The impact of Fairtrade: Evidence, shaping factors, and future pathways
What is the evidence base for the impact of Fairtrade and how and why is the impact agenda evolving? We explore issues of design and the use of theories of change in mapping impact pathways as part of evaluations. We outline some of the findings on the different dimensions of impact (e.g. household income, livelihoods and quality of life, organizational, wider community and economy impacts), as well as environmental, empowerment, and gender impacts. This analysis draws upon a meta-review which analysed studies available in 2009 and also on more recently published studies. Finally, we identify the five key factors shaping the impact of Fairtrade and the implications for the impact assessment agenda.Aguilar, H. (2007) Evaluación de Impactos del Comercio Justo en la Gestión de Coraca Irupana por el Desarrollo de la Cadena Agro Exportadora del Café Ecológico, Trabajo final de grado: modalidad Tesis, presentado para optar a la Licenciatura en Ingeniería del Desarrollo Rural, Universidad Central, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Arnould, E., Plastina, A. and Ball, D. (2006) ‘Market disintermediation and producer value capture: The case of Fairtrade coffee in Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala’, paper prepared for presentation at the conference, Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces: Consumption and Entrepreneurship Beyond Literacy and Resource Barriers, 2-4 August 2006, University of Illinois at Chicago <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Berndt, C. (2007) Is Fairtrade in Coffee Production Fair and Useful? Evidence from Costa Rica and Guatemala and Implications for Policy, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification, Discussion Papers dp-10-17, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fairtrade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers, Europainstitut, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Jaffee, D. (2007) Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability and Survival, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Kilpatrick, K. (2011) Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade, 3rd edn, Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International eV, Bonn, Germany.
Leeuw, F. and Vaessen, J. (2009) Impact Evaluations and Development: Nonie Guidance on Impact Evaluation [website], NONIE, The Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Lyon, S. (undated) Evaluation of the Actual and Potential Benefits for the Alleviation of Poverty through the Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Guatemalan Case Study <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fairtrade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: Rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64: 4-16 <≯.
Murray, D., Raynolds, L. and Taylor, P. (2003) One Cup at a Time: Poverty Alleviation through Fairtrade in Latin America [website], Center for Fair and Alternative Trade, Colorado State University <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantation Districts of South India, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2011) Impact Evaluation of Social and Environmental Voluntary Standard Systems (SEVSS): Using Theories of Change, Working paper no. 1 [website], Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and Pound, B. (2009) The Last Ten Years: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Impact of Fairtrade [website], report commissioned by the Fairtrade Foundation, London <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Nelson, V., Martin, A., Barahona, C., Pound, B. and Coote, C. (2009) Assessing the Poverty Impact of Voluntary Sustainability Standards: Conceptual and Methodological Framework <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and S. Smith (2011) ‘Fairtrade cotton: Assessing impact in Mali, Senegal, Cameroon and India: Synthesis Report’ NRI Report, University of Greenwich <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
North, D.C. (1990) Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) (2000) Overview, Impact, Challenges, Fairtrade: Study to Inform DFID's Support to Fairtrade <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Parrish, B., Luzadis, V. and Bentley, W. (2005) ‘What Tanzania's coffee farmers can teach the world: A performance based look at the Fairtrade-free trade debate’, Sustainable Development 13: 177-189 ≯≯.
Pound, B. and Phiri, A. (2009) Longitudinal Impact Assessment Study of Fairtrade Certified Tea Producers and Workers in Malawi, Volume 1: Main report, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Raynolds, L. (2002) Poverty Alleviation through Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Existing Research and Critical Issues, background paper prepared for project funded by the Community and Resource Development Program, <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fairtrade on Producers and their Organisations. A Case Study with COOCAFE in Costa Rica, Poverty Research Unit, Sussex, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ruben, P., Fort, R. and Zuniga, G. (2008) Final Report. Fairtrade Programme Evaluation: Impact Assessment of Fairtrade Programs for Coffee and Bananas in Peru, Costa Rica and Ghana, study assignment by Solidaridad Coordinated by the Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Smith, S. (2010) Fairtrade Bananas: A Global Assessment of Impact, Final Report, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.
Utting-Chamorro, K. (2005) ‘Does Fairtrade make a difference? The case of small coffee producers in Nicaragua’, Development in Practice 15 (3 and 4),
White, H. (2009) Some Reflections on Current Debates in Impact Evaluation, Working Paper 1 [website], International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), New Delhi <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Aguilar, H. (2007) Evaluación de Impactos del Comercio Justo en la Gestión de Coraca Irupana por el Desarrollo de la Cadena Agro Exportadora del Café Ecológico, Trabajo final de grado: modalidad Tesis, presentado para optar a la Licenciatura en Ingeniería del Desarrollo Rural, Universidad Central, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Arnould, E., Plastina, A. and Ball, D. (2006) ‘Market disintermediation and producer value capture: The case of Fairtrade coffee in Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala’, paper prepared for presentation at the conference, Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces: Consumption and Entrepreneurship Beyond Literacy and Resource Barriers, 2-4 August 2006, University of Illinois at Chicago <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Berndt, C. (2007) Is Fairtrade in Coffee Production Fair and Useful? Evidence from Costa Rica and Guatemala and Implications for Policy, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification, Discussion Papers dp-10-17, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fairtrade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers, Europainstitut, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Jaffee, D. (2007) Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability and Survival, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Kilpatrick, K. (2011) Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade, 3rd edn, Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International eV, Bonn, Germany.
Leeuw, F. and Vaessen, J. (2009) Impact Evaluations and Development: Nonie Guidance on Impact Evaluation [website], NONIE, The Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Lyon, S. (undated) Evaluation of the Actual and Potential Benefits for the Alleviation of Poverty through the Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Guatemalan Case Study <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fairtrade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: Rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64: 4-16 <≯.
Murray, D., Raynolds, L. and Taylor, P. (2003) One Cup at a Time: Poverty Alleviation through Fairtrade in Latin America [website], Center for Fair and Alternative Trade, Colorado State University <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantation Districts of South India, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2011) Impact Evaluation of Social and Environmental Voluntary Standard Systems (SEVSS): Using Theories of Change, Working paper no. 1 [website], Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and Pound, B. (2009) The Last Ten Years: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Impact of Fairtrade [website], report commissioned by the Fairtrade Foundation, London <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Nelson, V., Martin, A., Barahona, C., Pound, B. and Coote, C. (2009) Assessing the Poverty Impact of Voluntary Sustainability Standards: Conceptual and Methodological Framework <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and S. Smith (2011) ‘Fairtrade cotton: Assessing impact in Mali, Senegal, Cameroon and India: Synthesis Report’ NRI Report, University of Greenwich <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
North, D.C. (1990) Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) (2000) Overview, Impact, Challenges, Fairtrade: Study to Inform DFID's Support to Fairtrade <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Parrish, B., Luzadis, V. and Bentley, W. (2005) ‘What Tanzania's coffee farmers can teach the world: A performance based look at the Fairtrade-free trade debate’, Sustainable Development 13: 177-189 ≯≯.
Pound, B. and Phiri, A. (2009) Longitudinal Impact Assessment Study of Fairtrade Certified Tea Producers and Workers in Malawi, Volume 1: Main report, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Raynolds, L. (2002) Poverty Alleviation through Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Existing Research and Critical Issues, background paper prepared for project funded by the Community and Resource Development Program, <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fairtrade on Producers and their Organisations. A Case Study with COOCAFE in Costa Rica, Poverty Research Unit, Sussex, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ruben, P., Fort, R. and Zuniga, G. (2008) Final Report. Fairtrade Programme Evaluation: Impact Assessment of Fairtrade Programs for Coffee and Bananas in Peru, Costa Rica and Ghana, study assignment by Solidaridad Coordinated by the Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Smith, S. (2010) Fairtrade Bananas: A Global Assessment of Impact, Final Report, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.
Utting-Chamorro, K. (2005) ‘Does Fairtrade make a difference? The case of small coffee producers in Nicaragua’, Development in Practice 15 (3 and 4),
White, H. (2009) Some Reflections on Current Debates in Impact Evaluation, Working Paper 1 [website], International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), New Delhi <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Aguilar, H. (2007) Evaluación de Impactos del Comercio Justo en la Gestión de Coraca Irupana por el Desarrollo de la Cadena Agro Exportadora del Café Ecológico, Trabajo final de grado: modalidad Tesis, presentado para optar a la Licenciatura en Ingeniería del Desarrollo Rural, Universidad Central, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Arnould, E., Plastina, A. and Ball, D. (2006) ‘Market disintermediation and producer value capture: The case of Fairtrade coffee in Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala’, paper prepared for presentation at the conference, Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces: Consumption and Entrepreneurship Beyond Literacy and Resource Barriers, 2-4 August 2006, University of Illinois at Chicago <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Berndt, C. (2007) Is Fairtrade in Coffee Production Fair and Useful? Evidence from Costa Rica and Guatemala and Implications for Policy, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification, Discussion Papers dp-10-17, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fairtrade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers, Europainstitut, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Jaffee, D. (2007) Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability and Survival, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Kilpatrick, K. (2011) Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade, 3rd edn, Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International eV, Bonn, Germany.
Leeuw, F. and Vaessen, J. (2009) Impact Evaluations and Development: Nonie Guidance on Impact Evaluation [website], NONIE, The Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Lyon, S. (undated) Evaluation of the Actual and Potential Benefits for the Alleviation of Poverty through the Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Guatemalan Case Study <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fairtrade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: Rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64: 4-16 <≯.
Murray, D., Raynolds, L. and Taylor, P. (2003) One Cup at a Time: Poverty Alleviation through Fairtrade in Latin America [website], Center for Fair and Alternative Trade, Colorado State University <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantation Districts of South India, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2011) Impact Evaluation of Social and Environmental Voluntary Standard Systems (SEVSS): Using Theories of Change, Working paper no. 1 [website], Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and Pound, B. (2009) The Last Ten Years: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Impact of Fairtrade [website], report commissioned by the Fairtrade Foundation, London <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Nelson, V., Martin, A., Barahona, C., Pound, B. and Coote, C. (2009) Assessing the Poverty Impact of Voluntary Sustainability Standards: Conceptual and Methodological Framework <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and S. Smith (2011) ‘Fairtrade cotton: Assessing impact in Mali, Senegal, Cameroon and India: Synthesis Report’ NRI Report, University of Greenwich <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
North, D.C. (1990) Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) (2000) Overview, Impact, Challenges, Fairtrade: Study to Inform DFID's Support to Fairtrade <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Parrish, B., Luzadis, V. and Bentley, W. (2005) ‘What Tanzania's coffee farmers can teach the world: A performance based look at the Fairtrade-free trade debate’, Sustainable Development 13: 177-189 ≯≯.
Pound, B. and Phiri, A. (2009) Longitudinal Impact Assessment Study of Fairtrade Certified Tea Producers and Workers in Malawi, Volume 1: Main report, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Raynolds, L. (2002) Poverty Alleviation through Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Existing Research and Critical Issues, background paper prepared for project funded by the Community and Resource Development Program, <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fairtrade on Producers and their Organisations. A Case Study with COOCAFE in Costa Rica, Poverty Research Unit, Sussex, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ruben, P., Fort, R. and Zuniga, G. (2008) Final Report. Fairtrade Programme Evaluation: Impact Assessment of Fairtrade Programs for Coffee and Bananas in Peru, Costa Rica and Ghana, study assignment by Solidaridad Coordinated by the Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Smith, S. (2010) Fairtrade Bananas: A Global Assessment of Impact, Final Report, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.
Utting-Chamorro, K. (2005) ‘Does Fairtrade make a difference? The case of small coffee producers in Nicaragua’, Development in Practice 15 (3 and 4),
White, H. (2009) Some Reflections on Current Debates in Impact Evaluation, Working Paper 1 [website], International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), New Delhi <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Aguilar, H. (2007) Evaluación de Impactos del Comercio Justo en la Gestión de Coraca Irupana por el Desarrollo de la Cadena Agro Exportadora del Café Ecológico, Trabajo final de grado: modalidad Tesis, presentado para optar a la Licenciatura en Ingeniería del Desarrollo Rural, Universidad Central, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Arnould, E., Plastina, A. and Ball, D. (2006) ‘Market disintermediation and producer value capture: The case of Fairtrade coffee in Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala’, paper prepared for presentation at the conference, Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces: Consumption and Entrepreneurship Beyond Literacy and Resource Barriers, 2-4 August 2006, University of Illinois at Chicago <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Berndt, C. (2007) Is Fairtrade in Coffee Production Fair and Useful? Evidence from Costa Rica and Guatemala and Implications for Policy, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification, Discussion Papers dp-10-17, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC.
Imhof, S. and Lee, A. (2007) Assessing the Potential of Fairtrade for Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention: A Case Study of Bolivian Coffee Producers, Europainstitut, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Jaffee, D. (2007) Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability and Survival, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Kilpatrick, K. (2011) Monitoring the Scope and Benefits of Fairtrade, 3rd edn, Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International eV, Bonn, Germany.
Leeuw, F. and Vaessen, J. (2009) Impact Evaluations and Development: Nonie Guidance on Impact Evaluation [website], NONIE, The Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Lyon, S. (undated) Evaluation of the Actual and Potential Benefits for the Alleviation of Poverty through the Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Guatemalan Case Study <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Moberg, M. (2005) ‘Fairtrade and Eastern Caribbean banana farmers: Rhetoric and reality in the anti-globalization movement’, Human Organization 64: 4-16 <≯.
Murray, D., Raynolds, L. and Taylor, P. (2003) One Cup at a Time: Poverty Alleviation through Fairtrade in Latin America [website], Center for Fair and Alternative Trade, Colorado State University <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantation Districts of South India, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2011) Impact Evaluation of Social and Environmental Voluntary Standard Systems (SEVSS): Using Theories of Change, Working paper no. 1 [website], Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and Pound, B. (2009) The Last Ten Years: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Impact of Fairtrade [website], report commissioned by the Fairtrade Foundation, London <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Nelson, V., Martin, A., Barahona, C., Pound, B. and Coote, C. (2009) Assessing the Poverty Impact of Voluntary Sustainability Standards: Conceptual and Methodological Framework <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Nelson, V. and S. Smith (2011) ‘Fairtrade cotton: Assessing impact in Mali, Senegal, Cameroon and India: Synthesis Report’ NRI Report, University of Greenwich <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
North, D.C. (1990) Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) (2000) Overview, Impact, Challenges, Fairtrade: Study to Inform DFID's Support to Fairtrade <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Parrish, B., Luzadis, V. and Bentley, W. (2005) ‘What Tanzania's coffee farmers can teach the world: A performance based look at the Fairtrade-free trade debate’, Sustainable Development 13: 177-189 ≯≯.
Pound, B. and Phiri, A. (2009) Longitudinal Impact Assessment Study of Fairtrade Certified Tea Producers and Workers in Malawi, Volume 1: Main report, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Raynolds, L. (2002) Poverty Alleviation through Participation in Fairtrade Coffee Networks: Existing Research and Critical Issues, background paper prepared for project funded by the Community and Resource Development Program, <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fairtrade on Producers and their Organisations. A Case Study with COOCAFE in Costa Rica, Poverty Research Unit, Sussex, UK <≯ [accessed 20 May 2012].
Ruben, P., Fort, R. and Zuniga, G. (2008) Final Report. Fairtrade Programme Evaluation: Impact Assessment of Fairtrade Programs for Coffee and Bananas in Peru, Costa Rica and Ghana, study assignment by Solidaridad Coordinated by the Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Smith, S. (2010) Fairtrade Bananas: A Global Assessment of Impact, Final Report, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.
Utting-Chamorro, K. (2005) ‘Does Fairtrade make a difference? The case of small coffee producers in Nicaragua’, Development in Practice 15 (3 and 4),
White, H. (2009) Some Reflections on Current Debates in Impact Evaluation, Working Paper 1 [website], International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), New Delhi <≯ [accessed 25 April 2012].
Enhancing Fairtrade for women workers on plantations: insights from Kenyan agriculture
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