Putting the men into menstruation: the role of men and boys in community menstrual hygiene management
Murat Sahin | Thérèse Mahon | Anjali Tripathy | Neelam Singh
This paper examines how men and boys have an essential role in effective menstrual hygiene programmes and describes an initiative to engage men and boys in Uttar Pradesh, India. Cultural norms around menstruation are rooted in gender inequality and compromise women's ability to manage menstruation hygienically and with dignity. While there has been significant progress in developing comprehensive approaches to menstrual hygiene management (MHM), the role of men and boys in supporting menstrual hygiene has been lacking. In India, WaterAid and Vatsalya have targeted men and boys to address this gap in a programme that started in December 2011. Groups of men and boys were established and sensitized. Male teachers and masons were also trained to provide MHM services in school. Regular monitoring of software and hardware components, focus group discussions with male and female community members, and analysis of attendance registers has been undertaken to assess the emerging outcomes of the programme. As a result of the initiative, men and boys have begun to talk about menstruation more freely and are better able to support the MHM needs of women and girls within the household, community, and school.Chang, Y., Hayter, M., and Lin, M. (2012) ‘Pubescent male students’ attitudes towards menstruation in Taiwan: implications for reproductive health education and school nursing practice’, Journal of Clinical Nursing 21(3–4): 513–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03700.x≯.
George, R. (2014) ‘What is life like when your period means you are shunned by society?’ New Statesmen 11 March 2014 [online] <www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society≯ [accessed December 2014]. www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society
House, S., Mahon, T., and Cavill, S. (2012) Menstrual Hygiene Matters, London: WaterAid.
Onyegegbu N. (no date) Menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene among Women and Young Females in Rural Eastern Nigeria [pdf] <http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf≯ [accessed 16 December 2014]. http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf
O’Reilly, K. and Louis, E. (2014) ‘The toilet tripod: understanding successful sanitation in rural India’, Health & Place 29: 43–51 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.05.007≯.
Pathak, V. (2014) Process Documentation, Women with Wings, Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid.
Piper Pillitteri, S. (2012) Toilets Are Not Enough: Addressing Menstrual Hygiene Management in Secondary Schools in Malawi, London: SHARE.
Singh, K., Bloom, S., and Tsui, A. (1998) ‘Husbands' reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India’, Studies in Family Planning 29(4): 388–99.
Sudha, G. and Ramajyothi (2011) No More Whispering, Menstrual Hygiene Management Gender Perspective, Warangal, India: Modern Architects for Rural India (MARI).
UNESCO (2014) Good Policy and Practice in Health Education. Booklet 9 PUBERTY EDUCATION and Menstrual Hygiene Management, Paris: UNESCO.
Vatsalya and WaterAid (2013) Making Invisible the Visible [film], Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ≯ [accessed December 2014]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ
WaterAid Nepal (2009) Is Menstrual Hygiene an Issue for Adolescent School Girls? WaterAid Nepal.
Water for People (2008) Menstrual Hygiene and Management: A Pilot Study in West Bengal, India, Denver, CO: Water for People.
Chang, Y., Hayter, M., and Lin, M. (2012) ‘Pubescent male students’ attitudes towards menstruation in Taiwan: implications for reproductive health education and school nursing practice’, Journal of Clinical Nursing 21(3–4): 513–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03700.x≯.
George, R. (2014) ‘What is life like when your period means you are shunned by society?’ New Statesmen 11 March 2014 [online] <www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society≯ [accessed December 2014]. www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society
House, S., Mahon, T., and Cavill, S. (2012) Menstrual Hygiene Matters, London: WaterAid.
Onyegegbu N. (no date) Menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene among Women and Young Females in Rural Eastern Nigeria [pdf] <http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf≯ [accessed 16 December 2014]. http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf
O’Reilly, K. and Louis, E. (2014) ‘The toilet tripod: understanding successful sanitation in rural India’, Health & Place 29: 43–51 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.05.007≯.
Pathak, V. (2014) Process Documentation, Women with Wings, Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid.
Piper Pillitteri, S. (2012) Toilets Are Not Enough: Addressing Menstrual Hygiene Management in Secondary Schools in Malawi, London: SHARE.
Singh, K., Bloom, S., and Tsui, A. (1998) ‘Husbands' reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India’, Studies in Family Planning 29(4): 388–99.
Sudha, G. and Ramajyothi (2011) No More Whispering, Menstrual Hygiene Management Gender Perspective, Warangal, India: Modern Architects for Rural India (MARI).
UNESCO (2014) Good Policy and Practice in Health Education. Booklet 9 PUBERTY EDUCATION and Menstrual Hygiene Management, Paris: UNESCO.
Vatsalya and WaterAid (2013) Making Invisible the Visible [film], Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ≯ [accessed December 2014]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ
WaterAid Nepal (2009) Is Menstrual Hygiene an Issue for Adolescent School Girls? WaterAid Nepal.
Water for People (2008) Menstrual Hygiene and Management: A Pilot Study in West Bengal, India, Denver, CO: Water for People.
Chang, Y., Hayter, M., and Lin, M. (2012) ‘Pubescent male students’ attitudes towards menstruation in Taiwan: implications for reproductive health education and school nursing practice’, Journal of Clinical Nursing 21(3–4): 513–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03700.x≯.
George, R. (2014) ‘What is life like when your period means you are shunned by society?’ New Statesmen 11 March 2014 [online] <www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society≯ [accessed December 2014]. www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society
House, S., Mahon, T., and Cavill, S. (2012) Menstrual Hygiene Matters, London: WaterAid.
Onyegegbu N. (no date) Menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene among Women and Young Females in Rural Eastern Nigeria [pdf] <http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf≯ [accessed 16 December 2014]. http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf
O’Reilly, K. and Louis, E. (2014) ‘The toilet tripod: understanding successful sanitation in rural India’, Health & Place 29: 43–51 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.05.007≯.
Pathak, V. (2014) Process Documentation, Women with Wings, Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid.
Piper Pillitteri, S. (2012) Toilets Are Not Enough: Addressing Menstrual Hygiene Management in Secondary Schools in Malawi, London: SHARE.
Singh, K., Bloom, S., and Tsui, A. (1998) ‘Husbands' reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India’, Studies in Family Planning 29(4): 388–99.
Sudha, G. and Ramajyothi (2011) No More Whispering, Menstrual Hygiene Management Gender Perspective, Warangal, India: Modern Architects for Rural India (MARI).
UNESCO (2014) Good Policy and Practice in Health Education. Booklet 9 PUBERTY EDUCATION and Menstrual Hygiene Management, Paris: UNESCO.
Vatsalya and WaterAid (2013) Making Invisible the Visible [film], Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ≯ [accessed December 2014]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ
WaterAid Nepal (2009) Is Menstrual Hygiene an Issue for Adolescent School Girls? WaterAid Nepal.
Water for People (2008) Menstrual Hygiene and Management: A Pilot Study in West Bengal, India, Denver, CO: Water for People.
Chang, Y., Hayter, M., and Lin, M. (2012) ‘Pubescent male students’ attitudes towards menstruation in Taiwan: implications for reproductive health education and school nursing practice’, Journal of Clinical Nursing 21(3–4): 513–21 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03700.x≯.
George, R. (2014) ‘What is life like when your period means you are shunned by society?’ New Statesmen 11 March 2014 [online] <www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society≯ [accessed December 2014]. www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2014/03/what-life-when-your-period-means-you-are-shunned-society
House, S., Mahon, T., and Cavill, S. (2012) Menstrual Hygiene Matters, London: WaterAid.
Onyegegbu N. (no date) Menstruation and Menstrual Hygiene among Women and Young Females in Rural Eastern Nigeria [pdf] <http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf≯ [accessed 16 December 2014]. http://stanonline.org/journal/pdf/JSTAN-Nkadi%202011.pdf
O’Reilly, K. and Louis, E. (2014) ‘The toilet tripod: understanding successful sanitation in rural India’, Health & Place 29: 43–51 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.05.007≯.
Pathak, V. (2014) Process Documentation, Women with Wings, Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid.
Piper Pillitteri, S. (2012) Toilets Are Not Enough: Addressing Menstrual Hygiene Management in Secondary Schools in Malawi, London: SHARE.
Singh, K., Bloom, S., and Tsui, A. (1998) ‘Husbands' reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India’, Studies in Family Planning 29(4): 388–99.
Sudha, G. and Ramajyothi (2011) No More Whispering, Menstrual Hygiene Management Gender Perspective, Warangal, India: Modern Architects for Rural India (MARI).
UNESCO (2014) Good Policy and Practice in Health Education. Booklet 9 PUBERTY EDUCATION and Menstrual Hygiene Management, Paris: UNESCO.
Vatsalya and WaterAid (2013) Making Invisible the Visible [film], Lucknow: Vatsalya and WaterAid <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ≯ [accessed December 2014]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59RGOaDKOQ
WaterAid Nepal (2009) Is Menstrual Hygiene an Issue for Adolescent School Girls? WaterAid Nepal.
Water for People (2008) Menstrual Hygiene and Management: A Pilot Study in West Bengal, India, Denver, CO: Water for People.
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- Providing municipal faecal sludge management services: lessons from Bangladesh
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- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines