Access to the Fairtrade system: the geography of certification for social justice
A growing body of research and analysis identifies that fair trade practices create opportunities for developing world producers in a manner best described as providing ‘shaped advantage’, as access to Northern markets is reconfigured to operate under preferable conditions for some producers, but is not necessarily universally expanded and improved. From this point of view, impact potential is first and foremost delineated through the conditions of access to fair trade supply networks. In order to unpack this perspective, the article analyses barriers to entry embedded in the most significant avenue through which producers become involved in fair trade: certification by Fairtrade International. Here it is found that in addition to arguably justifiable restrictions on participation, structured around producer capacity to viably engage in trade, more arbitrary geographical restrictions embedded in the Fairtrade system are also an ongoing and significant barrier to widening impact. This article illustrates the reality of these technical limitations by presenting the mixed experiences of the National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi, and their efforts to use Fairtrade certification as a market development tool.African Economic Outlook (2013) Malawi [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Davenport, E. and Low, W. (2012) ‘The World Fair Trade Organization: from trust to compliance’, in D. Reed, P. Utting and A. Mukherjee-Reed (eds), Business Regulation, Non-State Actors and Development: Whose Standards? Whose Development? London: Routledge.
Davies, I.A. (2007) ‘The eras and participants of fair trade: an industry structure/stakeholder perspective on the growth of the fair trade industry’, Corporate Governance Journal 7(4): 455-70 <≯.
Devereux, S. and Tiba, Z. (2007) ‘Malawi's first famine, 2001-2002’, in S. Devereux (ed.), The New Famines: Why Famines Persist in an Era of Globalization, pp. 143-77, London and New York: Routledge.
Doherty, B., Davies, I.A. and Tranchell, S. (2012) ‘Where now for fair trade?’ Business History 55: 169-89 <≯.
Fairtrade Africa (2013) Did You Know about the Certification Fund? [online] <≯ [accessed 20 August 2013].
Fairtrade International (FLO) (2011a) Fairtrade Standard for Contract Production, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011b) Fairtrade Standard for Hired Labour, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011c) Fairtrade Standard for Small Producer Organizations, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011d) Our standards [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011e) Producer Certification Fund [online] <≯ [accessed 12 August 2013].
FLO (2011f) Guidelines: The Producer Certification Fund [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011g) Geographical Scope of Producer Certification for Fairtrade Labelling, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011h) Standard Operating Procedure: Development of Fairtrade minimum prices and premiums [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2012) For Producers, With Producers: Annual Report 2011-12 [pdf] Bonn, Germany: Fairtrade International <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Hutchens, A. (2009) Changing Big Business: The Globalisation of the Fair Trade Movement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
FLO-CERT (2011) Application for Fairtrade Certification Standard Operating Procedure [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013a) Fee System Contract Production: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013b) Fee System Hired Labour: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013c) Fee System Small Producer Organization Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Fridell, G. (2004) ‘The university and the moral imperative of fair trade coffee’, Journal of Academic Ethics 2(1): 141-59 <≯.
Fridell, G. (2007) Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market Driven Justice, London: University of Toronto.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fair Trade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers [online] Eldis <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Kutengule, M., Nionucifora, A. and Zaman, H. (2013) ‘Malawi: agricultural development and marketing corporation reform’, in A. Coudouel, A.A. Dani and S. Paternostro (eds), Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementation, pp. 415-52, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Kydd, J. and Christiansen, R. (1982) ‘Structural change in Malawi since independence: consequences of a development strategy based on large-scale agriculture’, World Development 10(5): 355-75 <≯.
Luetchford, P. (2008) ‘The hands that pick fair trade coffee: beyond the charms of the family farm’, in P. Luetchford and G.D. Neve (eds), Hidden Hands in the Market: Ethnographies of Fair Trade, Ethical Consumption and Corporate Social Responsibility, Vol. 28, pp. 143-69, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Group Limited.
Lyon, S. and Moberg, M. (eds) (2010) Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies, New York: New York University Press.
McCracken, J. (1983) ‘Planters, peasants and the colonial state: the impact of the native tobacco board in the central province of Malawi’, Journal of Southern African Studies 9(2): 172-92 <≯.
Meyer, R. (ed.) (2013) ‘FLO-CERT’, 12th World Fair Trade Organization Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fair trade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64(1): 4-15 <≯.
Moyo, S. and Chambati, W. (eds) (2013) Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe: Beyond White Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA & AIAS.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2010) ‘Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India’, Environment and Planning A 42(8): 1833-51 <≯.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2012) The impact of fairtrade: evidence, shaping factors, and future pathways’, Food Chain 2(1): 42-63 <≯.
Renard, M.-C. (2005) ‘Quality certification, regulation and power in fair trade’, Journal of Rural Studies 21(4): 419-31 <≯.
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fair Trade on Producers and Their Organizations: A Case Study with Coocafe in Costa Rica, Brighton, UK: University of Sussex.
Sidwell, M. (2008) Unfair Trade, London: Adam Smith Institute.
Smith, A.M. (2008) The Fair Trade Cup is ‘Two-Thirds Full’ not ‘Two-Thirds Empty’: A response to the Adam Smith Report & a new way to think about measuring the content of the Fair Trade Cup [online] Comment and Analysis, ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University <≯ [accessed 27 September 2010].
Smith, A.M. (2009) ‘Evaluating the criticisms of fair trade: how strong is the argument that consumers and businesses should abandon fair trade as a means to socialise their economic decisions?’ Economic Affairs 19(4): 62-4 <≯.
Smith, A.M. (2010) Responding to Commentary? Changes in the Regulations of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (on defining small farmers and development practice) [online], BRASS Comment and Analysis, Cardiff, UK: ESRC Centre for Business, Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society <≯ [accessed 26 June 2010].
Smith, A.M. (2011) Fair Trade, Public Procurement and Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Malawian rice in Scotland [online], PhD thesis, School of Planning and Geography & ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Smith, A.M. (2013a) ‘Cross-border innovation in south-north fair trade supply chains: the opportunities and problems of integrating fair trade governance into northern public procurement’, in D.V. Brust, J. Sarkis and J. Cordeiro (eds), Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation in the Global South: A role for South-driven Sustainability? London: Springer.
Smith, A.M. (2013b) ‘Fair trade governance and diversification: the experience of the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi’, GeoForum 48: 114-25 <≯.
Smith, A.M. (2013c) ‘What does it mean to do fair trade? Ontology, praxis, and the ‘Fair for Life’ certification system’, Social Enterprise Journal 9(1): 53-72 <≯.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2012a) Human Development Index (HDI) - 2012 Rankings [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
UNDP (2012b) Malawi: Country Profile & Human Development Indicators [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014]. UN-OHRLLS (2013) Least Developed Countries: About LDCs [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
African Economic Outlook (2013) Malawi [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Davenport, E. and Low, W. (2012) ‘The World Fair Trade Organization: from trust to compliance’, in D. Reed, P. Utting and A. Mukherjee-Reed (eds), Business Regulation, Non-State Actors and Development: Whose Standards? Whose Development? London: Routledge.
Davies, I.A. (2007) ‘The eras and participants of fair trade: an industry structure/stakeholder perspective on the growth of the fair trade industry’, Corporate Governance Journal 7(4): 455-70 <≯.
Devereux, S. and Tiba, Z. (2007) ‘Malawi's first famine, 2001-2002’, in S. Devereux (ed.), The New Famines: Why Famines Persist in an Era of Globalization, pp. 143-77, London and New York: Routledge.
Doherty, B., Davies, I.A. and Tranchell, S. (2012) ‘Where now for fair trade?’ Business History 55: 169-89 <≯.
Fairtrade Africa (2013) Did You Know about the Certification Fund? [online] <≯ [accessed 20 August 2013].
Fairtrade International (FLO) (2011a) Fairtrade Standard for Contract Production, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011b) Fairtrade Standard for Hired Labour, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011c) Fairtrade Standard for Small Producer Organizations, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011d) Our standards [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011e) Producer Certification Fund [online] <≯ [accessed 12 August 2013].
FLO (2011f) Guidelines: The Producer Certification Fund [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011g) Geographical Scope of Producer Certification for Fairtrade Labelling, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011h) Standard Operating Procedure: Development of Fairtrade minimum prices and premiums [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2012) For Producers, With Producers: Annual Report 2011-12 [pdf] Bonn, Germany: Fairtrade International <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Hutchens, A. (2009) Changing Big Business: The Globalisation of the Fair Trade Movement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
FLO-CERT (2011) Application for Fairtrade Certification Standard Operating Procedure [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013a) Fee System Contract Production: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013b) Fee System Hired Labour: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013c) Fee System Small Producer Organization Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Fridell, G. (2004) ‘The university and the moral imperative of fair trade coffee’, Journal of Academic Ethics 2(1): 141-59 <≯.
Fridell, G. (2007) Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market Driven Justice, London: University of Toronto.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fair Trade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers [online] Eldis <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Kutengule, M., Nionucifora, A. and Zaman, H. (2013) ‘Malawi: agricultural development and marketing corporation reform’, in A. Coudouel, A.A. Dani and S. Paternostro (eds), Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementation, pp. 415-52, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Kydd, J. and Christiansen, R. (1982) ‘Structural change in Malawi since independence: consequences of a development strategy based on large-scale agriculture’, World Development 10(5): 355-75 <≯.
Luetchford, P. (2008) ‘The hands that pick fair trade coffee: beyond the charms of the family farm’, in P. Luetchford and G.D. Neve (eds), Hidden Hands in the Market: Ethnographies of Fair Trade, Ethical Consumption and Corporate Social Responsibility, Vol. 28, pp. 143-69, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Group Limited.
Lyon, S. and Moberg, M. (eds) (2010) Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies, New York: New York University Press.
McCracken, J. (1983) ‘Planters, peasants and the colonial state: the impact of the native tobacco board in the central province of Malawi’, Journal of Southern African Studies 9(2): 172-92 <≯.
Meyer, R. (ed.) (2013) ‘FLO-CERT’, 12th World Fair Trade Organization Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fair trade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64(1): 4-15 <≯.
Moyo, S. and Chambati, W. (eds) (2013) Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe: Beyond White Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA & AIAS.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2010) ‘Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India’, Environment and Planning A 42(8): 1833-51 <≯.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2012) The impact of fairtrade: evidence, shaping factors, and future pathways’, Food Chain 2(1): 42-63 <≯.
Renard, M.-C. (2005) ‘Quality certification, regulation and power in fair trade’, Journal of Rural Studies 21(4): 419-31 <≯.
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fair Trade on Producers and Their Organizations: A Case Study with Coocafe in Costa Rica, Brighton, UK: University of Sussex.
Sidwell, M. (2008) Unfair Trade, London: Adam Smith Institute.
Smith, A.M. (2008) The Fair Trade Cup is ‘Two-Thirds Full’ not ‘Two-Thirds Empty’: A response to the Adam Smith Report & a new way to think about measuring the content of the Fair Trade Cup [online] Comment and Analysis, ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University <≯ [accessed 27 September 2010].
Smith, A.M. (2009) ‘Evaluating the criticisms of fair trade: how strong is the argument that consumers and businesses should abandon fair trade as a means to socialise their economic decisions?’ Economic Affairs 19(4): 62-4 <≯.
Smith, A.M. (2010) Responding to Commentary? Changes in the Regulations of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (on defining small farmers and development practice) [online], BRASS Comment and Analysis, Cardiff, UK: ESRC Centre for Business, Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society <≯ [accessed 26 June 2010].
Smith, A.M. (2011) Fair Trade, Public Procurement and Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Malawian rice in Scotland [online], PhD thesis, School of Planning and Geography & ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Smith, A.M. (2013a) ‘Cross-border innovation in south-north fair trade supply chains: the opportunities and problems of integrating fair trade governance into northern public procurement’, in D.V. Brust, J. Sarkis and J. Cordeiro (eds), Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation in the Global South: A role for South-driven Sustainability? London: Springer.
Smith, A.M. (2013b) ‘Fair trade governance and diversification: the experience of the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi’, GeoForum 48: 114-25 <≯.
Smith, A.M. (2013c) ‘What does it mean to do fair trade? Ontology, praxis, and the ‘Fair for Life’ certification system’, Social Enterprise Journal 9(1): 53-72 <≯.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2012a) Human Development Index (HDI) - 2012 Rankings [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
UNDP (2012b) Malawi: Country Profile & Human Development Indicators [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014]. UN-OHRLLS (2013) Least Developed Countries: About LDCs [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
African Economic Outlook (2013) Malawi [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Davenport, E. and Low, W. (2012) ‘The World Fair Trade Organization: from trust to compliance’, in D. Reed, P. Utting and A. Mukherjee-Reed (eds), Business Regulation, Non-State Actors and Development: Whose Standards? Whose Development? London: Routledge.
Davies, I.A. (2007) ‘The eras and participants of fair trade: an industry structure/stakeholder perspective on the growth of the fair trade industry’, Corporate Governance Journal 7(4): 455-70 <≯.
Devereux, S. and Tiba, Z. (2007) ‘Malawi's first famine, 2001-2002’, in S. Devereux (ed.), The New Famines: Why Famines Persist in an Era of Globalization, pp. 143-77, London and New York: Routledge.
Doherty, B., Davies, I.A. and Tranchell, S. (2012) ‘Where now for fair trade?’ Business History 55: 169-89 <≯.
Fairtrade Africa (2013) Did You Know about the Certification Fund? [online] <≯ [accessed 20 August 2013].
Fairtrade International (FLO) (2011a) Fairtrade Standard for Contract Production, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011b) Fairtrade Standard for Hired Labour, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011c) Fairtrade Standard for Small Producer Organizations, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011d) Our standards [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011e) Producer Certification Fund [online] <≯ [accessed 12 August 2013].
FLO (2011f) Guidelines: The Producer Certification Fund [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011g) Geographical Scope of Producer Certification for Fairtrade Labelling, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011h) Standard Operating Procedure: Development of Fairtrade minimum prices and premiums [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2012) For Producers, With Producers: Annual Report 2011-12 [pdf] Bonn, Germany: Fairtrade International <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Hutchens, A. (2009) Changing Big Business: The Globalisation of the Fair Trade Movement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
FLO-CERT (2011) Application for Fairtrade Certification Standard Operating Procedure [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013a) Fee System Contract Production: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013b) Fee System Hired Labour: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013c) Fee System Small Producer Organization Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Fridell, G. (2004) ‘The university and the moral imperative of fair trade coffee’, Journal of Academic Ethics 2(1): 141-59 <≯.
Fridell, G. (2007) Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market Driven Justice, London: University of Toronto.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fair Trade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers [online] Eldis <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Kutengule, M., Nionucifora, A. and Zaman, H. (2013) ‘Malawi: agricultural development and marketing corporation reform’, in A. Coudouel, A.A. Dani and S. Paternostro (eds), Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementation, pp. 415-52, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Kydd, J. and Christiansen, R. (1982) ‘Structural change in Malawi since independence: consequences of a development strategy based on large-scale agriculture’, World Development 10(5): 355-75 <≯.
Luetchford, P. (2008) ‘The hands that pick fair trade coffee: beyond the charms of the family farm’, in P. Luetchford and G.D. Neve (eds), Hidden Hands in the Market: Ethnographies of Fair Trade, Ethical Consumption and Corporate Social Responsibility, Vol. 28, pp. 143-69, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Group Limited.
Lyon, S. and Moberg, M. (eds) (2010) Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies, New York: New York University Press.
McCracken, J. (1983) ‘Planters, peasants and the colonial state: the impact of the native tobacco board in the central province of Malawi’, Journal of Southern African Studies 9(2): 172-92 <≯.
Meyer, R. (ed.) (2013) ‘FLO-CERT’, 12th World Fair Trade Organization Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fair trade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64(1): 4-15 <≯.
Moyo, S. and Chambati, W. (eds) (2013) Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe: Beyond White Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA & AIAS.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2010) ‘Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India’, Environment and Planning A 42(8): 1833-51 <≯.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2012) The impact of fairtrade: evidence, shaping factors, and future pathways’, Food Chain 2(1): 42-63 <≯.
Renard, M.-C. (2005) ‘Quality certification, regulation and power in fair trade’, Journal of Rural Studies 21(4): 419-31 <≯.
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fair Trade on Producers and Their Organizations: A Case Study with Coocafe in Costa Rica, Brighton, UK: University of Sussex.
Sidwell, M. (2008) Unfair Trade, London: Adam Smith Institute.
Smith, A.M. (2008) The Fair Trade Cup is ‘Two-Thirds Full’ not ‘Two-Thirds Empty’: A response to the Adam Smith Report & a new way to think about measuring the content of the Fair Trade Cup [online] Comment and Analysis, ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University <≯ [accessed 27 September 2010].
Smith, A.M. (2009) ‘Evaluating the criticisms of fair trade: how strong is the argument that consumers and businesses should abandon fair trade as a means to socialise their economic decisions?’ Economic Affairs 19(4): 62-4 <≯.
Smith, A.M. (2010) Responding to Commentary? Changes in the Regulations of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (on defining small farmers and development practice) [online], BRASS Comment and Analysis, Cardiff, UK: ESRC Centre for Business, Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society <≯ [accessed 26 June 2010].
Smith, A.M. (2011) Fair Trade, Public Procurement and Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Malawian rice in Scotland [online], PhD thesis, School of Planning and Geography & ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Smith, A.M. (2013a) ‘Cross-border innovation in south-north fair trade supply chains: the opportunities and problems of integrating fair trade governance into northern public procurement’, in D.V. Brust, J. Sarkis and J. Cordeiro (eds), Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation in the Global South: A role for South-driven Sustainability? London: Springer.
Smith, A.M. (2013b) ‘Fair trade governance and diversification: the experience of the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi’, GeoForum 48: 114-25 <≯.
Smith, A.M. (2013c) ‘What does it mean to do fair trade? Ontology, praxis, and the ‘Fair for Life’ certification system’, Social Enterprise Journal 9(1): 53-72 <≯.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2012a) Human Development Index (HDI) - 2012 Rankings [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
UNDP (2012b) Malawi: Country Profile & Human Development Indicators [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014]. UN-OHRLLS (2013) Least Developed Countries: About LDCs [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
African Economic Outlook (2013) Malawi [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Davenport, E. and Low, W. (2012) ‘The World Fair Trade Organization: from trust to compliance’, in D. Reed, P. Utting and A. Mukherjee-Reed (eds), Business Regulation, Non-State Actors and Development: Whose Standards? Whose Development? London: Routledge.
Davies, I.A. (2007) ‘The eras and participants of fair trade: an industry structure/stakeholder perspective on the growth of the fair trade industry’, Corporate Governance Journal 7(4): 455-70 <≯.
Devereux, S. and Tiba, Z. (2007) ‘Malawi's first famine, 2001-2002’, in S. Devereux (ed.), The New Famines: Why Famines Persist in an Era of Globalization, pp. 143-77, London and New York: Routledge.
Doherty, B., Davies, I.A. and Tranchell, S. (2012) ‘Where now for fair trade?’ Business History 55: 169-89 <≯.
Fairtrade Africa (2013) Did You Know about the Certification Fund? [online] <≯ [accessed 20 August 2013].
Fairtrade International (FLO) (2011a) Fairtrade Standard for Contract Production, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011b) Fairtrade Standard for Hired Labour, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011c) Fairtrade Standard for Small Producer Organizations, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011d) Our standards [online] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011e) Producer Certification Fund [online] <≯ [accessed 12 August 2013].
FLO (2011f) Guidelines: The Producer Certification Fund [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2011g) Geographical Scope of Producer Certification for Fairtrade Labelling, Bonn, Germany: FLO.
FLO (2011h) Standard Operating Procedure: Development of Fairtrade minimum prices and premiums [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO (2012) For Producers, With Producers: Annual Report 2011-12 [pdf] Bonn, Germany: Fairtrade International <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Hutchens, A. (2009) Changing Big Business: The Globalisation of the Fair Trade Movement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
FLO-CERT (2011) Application for Fairtrade Certification Standard Operating Procedure [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013a) Fee System Contract Production: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013b) Fee System Hired Labour: Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
FLO-CERT (2013c) Fee System Small Producer Organization Explanatory Document [pdf] <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Fridell, G. (2004) ‘The university and the moral imperative of fair trade coffee’, Journal of Academic Ethics 2(1): 141-59 <≯.
Fridell, G. (2007) Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market Driven Justice, London: University of Toronto.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fair Trade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers [online] Eldis <≯ [accessed 16 January 2014].
Kutengule, M., Nionucifora, A. and Zaman, H. (2013) ‘Malawi: agricultural development and marketing corporation reform’, in A. Coudouel, A.A. Dani and S. Paternostro (eds), Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementation, pp. 415-52, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Kydd, J. and Christiansen, R. (1982) ‘Structural change in Malawi since independence: consequences of a development strategy based on large-scale agriculture’, World Development 10(5): 355-75 <≯.
Luetchford, P. (2008) ‘The hands that pick fair trade coffee: beyond the charms of the family farm’, in P. Luetchford and G.D. Neve (eds), Hidden Hands in the Market: Ethnographies of Fair Trade, Ethical Consumption and Corporate Social Responsibility, Vol. 28, pp. 143-69, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Group Limited.
Lyon, S. and Moberg, M. (eds) (2010) Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies, New York: New York University Press.
McCracken, J. (1983) ‘Planters, peasants and the colonial state: the impact of the native tobacco board in the central province of Malawi’, Journal of Southern African Studies 9(2): 172-92 <≯.
Meyer, R. (ed.) (2013) ‘FLO-CERT’, 12th World Fair Trade Organization Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fair trade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64(1): 4-15 <≯.
Moyo, S. and Chambati, W. (eds) (2013) Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe: Beyond White Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA & AIAS.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2010) ‘Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India’, Environment and Planning A 42(8): 1833-51 <≯.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2012) The impact of fairtrade: evidence, shaping factors, and future pathways’, Food Chain 2(1): 42-63 <≯.
Renard, M.-C. (2005) ‘Quality certification, regulation and power in fair trade’, Journal of Rural Studies 21(4): 419-31 <≯.
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fair Trade on Producers and Their Organizations: A Case Study with Coocafe in Costa Rica, Brighton, UK: University of Sussex.
Sidwell, M. (2008) Unfair Trade, London: Adam Smith Institute.
Smith, A.M. (2008) The Fair Trade Cup is ‘Two-Thirds Full’ not ‘Two-Thirds Empty’: A response to the Adam Smith Report & a new way to think about measuring the content of the Fair Trade Cup [online] Comment and Analysis, ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University <≯ [accessed 27 September 2010].
Smith, A.M. (2009) ‘Evaluating the criticisms of fair trade: how strong is the argument that consumers and businesses should abandon fair trade as a means to socialise their economic decisions?’ Economic Affairs 19(4): 62-4 <≯.
Smith, A.M. (2010) Responding to Commentary? Changes in the Regulations of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (on defining small farmers and development practice) [online], BRASS Comment and Analysis, Cardiff, UK: ESRC Centre for Business, Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society <≯ [accessed 26 June 2010].
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- Support for small-scale food processors in developing countries in a changing global food supply