Insect products for high-value Western markets
Despite widespread resistance to eating insects in Western countries, there has been a recent resurgence of interest in entomophagy and the sale of insects. This paper outlines some of the insect-based dishes being developed by restaurants in Europe and the sale of high-value insects as snack foods, novelty foods or gifts in Western markets. With continuing uptake of internet access, it is now possible for small-scale insect processors worldwide to gain direct access to retail buyers and consumers in the high-value markets of industrialized countries.AFP (2013) ‘Chefs from famous Danish restaurant cook giant cockroach’, Daily News [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2104].
Amadi, E.N., Ogbalu, O.K., Barimalaa, I.S. and Pius, M. (2005) ‘Microbiology and nutritional composition of an edible larva (Bunaea alcinoe Stoll) of the Niger Delta’, Journal of Food Safety 25: 193–7 <≯.
AP (2013) ‘Mopane worm, crunchy and yummy!’, The Hindu, 26 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ayieko, M.A., Kinyuru, J.N., Ndong’a, M.F. and Kenji, G.M. (2012) ‘Nutritional value and consumption of black ants (Carebara vidua Smith) from the Lake Victoria region in Kenya’, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(1): 39-45.
Banda, I. (2012) ‘Zimbabwe's mopani worms disappearing from rural diets’, Inter-Press Service News Agency [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Dasan, A., Chung, J., Aguirre-Bielschowsky, J. and Fraser, J. (2012) ‘Case study: Ento, the art of eating insects’ [online], Core77 <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Deane, G. (2013) ‘Bug-a-boo's or grubs up’ [online], Eat the Weeds <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
DFID (2005) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’ [online], London: DFID <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Eddy, M. (2012) ‘These insect-based foods actually look pretty good’ [online], The Mary Sue <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) ‘Insects for food and feed’ [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) ‘Processing edible insects for food and feed’, in Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security, FAO Forestry Paper 171, Chapter 9 [pdf], Rome: FAO <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Fellows, P.J. and Axtell, B.L. (in press) Opportunities in Food Processing: A Handbook for Setting Up and Running a Small-Scale Business Producing High-Value Foods, Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
George Gordon, D., (2013) The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, Revised: 40 Ways to Cook Crickets, Grasshoppers, Ants, Water Bugs, Spiders, Centipedes, and their Kin, New York: Ten Speed Press.
Giaccone, V. (2005) ‘Hygiene and health features of “minilivestock”’, in M.G. Paoletti (ed.), Ecological Implications of Minilivestock: Role of Rodents, Frogs, Snails, and Insects for Sustainable Development, pp. 579-98, New Hampshire: Science Publishers.
Klunder, H.C., Wolkers-Rooijackers, J., Korpela, J.M. and Nout, M.J.R. (2012) ‘Microbiological aspects of processing and storage of edible insects’, Food Control 26(2): 628-31 <≯.
Lang, E. (2013) Eating Insects as Food, New York: IBM Publishing.
Martin, D. (2013) ‘Girl meets bug. Edible insects: the eco-logical alternative’ [online], <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014).
Mpuchane, S., Taligoola, H.K. and Gashe, B.A. (1996) ‘Fungi associates with Imbrasia belina, an edible grasshopper’, Botswana Notes and Records 28: 193-7.
Mukwazhi, T. (2013) ‘Worms! A look at Zimbabwe's favorite snack: mopane worms’, New York Daily News, 25 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ramos-Elorduy, J. (1998) Creepy Crawly Cuisine: The Gourmet Guide to Edible Insects, South Paris, ME: Park Street Press.
Schofield, H. (2013) ‘Insect eating creeps on to Paris menus’, BBC News Magazine, 20 November 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Schultz, T. (2012) ‘Time For a “bug mac”? The Dutch aim to make insects more palatable’, The Salt, 11 April 2012 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Smithers, R. (2011) ‘Insects will be important part of UK diet by 2020, says scientist’, the, Thursday 31 March [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Tagliabue, J. (2011) ‘Insects as food? Trying to change “‘ick” to “yum”’, New York Times, 14 March 2011 [online] <;0≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].;0
Toms, R.B., Thagwana, M.P. and Lithole, K.D. (2002) ‘The mopane worm: indigenous knowledge in the classroom’, Science in Africa [online] <≯ [accessed 1 November 2013].
van Huis, A., van Gurp, H. and Dicke, M. (2014) The Insect Cookbook: Food for a Sustainable Planet (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History), New York: Columbia University Press.
‘Edible’, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Firebox, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Foodpairing, information on food pairing from Sense for Taste <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Harvey Nichols, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ search mopani [accessed 3 June 2014].
Hotlix, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Kreca, freeze dried insects, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Nordic Food Lab <≯ [accessed 4 June 2014].
Selfridges, ‘Edible’ product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Thailand Unique, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
The Archipelago, <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Trau-dich, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
AFP (2013) ‘Chefs from famous Danish restaurant cook giant cockroach’, Daily News [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2104].
Amadi, E.N., Ogbalu, O.K., Barimalaa, I.S. and Pius, M. (2005) ‘Microbiology and nutritional composition of an edible larva (Bunaea alcinoe Stoll) of the Niger Delta’, Journal of Food Safety 25: 193–7 <≯.
AP (2013) ‘Mopane worm, crunchy and yummy!’, The Hindu, 26 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ayieko, M.A., Kinyuru, J.N., Ndong’a, M.F. and Kenji, G.M. (2012) ‘Nutritional value and consumption of black ants (Carebara vidua Smith) from the Lake Victoria region in Kenya’, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(1): 39-45.
Banda, I. (2012) ‘Zimbabwe's mopani worms disappearing from rural diets’, Inter-Press Service News Agency [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Dasan, A., Chung, J., Aguirre-Bielschowsky, J. and Fraser, J. (2012) ‘Case study: Ento, the art of eating insects’ [online], Core77 <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Deane, G. (2013) ‘Bug-a-boo's or grubs up’ [online], Eat the Weeds <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
DFID (2005) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’ [online], London: DFID <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Eddy, M. (2012) ‘These insect-based foods actually look pretty good’ [online], The Mary Sue <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) ‘Insects for food and feed’ [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) ‘Processing edible insects for food and feed’, in Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security, FAO Forestry Paper 171, Chapter 9 [pdf], Rome: FAO <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Fellows, P.J. and Axtell, B.L. (in press) Opportunities in Food Processing: A Handbook for Setting Up and Running a Small-Scale Business Producing High-Value Foods, Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
George Gordon, D., (2013) The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, Revised: 40 Ways to Cook Crickets, Grasshoppers, Ants, Water Bugs, Spiders, Centipedes, and their Kin, New York: Ten Speed Press.
Giaccone, V. (2005) ‘Hygiene and health features of “minilivestock”’, in M.G. Paoletti (ed.), Ecological Implications of Minilivestock: Role of Rodents, Frogs, Snails, and Insects for Sustainable Development, pp. 579-98, New Hampshire: Science Publishers.
Klunder, H.C., Wolkers-Rooijackers, J., Korpela, J.M. and Nout, M.J.R. (2012) ‘Microbiological aspects of processing and storage of edible insects’, Food Control 26(2): 628-31 <≯.
Lang, E. (2013) Eating Insects as Food, New York: IBM Publishing.
Martin, D. (2013) ‘Girl meets bug. Edible insects: the eco-logical alternative’ [online], <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014).
Mpuchane, S., Taligoola, H.K. and Gashe, B.A. (1996) ‘Fungi associates with Imbrasia belina, an edible grasshopper’, Botswana Notes and Records 28: 193-7.
Mukwazhi, T. (2013) ‘Worms! A look at Zimbabwe's favorite snack: mopane worms’, New York Daily News, 25 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ramos-Elorduy, J. (1998) Creepy Crawly Cuisine: The Gourmet Guide to Edible Insects, South Paris, ME: Park Street Press.
Schofield, H. (2013) ‘Insect eating creeps on to Paris menus’, BBC News Magazine, 20 November 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Schultz, T. (2012) ‘Time For a “bug mac”? The Dutch aim to make insects more palatable’, The Salt, 11 April 2012 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Smithers, R. (2011) ‘Insects will be important part of UK diet by 2020, says scientist’, the, Thursday 31 March [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Tagliabue, J. (2011) ‘Insects as food? Trying to change “‘ick” to “yum”’, New York Times, 14 March 2011 [online] <;0≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].;0
Toms, R.B., Thagwana, M.P. and Lithole, K.D. (2002) ‘The mopane worm: indigenous knowledge in the classroom’, Science in Africa [online] <≯ [accessed 1 November 2013].
van Huis, A., van Gurp, H. and Dicke, M. (2014) The Insect Cookbook: Food for a Sustainable Planet (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History), New York: Columbia University Press.
‘Edible’, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Firebox, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Foodpairing, information on food pairing from Sense for Taste <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Harvey Nichols, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ search mopani [accessed 3 June 2014].
Hotlix, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Kreca, freeze dried insects, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Nordic Food Lab <≯ [accessed 4 June 2014].
Selfridges, ‘Edible’ product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Thailand Unique, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
The Archipelago, <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Trau-dich, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
AFP (2013) ‘Chefs from famous Danish restaurant cook giant cockroach’, Daily News [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2104].
Amadi, E.N., Ogbalu, O.K., Barimalaa, I.S. and Pius, M. (2005) ‘Microbiology and nutritional composition of an edible larva (Bunaea alcinoe Stoll) of the Niger Delta’, Journal of Food Safety 25: 193–7 <≯.
AP (2013) ‘Mopane worm, crunchy and yummy!’, The Hindu, 26 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ayieko, M.A., Kinyuru, J.N., Ndong’a, M.F. and Kenji, G.M. (2012) ‘Nutritional value and consumption of black ants (Carebara vidua Smith) from the Lake Victoria region in Kenya’, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(1): 39-45.
Banda, I. (2012) ‘Zimbabwe's mopani worms disappearing from rural diets’, Inter-Press Service News Agency [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Dasan, A., Chung, J., Aguirre-Bielschowsky, J. and Fraser, J. (2012) ‘Case study: Ento, the art of eating insects’ [online], Core77 <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Deane, G. (2013) ‘Bug-a-boo's or grubs up’ [online], Eat the Weeds <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
DFID (2005) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’ [online], London: DFID <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Eddy, M. (2012) ‘These insect-based foods actually look pretty good’ [online], The Mary Sue <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) ‘Insects for food and feed’ [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) ‘Processing edible insects for food and feed’, in Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security, FAO Forestry Paper 171, Chapter 9 [pdf], Rome: FAO <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Fellows, P.J. and Axtell, B.L. (in press) Opportunities in Food Processing: A Handbook for Setting Up and Running a Small-Scale Business Producing High-Value Foods, Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
George Gordon, D., (2013) The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, Revised: 40 Ways to Cook Crickets, Grasshoppers, Ants, Water Bugs, Spiders, Centipedes, and their Kin, New York: Ten Speed Press.
Giaccone, V. (2005) ‘Hygiene and health features of “minilivestock”’, in M.G. Paoletti (ed.), Ecological Implications of Minilivestock: Role of Rodents, Frogs, Snails, and Insects for Sustainable Development, pp. 579-98, New Hampshire: Science Publishers.
Klunder, H.C., Wolkers-Rooijackers, J., Korpela, J.M. and Nout, M.J.R. (2012) ‘Microbiological aspects of processing and storage of edible insects’, Food Control 26(2): 628-31 <≯.
Lang, E. (2013) Eating Insects as Food, New York: IBM Publishing.
Martin, D. (2013) ‘Girl meets bug. Edible insects: the eco-logical alternative’ [online], <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014).
Mpuchane, S., Taligoola, H.K. and Gashe, B.A. (1996) ‘Fungi associates with Imbrasia belina, an edible grasshopper’, Botswana Notes and Records 28: 193-7.
Mukwazhi, T. (2013) ‘Worms! A look at Zimbabwe's favorite snack: mopane worms’, New York Daily News, 25 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ramos-Elorduy, J. (1998) Creepy Crawly Cuisine: The Gourmet Guide to Edible Insects, South Paris, ME: Park Street Press.
Schofield, H. (2013) ‘Insect eating creeps on to Paris menus’, BBC News Magazine, 20 November 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Schultz, T. (2012) ‘Time For a “bug mac”? The Dutch aim to make insects more palatable’, The Salt, 11 April 2012 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Smithers, R. (2011) ‘Insects will be important part of UK diet by 2020, says scientist’, the, Thursday 31 March [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Tagliabue, J. (2011) ‘Insects as food? Trying to change “‘ick” to “yum”’, New York Times, 14 March 2011 [online] <;0≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].;0
Toms, R.B., Thagwana, M.P. and Lithole, K.D. (2002) ‘The mopane worm: indigenous knowledge in the classroom’, Science in Africa [online] <≯ [accessed 1 November 2013].
van Huis, A., van Gurp, H. and Dicke, M. (2014) The Insect Cookbook: Food for a Sustainable Planet (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History), New York: Columbia University Press.
‘Edible’, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Firebox, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Foodpairing, information on food pairing from Sense for Taste <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Harvey Nichols, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ search mopani [accessed 3 June 2014].
Hotlix, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Kreca, freeze dried insects, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Nordic Food Lab <≯ [accessed 4 June 2014].
Selfridges, ‘Edible’ product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Thailand Unique, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
The Archipelago, <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Trau-dich, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
AFP (2013) ‘Chefs from famous Danish restaurant cook giant cockroach’, Daily News [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2104].
Amadi, E.N., Ogbalu, O.K., Barimalaa, I.S. and Pius, M. (2005) ‘Microbiology and nutritional composition of an edible larva (Bunaea alcinoe Stoll) of the Niger Delta’, Journal of Food Safety 25: 193–7 <≯.
AP (2013) ‘Mopane worm, crunchy and yummy!’, The Hindu, 26 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ayieko, M.A., Kinyuru, J.N., Ndong’a, M.F. and Kenji, G.M. (2012) ‘Nutritional value and consumption of black ants (Carebara vidua Smith) from the Lake Victoria region in Kenya’, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 4(1): 39-45.
Banda, I. (2012) ‘Zimbabwe's mopani worms disappearing from rural diets’, Inter-Press Service News Agency [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Dasan, A., Chung, J., Aguirre-Bielschowsky, J. and Fraser, J. (2012) ‘Case study: Ento, the art of eating insects’ [online], Core77 <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Deane, G. (2013) ‘Bug-a-boo's or grubs up’ [online], Eat the Weeds <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
DFID (2005) ‘Mopane woodlands and the Mopane worm: enhancing rural livelihoods and resource sustainability’ [online], London: DFID <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Eddy, M. (2012) ‘These insect-based foods actually look pretty good’ [online], The Mary Sue <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013a) ‘Insects for food and feed’ [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
FAO (2013b) ‘Processing edible insects for food and feed’, in Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security, FAO Forestry Paper 171, Chapter 9 [pdf], Rome: FAO <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Fellows, P.J. and Axtell, B.L. (in press) Opportunities in Food Processing: A Handbook for Setting Up and Running a Small-Scale Business Producing High-Value Foods, Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
George Gordon, D., (2013) The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, Revised: 40 Ways to Cook Crickets, Grasshoppers, Ants, Water Bugs, Spiders, Centipedes, and their Kin, New York: Ten Speed Press.
Giaccone, V. (2005) ‘Hygiene and health features of “minilivestock”’, in M.G. Paoletti (ed.), Ecological Implications of Minilivestock: Role of Rodents, Frogs, Snails, and Insects for Sustainable Development, pp. 579-98, New Hampshire: Science Publishers.
Klunder, H.C., Wolkers-Rooijackers, J., Korpela, J.M. and Nout, M.J.R. (2012) ‘Microbiological aspects of processing and storage of edible insects’, Food Control 26(2): 628-31 <≯.
Lang, E. (2013) Eating Insects as Food, New York: IBM Publishing.
Martin, D. (2013) ‘Girl meets bug. Edible insects: the eco-logical alternative’ [online], <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014).
Mpuchane, S., Taligoola, H.K. and Gashe, B.A. (1996) ‘Fungi associates with Imbrasia belina, an edible grasshopper’, Botswana Notes and Records 28: 193-7.
Mukwazhi, T. (2013) ‘Worms! A look at Zimbabwe's favorite snack: mopane worms’, New York Daily News, 25 January 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Ramos-Elorduy, J. (1998) Creepy Crawly Cuisine: The Gourmet Guide to Edible Insects, South Paris, ME: Park Street Press.
Schofield, H. (2013) ‘Insect eating creeps on to Paris menus’, BBC News Magazine, 20 November 2013 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Schultz, T. (2012) ‘Time For a “bug mac”? The Dutch aim to make insects more palatable’, The Salt, 11 April 2012 [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Smithers, R. (2011) ‘Insects will be important part of UK diet by 2020, says scientist’, the, Thursday 31 March [online] <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Tagliabue, J. (2011) ‘Insects as food? Trying to change “‘ick” to “yum”’, New York Times, 14 March 2011 [online] <;0≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].;0
Toms, R.B., Thagwana, M.P. and Lithole, K.D. (2002) ‘The mopane worm: indigenous knowledge in the classroom’, Science in Africa [online] <≯ [accessed 1 November 2013].
van Huis, A., van Gurp, H. and Dicke, M. (2014) The Insect Cookbook: Food for a Sustainable Planet (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History), New York: Columbia University Press.
‘Edible’, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Firebox, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Foodpairing, information on food pairing from Sense for Taste <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Harvey Nichols, edible mopani worms, company information <≯ search mopani [accessed 3 June 2014].
Hotlix, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Kreca, freeze dried insects, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Nordic Food Lab <≯ [accessed 4 June 2014].
Selfridges, ‘Edible’ product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Thailand Unique, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
The Archipelago, <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
Trau-dich, product information <≯ [accessed 3 June 2014].
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