAD Conference on New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture, 24-25 January 2011, Rome.
Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA (2011) Centroamérica: ¿Mercados o naciones? Impactos del DR-CAFTA en la región a cinco años de vigencia, Guatemala City: Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA .
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) (2013) Terms of Reference to Develop Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment [pdf], October 2012, CFS <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Consan (2011) Strategic Plan for Food and Nutrition Security (PESAN) 2012-2016, Guatemala City, Guatemala: Government of Guatemala.
Cotula, L., Vermeulen, S., Leonard, R. and Keeley, J. (2009) Land Grab or Development Opportunity? Agricultural Investment and International Land Deals in Africa, Rome: FAO, IFAD; London: IIED.
De Ferranti, D., Perry, G.E., Lederman, D., Foster, W. and Valdes, A. (2005) Beyond the City: The Rural Contribution to Development, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Deininger, K., Byerlee, D., Lindsay, J., Norton, A., Selod, H. and Stickler, M. (2011) Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?, Washington, DC: World Bank.
De Lapérouse, P. (2012) Case Studies on Private Investment in Farmland and Agricultural Infrastructure, Topsfield, MA: HighQuest Partners.
European Commission (2013) Paraguay Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013, Brussels: EC.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2011) Concentración y Extranjerización de la tierra en América Latina, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2012) The State of Food and Agriculture 2012: Investing in Agriculture for a Better Future, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Fan, S. and Rao, N. (2008) ‘Public investment, growth and rural poverty’, in S. Fan (ed.), Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Geary, K. (2012) ‘Our Land, Our Lives’: Time Out on the Global Land Rush [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, October 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
General Directorate of Statistics, Surveys and Census of Paraguay (2011) Permanent Household Survey 2011, Fernando de la Mora: DGEEC.
Government of Colombia (1994) Act 160 of 1994, Bogota, Colombia: Government of Colombia. Guereña, A. (2013) The Soy Mirage: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of the Company Desarrollo Agrícola del Paraguay [online], Oxfam Research Report, August 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Guereña, A. and Zepeda, R. (2013) The Power of Oil Palm: Land Grabbing and Impacts Associated with the Expansion of Oil Palm Crops in Guatemala: The Case of the Palmas del Ixcan Company [online], Oxfam America Research Backgrounder <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Günberg, J., Grandia, L. and Milian, B. (2012) Tierra e Igualdad: Desafíos para la Administración de Tierras en Petén, Guatemala, World Bank: Guatemala.
Hernández, S. and Castañeda, F. (2011) El Programa de Palma Africana: ¿Un programa de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional? Guatemala: Centro Internacional para Investigaciones en Derechos
Humanos and Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Ibáñez, A.M. and Muñoz, J.C. (2011) La persistencia de la concentración de la tierra en Colombia: ¿Qué pasó entre 2000 y 2010?, Notas de Política 9, Bogotá: Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Económico (CEDE) of the Universidad de los Andes.
IFAD and UNEP (2013) Smallholders, Food Security and the Environment, Rome: International Fund for Agricultural Development.
International Land Coalition (2011a) Tirana Declaration [pdf], Global Assembly, 26 May 2011 < pdf≯ [accessed 24 June 2014]. pdf
International Land Coalition (2011b) The Concentration of Land Ownership in Latin America: An Approach to Current Problems [pdf], January 2011 <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014.
International Land Coalition and FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture. Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Paraguay (2008) National Census of Agriculture and Livestock [pdf] <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014].
Office of Colombia (2007) ‘Informe alternativo de sociedad civil al Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas’ <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Oxfam (2013) Divide and Purchase: How Land Ownership is Being Concentrated in Colombia [online], Oxfam Research Report <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Palau, T., Ortega, G., Villagra, L.M., Pereira, M. and Doughman, R. (2012) Los impactos socioambientales de la soja en Paraguay [pdf] Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales <≯ [accessed July 2014].
Rulli, Javiera (2007) ‘Los refugiados del modelo agroexportador’, in Repúblicas Unidas de la Soja: Realidades sobre la producción de soja en América del Sur, Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales.
Tandon, N. and Wegerif, M. (2013) Promises, Power and Poverty: Corporate Land Deals and Rural Women in Africa [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 170, April 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2007) 39th session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva, 5-23 November 2007.
United Nations Human Rights Council (2010) Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. Addendum. Mission to Guatemala. Geneva: UNHRC.
Vorley, B., Cotula, L. and Man-Kwun Chan (2012) Tipping the Balance: Policies to Shape Agricultural Investments and Markets in Favour of Small-scale Farmers [online], Oxfam Research Report, December 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
World Bank (2011) ‘The World Bank Group's framework for engagement in the palm oil sector’, draft for consultation, Washington, DC: International Finance Corporation.
Zagema, B. (2011) Land and Power: The Growing Scandal Surrounding the New Wave of Investments in Land [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 151 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Cargill, ‘Cargill's commitment to corporate responsibility’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO, ‘Investment in agriculture’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
World Bank ‘Data’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
Alcaraz, G. (2013) From Promises to Priorities: Putting Small-scale Family Producers at the Centre of a Fair Food Production System in Latin America and the Caribbean [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, 23 July 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Anseeuw, W., Alden Wiley, L., Cotula, L. and Taylor, M. (2012) Land Rights and the Rush for Land: Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Research Project, Rome: Land Coalition.
Benítez-Leite, S., Macchi, M.L. and Acosta, M. (2009) ‘Malformaciones congénitas asociadas a agrotóxicos’, Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay 80(3): 237-47 <≯.
Berdegué, J.A. and Fuentealba, R. (2011) ‘Latin America: the state of smallholders in agriculture’, paper presented at the IFAD Conference on New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture, 24-25 January 2011, Rome.
Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA (2011) Centroamérica: ¿Mercados o naciones? Impactos del DR-CAFTA en la región a cinco años de vigencia, Guatemala City: Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA .
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) (2013) Terms of Reference to Develop Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment [pdf], October 2012, CFS <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Consan (2011) Strategic Plan for Food and Nutrition Security (PESAN) 2012-2016, Guatemala City, Guatemala: Government of Guatemala.
Cotula, L., Vermeulen, S., Leonard, R. and Keeley, J. (2009) Land Grab or Development Opportunity? Agricultural Investment and International Land Deals in Africa, Rome: FAO, IFAD; London: IIED.
De Ferranti, D., Perry, G.E., Lederman, D., Foster, W. and Valdes, A. (2005) Beyond the City: The Rural Contribution to Development, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Deininger, K., Byerlee, D., Lindsay, J., Norton, A., Selod, H. and Stickler, M. (2011) Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?, Washington, DC: World Bank.
De Lapérouse, P. (2012) Case Studies on Private Investment in Farmland and Agricultural Infrastructure, Topsfield, MA: HighQuest Partners.
European Commission (2013) Paraguay Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013, Brussels: EC.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2011) Concentración y Extranjerización de la tierra en América Latina, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2012) The State of Food and Agriculture 2012: Investing in Agriculture for a Better Future, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Fan, S. and Rao, N. (2008) ‘Public investment, growth and rural poverty’, in S. Fan (ed.), Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Geary, K. (2012) ‘Our Land, Our Lives’: Time Out on the Global Land Rush [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, October 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
General Directorate of Statistics, Surveys and Census of Paraguay (2011) Permanent Household Survey 2011, Fernando de la Mora: DGEEC.
Government of Colombia (1994) Act 160 of 1994, Bogota, Colombia: Government of Colombia. Guereña, A. (2013) The Soy Mirage: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of the Company Desarrollo Agrícola del Paraguay [online], Oxfam Research Report, August 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Guereña, A. and Zepeda, R. (2013) The Power of Oil Palm: Land Grabbing and Impacts Associated with the Expansion of Oil Palm Crops in Guatemala: The Case of the Palmas del Ixcan Company [online], Oxfam America Research Backgrounder <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Günberg, J., Grandia, L. and Milian, B. (2012) Tierra e Igualdad: Desafíos para la Administración de Tierras en Petén, Guatemala, World Bank: Guatemala.
Hernández, S. and Castañeda, F. (2011) El Programa de Palma Africana: ¿Un programa de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional? Guatemala: Centro Internacional para Investigaciones en Derechos
Humanos and Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Ibáñez, A.M. and Muñoz, J.C. (2011) La persistencia de la concentración de la tierra en Colombia: ¿Qué pasó entre 2000 y 2010?, Notas de Política 9, Bogotá: Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Económico (CEDE) of the Universidad de los Andes.
IFAD and UNEP (2013) Smallholders, Food Security and the Environment, Rome: International Fund for Agricultural Development.
International Land Coalition (2011a) Tirana Declaration [pdf], Global Assembly, 26 May 2011 < pdf≯ [accessed 24 June 2014]. pdf
International Land Coalition (2011b) The Concentration of Land Ownership in Latin America: An Approach to Current Problems [pdf], January 2011 <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014.
International Land Coalition and FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture. Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Paraguay (2008) National Census of Agriculture and Livestock [pdf] <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014].
Office of Colombia (2007) ‘Informe alternativo de sociedad civil al Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas’ <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Oxfam (2013) Divide and Purchase: How Land Ownership is Being Concentrated in Colombia [online], Oxfam Research Report <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Palau, T., Ortega, G., Villagra, L.M., Pereira, M. and Doughman, R. (2012) Los impactos socioambientales de la soja en Paraguay [pdf] Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales <≯ [accessed July 2014].
Rulli, Javiera (2007) ‘Los refugiados del modelo agroexportador’, in Repúblicas Unidas de la Soja: Realidades sobre la producción de soja en América del Sur, Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales.
Tandon, N. and Wegerif, M. (2013) Promises, Power and Poverty: Corporate Land Deals and Rural Women in Africa [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 170, April 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2007) 39th session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva, 5-23 November 2007.
United Nations Human Rights Council (2010) Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. Addendum. Mission to Guatemala. Geneva: UNHRC.
Vorley, B., Cotula, L. and Man-Kwun Chan (2012) Tipping the Balance: Policies to Shape Agricultural Investments and Markets in Favour of Small-scale Farmers [online], Oxfam Research Report, December 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
World Bank (2011) ‘The World Bank Group's framework for engagement in the palm oil sector’, draft for consultation, Washington, DC: International Finance Corporation.
Zagema, B. (2011) Land and Power: The Growing Scandal Surrounding the New Wave of Investments in Land [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 151 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Cargill, ‘Cargill's commitment to corporate responsibility’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO, ‘Investment in agriculture’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
World Bank ‘Data’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
Alcaraz, G. (2013) From Promises to Priorities: Putting Small-scale Family Producers at the Centre of a Fair Food Production System in Latin America and the Caribbean [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, 23 July 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Anseeuw, W., Alden Wiley, L., Cotula, L. and Taylor, M. (2012) Land Rights and the Rush for Land: Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Research Project, Rome: Land Coalition.
Benítez-Leite, S., Macchi, M.L. and Acosta, M. (2009) ‘Malformaciones congénitas asociadas a agrotóxicos’, Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay 80(3): 237-47 <≯.
Berdegué, J.A. and Fuentealba, R. (2011) ‘Latin America: the state of smallholders in agriculture’, paper presented at the IFAD Conference on New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture, 24-25 January 2011, Rome.
Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA (2011) Centroamérica: ¿Mercados o naciones? Impactos del DR-CAFTA en la región a cinco años de vigencia, Guatemala City: Central American Network to Monitor the DR-CAFTA .
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) (2013) Terms of Reference to Develop Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment [pdf], October 2012, CFS <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Consan (2011) Strategic Plan for Food and Nutrition Security (PESAN) 2012-2016, Guatemala City, Guatemala: Government of Guatemala.
Cotula, L., Vermeulen, S., Leonard, R. and Keeley, J. (2009) Land Grab or Development Opportunity? Agricultural Investment and International Land Deals in Africa, Rome: FAO, IFAD; London: IIED.
De Ferranti, D., Perry, G.E., Lederman, D., Foster, W. and Valdes, A. (2005) Beyond the City: The Rural Contribution to Development, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Deininger, K., Byerlee, D., Lindsay, J., Norton, A., Selod, H. and Stickler, M. (2011) Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?, Washington, DC: World Bank.
De Lapérouse, P. (2012) Case Studies on Private Investment in Farmland and Agricultural Infrastructure, Topsfield, MA: HighQuest Partners.
European Commission (2013) Paraguay Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013, Brussels: EC.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2011) Concentración y Extranjerización de la tierra en América Latina, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2012) The State of Food and Agriculture 2012: Investing in Agriculture for a Better Future, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Fan, S. and Rao, N. (2008) ‘Public investment, growth and rural poverty’, in S. Fan (ed.), Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Geary, K. (2012) ‘Our Land, Our Lives’: Time Out on the Global Land Rush [online], Oxfam Briefing Note, October 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
General Directorate of Statistics, Surveys and Census of Paraguay (2011) Permanent Household Survey 2011, Fernando de la Mora: DGEEC.
Government of Colombia (1994) Act 160 of 1994, Bogota, Colombia: Government of Colombia. Guereña, A. (2013) The Soy Mirage: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of the Company Desarrollo Agrícola del Paraguay [online], Oxfam Research Report, August 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Guereña, A. and Zepeda, R. (2013) The Power of Oil Palm: Land Grabbing and Impacts Associated with the Expansion of Oil Palm Crops in Guatemala: The Case of the Palmas del Ixcan Company [online], Oxfam America Research Backgrounder <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Günberg, J., Grandia, L. and Milian, B. (2012) Tierra e Igualdad: Desafíos para la Administración de Tierras en Petén, Guatemala, World Bank: Guatemala.
Hernández, S. and Castañeda, F. (2011) El Programa de Palma Africana: ¿Un programa de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional? Guatemala: Centro Internacional para Investigaciones en Derechos
Humanos and Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Ibáñez, A.M. and Muñoz, J.C. (2011) La persistencia de la concentración de la tierra en Colombia: ¿Qué pasó entre 2000 y 2010?, Notas de Política 9, Bogotá: Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Económico (CEDE) of the Universidad de los Andes.
IFAD and UNEP (2013) Smallholders, Food Security and the Environment, Rome: International Fund for Agricultural Development.
International Land Coalition (2011a) Tirana Declaration [pdf], Global Assembly, 26 May 2011 < pdf≯ [accessed 24 June 2014]. pdf
International Land Coalition (2011b) The Concentration of Land Ownership in Latin America: An Approach to Current Problems [pdf], January 2011 <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014.
International Land Coalition and FAO (2013) Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture. Evidence from Case Studies, Rome: FAO.
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Paraguay (2008) National Census of Agriculture and Livestock [pdf] <≯ [accessed 24 June 2014].
Office of Colombia (2007) ‘Informe alternativo de sociedad civil al Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas’ <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Oxfam (2013) Divide and Purchase: How Land Ownership is Being Concentrated in Colombia [online], Oxfam Research Report <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Palau, T., Ortega, G., Villagra, L.M., Pereira, M. and Doughman, R. (2012) Los impactos socioambientales de la soja en Paraguay [pdf] Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales <≯ [accessed July 2014].
Rulli, Javiera (2007) ‘Los refugiados del modelo agroexportador’, in Repúblicas Unidas de la Soja: Realidades sobre la producción de soja en América del Sur, Asunción, Paraguay: BASE Investigaciones Sociales.
Tandon, N. and Wegerif, M. (2013) Promises, Power and Poverty: Corporate Land Deals and Rural Women in Africa [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 170, April 2013 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2007) 39th session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva, 5-23 November 2007.
United Nations Human Rights Council (2010) Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. Addendum. Mission to Guatemala. Geneva: UNHRC.
Vorley, B., Cotula, L. and Man-Kwun Chan (2012) Tipping the Balance: Policies to Shape Agricultural Investments and Markets in Favour of Small-scale Farmers [online], Oxfam Research Report, December 2012 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
World Bank (2011) ‘The World Bank Group's framework for engagement in the palm oil sector’, draft for consultation, Washington, DC: International Finance Corporation.
Zagema, B. (2011) Land and Power: The Growing Scandal Surrounding the New Wave of Investments in Land [online], Oxfam Briefing Paper 151 <≯ [accessed February 2014].
Cargill, ‘Cargill's commitment to corporate responsibility’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
FAO, ‘Investment in agriculture’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
World Bank ‘Data’ <≯ [accessed 17 June 2014].
How climate change is shaping young people’s health: a participatory, youth co-led study from Bangladesh, Guatemala and Nigeria
Pinchoff, Jessie
Etetim, Eno-Obong
Babatunde, Damilola
Blomstrom, Eleanor
Ainul, Sigma
Akomolafe, Toyin Olamide
Medina Carranza, Brian
Del Valle, Angel
Austrian, Karen
BMJ Global Health, Vol. 10 (2025), Iss. 1 P.e016788 [Citations: 0]- Design, construction, and performance evaluation of an innovative cassava peeling machine
- The dasheen itch factor and approaches to reducing its effect
- Insects in the human food chain: global status and opportunities
- Kenkey production, vending, and consumption practices in Ghana
- Support for small-scale food processors in developing countries in a changing global food supply