Return to learn: recommendations from revisited rural ecosan projects in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso has extensive experience with urine-diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) and the reuse of human excreta in agriculture in line with the ecological sanitation (ecosan) principles of containment, treatment, and reuse. Around 30 such ecosan projects have been implemented over the past 15 years, including installation of approximately 13,500 household UDDTs, accompanied by awareness-building and training on toilet use, emptying, and reuse. Recently, efforts have been made to revisit former and current project sites in the spirit of ‘return to learn’. We identified four such learning initiatives (studies/events), from which we draw recommendations to improve the sustainability of future implementation of ecosan in Burkina Faso and similar contexts. Key recommendations include increased attention to different user needs, handwashing and training on emptying/reuse as well as research and innovation on toilet design, urine collection/handling, menstrual management, and cost reduction/financing. Burkina Faso has set up the ambitious goal of 100 per cent toilet coverage and optimal reuse in the national sanitation programme by 2030, with UDDTs projected to make up 15 per cent of the 2 million toilets needed in rural areas. It is therefore timely to take stock and learn from past interventions. In addition, to enable resource recovery and reuse at scale, it will be important to develop a supportive policy and legal framework with collaboration between the WASH, agriculture, health, and environmental sectors.ACTEA (2018) L’assainissement écologique au Burkina Faso: quelles expériences, quelles conditions de réussite et quelles pistes d’amélioration? [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Barage, M. (2010) Fiche technique d’application des urines hygiénisées (Takin Ruwa) dans les conditions agricoles du Niger [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Bouzou, I. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet du compost enrichi avec des urines hygiénisées sur la culture du mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Carrasco, M., Dubé, A. and Bassono, R. (2014) Efficacité des interventions en matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement: Etude de cas des latrines EcoSan dans le cadre du projet d’appui à l’assainissement familial dans 12 communes rurales des régions du Plateau Central et du Centre-Ouest au Burkina Faso de 2011 à 2014 [pdf], IRC <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2007) ‘Atelier regional ECOSAN des architects, ingénieurs et techniciens’, ECOSAN Info 09 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2008) ‘ECOSAN convainc les agronomes d’Afrique’, EcoSan Info 14 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L. and Bonzi, M. (2010) ‘Opening minds and closing loops: productive sanitation initiatives in Burkina Faso and Niger’, Sustainable Sanitation Practice 3: 4–11 [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L., Savadogo, K., Hamadou, K. and Vodounhessi, A. (2015) ‘Productive sanitation in Burkina Faso and Niger: going beyond projects?’ 5th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland, 19–22 August 2015 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dakouré, M.S., Traoré, M.B., Sossou, S.K. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Development of sanitation technologies in African context: how could we make it more sustainable?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012032 <>.
Dickin, S., Dagerskog, L., Jiménez, A., Andersson, K. and Savadogo, K. (2018) ‘Understanding sustained use of ecological sanitation in rural Burkina Faso’, Science of the Total Environment 613: 140–8 <>.
Illiassou, Y. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet de l’application periodique de l’urine hygienisé sur la culture de mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jenkins, J. (2019) The Humanure Handbook: Shit in a Nutshell [online], 4th edn, Grove City, PA: Joseph Jenkins, Inc. <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jonsson, A. and Land, A. (2017) An Evaluation of the Long-Term Functionality of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) Projects in Rural Burkina Faso: Reuse of Sanitized Human Excreta as Fertilizer in Local Agriculture [pdf], MSc thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Kvarnström, E., Emilsson, K., Richert Stintzing, A., Johansson, M., Jönsson, H., af Petersens, E., Schönning, C., Christensen, J., Hellström, D., Qvarnström, L., Ridderstolpe, P. and Drangert, J.O. (2006) Urine Diversion: One Step Towards Sustainable Sanitation, SEI EcoSanRes series: 2006-1 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
LVIA (2014) A Chaque Famille sa Latrine: Une expérience d’Assainissement Ecologique au Burkina Faso [pdf], Project report <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
MEA (2016) Programme National d’Assainissement des Eaux Usées et Excreta (PN–AEUE) 2016–2030 [pdf], Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, Burkina Faso <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Morgan, P. (2007) Toilets That Make Compost: Low-Cost, Sanitary Toilets that Produce Valuable Compost for Crops in an African Context [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Richert, A., Gensch, R., Jönsson, H., Stenström, T.A. and Dagerskog, L. (2010) Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production [pdf], Stockholm: SEI, EcoSanRes series: 2010-1 <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Senecal, J., Nordin, A., Simha, P. and Vinnerås, B. (2018) ‘Hygiene aspect of treating human urine by alkaline dehydration’, Water Research 144: 474–81 <>.
SuSanA (2008) Towards More Sustainable Sanitation Solutions: SuSanA Vision Document [online], Sustainable Sanitation Alliance <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
SuSanA (2014) ‘Photos of Sanergy’s urine diversion pan’ [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Tourlonnias, B. (2018) ‘Panorama des projets EcoSan au Burkina Faso’ [PowerPoint presentation], 28 February 2018, ACTEA Ecosan workshop, Koudougou <> [accessed 16 December 2019].
Traoré, M.B., Dakouré, M.S. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Ameli-EAUR project: which lessons for the promotion of agricultural value chains?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012033 <>.
WHO (2006) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater: Volume 4 – Excreta and Greywater Use in Agriculture [pdf], Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hébert, M. (eds) (2004) Ecological Sanitation, revised and enlarged edn [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
ACTEA (2018) L’assainissement écologique au Burkina Faso: quelles expériences, quelles conditions de réussite et quelles pistes d’amélioration? [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Barage, M. (2010) Fiche technique d’application des urines hygiénisées (Takin Ruwa) dans les conditions agricoles du Niger [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Bouzou, I. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet du compost enrichi avec des urines hygiénisées sur la culture du mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Carrasco, M., Dubé, A. and Bassono, R. (2014) Efficacité des interventions en matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement: Etude de cas des latrines EcoSan dans le cadre du projet d’appui à l’assainissement familial dans 12 communes rurales des régions du Plateau Central et du Centre-Ouest au Burkina Faso de 2011 à 2014 [pdf], IRC <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2007) ‘Atelier regional ECOSAN des architects, ingénieurs et techniciens’, ECOSAN Info 09 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2008) ‘ECOSAN convainc les agronomes d’Afrique’, EcoSan Info 14 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L. and Bonzi, M. (2010) ‘Opening minds and closing loops: productive sanitation initiatives in Burkina Faso and Niger’, Sustainable Sanitation Practice 3: 4–11 [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L., Savadogo, K., Hamadou, K. and Vodounhessi, A. (2015) ‘Productive sanitation in Burkina Faso and Niger: going beyond projects?’ 5th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland, 19–22 August 2015 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dakouré, M.S., Traoré, M.B., Sossou, S.K. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Development of sanitation technologies in African context: how could we make it more sustainable?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012032 <>.
Dickin, S., Dagerskog, L., Jiménez, A., Andersson, K. and Savadogo, K. (2018) ‘Understanding sustained use of ecological sanitation in rural Burkina Faso’, Science of the Total Environment 613: 140–8 <>.
Illiassou, Y. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet de l’application periodique de l’urine hygienisé sur la culture de mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jenkins, J. (2019) The Humanure Handbook: Shit in a Nutshell [online], 4th edn, Grove City, PA: Joseph Jenkins, Inc. <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jonsson, A. and Land, A. (2017) An Evaluation of the Long-Term Functionality of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) Projects in Rural Burkina Faso: Reuse of Sanitized Human Excreta as Fertilizer in Local Agriculture [pdf], MSc thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Kvarnström, E., Emilsson, K., Richert Stintzing, A., Johansson, M., Jönsson, H., af Petersens, E., Schönning, C., Christensen, J., Hellström, D., Qvarnström, L., Ridderstolpe, P. and Drangert, J.O. (2006) Urine Diversion: One Step Towards Sustainable Sanitation, SEI EcoSanRes series: 2006-1 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
LVIA (2014) A Chaque Famille sa Latrine: Une expérience d’Assainissement Ecologique au Burkina Faso [pdf], Project report <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
MEA (2016) Programme National d’Assainissement des Eaux Usées et Excreta (PN–AEUE) 2016–2030 [pdf], Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, Burkina Faso <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Morgan, P. (2007) Toilets That Make Compost: Low-Cost, Sanitary Toilets that Produce Valuable Compost for Crops in an African Context [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Richert, A., Gensch, R., Jönsson, H., Stenström, T.A. and Dagerskog, L. (2010) Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production [pdf], Stockholm: SEI, EcoSanRes series: 2010-1 <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Senecal, J., Nordin, A., Simha, P. and Vinnerås, B. (2018) ‘Hygiene aspect of treating human urine by alkaline dehydration’, Water Research 144: 474–81 <>.
SuSanA (2008) Towards More Sustainable Sanitation Solutions: SuSanA Vision Document [online], Sustainable Sanitation Alliance <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
SuSanA (2014) ‘Photos of Sanergy’s urine diversion pan’ [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Tourlonnias, B. (2018) ‘Panorama des projets EcoSan au Burkina Faso’ [PowerPoint presentation], 28 February 2018, ACTEA Ecosan workshop, Koudougou <> [accessed 16 December 2019].
Traoré, M.B., Dakouré, M.S. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Ameli-EAUR project: which lessons for the promotion of agricultural value chains?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012033 <>.
WHO (2006) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater: Volume 4 – Excreta and Greywater Use in Agriculture [pdf], Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hébert, M. (eds) (2004) Ecological Sanitation, revised and enlarged edn [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
ACTEA (2018) L’assainissement écologique au Burkina Faso: quelles expériences, quelles conditions de réussite et quelles pistes d’amélioration? [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Barage, M. (2010) Fiche technique d’application des urines hygiénisées (Takin Ruwa) dans les conditions agricoles du Niger [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Bouzou, I. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet du compost enrichi avec des urines hygiénisées sur la culture du mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Carrasco, M., Dubé, A. and Bassono, R. (2014) Efficacité des interventions en matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement: Etude de cas des latrines EcoSan dans le cadre du projet d’appui à l’assainissement familial dans 12 communes rurales des régions du Plateau Central et du Centre-Ouest au Burkina Faso de 2011 à 2014 [pdf], IRC <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2007) ‘Atelier regional ECOSAN des architects, ingénieurs et techniciens’, ECOSAN Info 09 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2008) ‘ECOSAN convainc les agronomes d’Afrique’, EcoSan Info 14 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L. and Bonzi, M. (2010) ‘Opening minds and closing loops: productive sanitation initiatives in Burkina Faso and Niger’, Sustainable Sanitation Practice 3: 4–11 [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L., Savadogo, K., Hamadou, K. and Vodounhessi, A. (2015) ‘Productive sanitation in Burkina Faso and Niger: going beyond projects?’ 5th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland, 19–22 August 2015 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dakouré, M.S., Traoré, M.B., Sossou, S.K. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Development of sanitation technologies in African context: how could we make it more sustainable?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012032 <>.
Dickin, S., Dagerskog, L., Jiménez, A., Andersson, K. and Savadogo, K. (2018) ‘Understanding sustained use of ecological sanitation in rural Burkina Faso’, Science of the Total Environment 613: 140–8 <>.
Illiassou, Y. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet de l’application periodique de l’urine hygienisé sur la culture de mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jenkins, J. (2019) The Humanure Handbook: Shit in a Nutshell [online], 4th edn, Grove City, PA: Joseph Jenkins, Inc. <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jonsson, A. and Land, A. (2017) An Evaluation of the Long-Term Functionality of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) Projects in Rural Burkina Faso: Reuse of Sanitized Human Excreta as Fertilizer in Local Agriculture [pdf], MSc thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Kvarnström, E., Emilsson, K., Richert Stintzing, A., Johansson, M., Jönsson, H., af Petersens, E., Schönning, C., Christensen, J., Hellström, D., Qvarnström, L., Ridderstolpe, P. and Drangert, J.O. (2006) Urine Diversion: One Step Towards Sustainable Sanitation, SEI EcoSanRes series: 2006-1 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
LVIA (2014) A Chaque Famille sa Latrine: Une expérience d’Assainissement Ecologique au Burkina Faso [pdf], Project report <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
MEA (2016) Programme National d’Assainissement des Eaux Usées et Excreta (PN–AEUE) 2016–2030 [pdf], Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, Burkina Faso <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Morgan, P. (2007) Toilets That Make Compost: Low-Cost, Sanitary Toilets that Produce Valuable Compost for Crops in an African Context [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Richert, A., Gensch, R., Jönsson, H., Stenström, T.A. and Dagerskog, L. (2010) Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production [pdf], Stockholm: SEI, EcoSanRes series: 2010-1 <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Senecal, J., Nordin, A., Simha, P. and Vinnerås, B. (2018) ‘Hygiene aspect of treating human urine by alkaline dehydration’, Water Research 144: 474–81 <>.
SuSanA (2008) Towards More Sustainable Sanitation Solutions: SuSanA Vision Document [online], Sustainable Sanitation Alliance <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
SuSanA (2014) ‘Photos of Sanergy’s urine diversion pan’ [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Tourlonnias, B. (2018) ‘Panorama des projets EcoSan au Burkina Faso’ [PowerPoint presentation], 28 February 2018, ACTEA Ecosan workshop, Koudougou <> [accessed 16 December 2019].
Traoré, M.B., Dakouré, M.S. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Ameli-EAUR project: which lessons for the promotion of agricultural value chains?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012033 <>.
WHO (2006) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater: Volume 4 – Excreta and Greywater Use in Agriculture [pdf], Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hébert, M. (eds) (2004) Ecological Sanitation, revised and enlarged edn [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
ACTEA (2018) L’assainissement écologique au Burkina Faso: quelles expériences, quelles conditions de réussite et quelles pistes d’amélioration? [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Barage, M. (2010) Fiche technique d’application des urines hygiénisées (Takin Ruwa) dans les conditions agricoles du Niger [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Bouzou, I. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet du compost enrichi avec des urines hygiénisées sur la culture du mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Carrasco, M., Dubé, A. and Bassono, R. (2014) Efficacité des interventions en matière d’hygiène et d’assainissement: Etude de cas des latrines EcoSan dans le cadre du projet d’appui à l’assainissement familial dans 12 communes rurales des régions du Plateau Central et du Centre-Ouest au Burkina Faso de 2011 à 2014 [pdf], IRC <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2007) ‘Atelier regional ECOSAN des architects, ingénieurs et techniciens’, ECOSAN Info 09 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
CREPA (2008) ‘ECOSAN convainc les agronomes d’Afrique’, EcoSan Info 14 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L. and Bonzi, M. (2010) ‘Opening minds and closing loops: productive sanitation initiatives in Burkina Faso and Niger’, Sustainable Sanitation Practice 3: 4–11 [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dagerskog, L., Savadogo, K., Hamadou, K. and Vodounhessi, A. (2015) ‘Productive sanitation in Burkina Faso and Niger: going beyond projects?’ 5th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland, 19–22 August 2015 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Dakouré, M.S., Traoré, M.B., Sossou, S.K. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Development of sanitation technologies in African context: how could we make it more sustainable?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012032 <>.
Dickin, S., Dagerskog, L., Jiménez, A., Andersson, K. and Savadogo, K. (2018) ‘Understanding sustained use of ecological sanitation in rural Burkina Faso’, Science of the Total Environment 613: 140–8 <>.
Illiassou, Y. (2009) Evaluation de l’effet de l’application periodique de l’urine hygienisé sur la culture de mil [pdf], MSc thesis, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jenkins, J. (2019) The Humanure Handbook: Shit in a Nutshell [online], 4th edn, Grove City, PA: Joseph Jenkins, Inc. <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Jonsson, A. and Land, A. (2017) An Evaluation of the Long-Term Functionality of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) Projects in Rural Burkina Faso: Reuse of Sanitized Human Excreta as Fertilizer in Local Agriculture [pdf], MSc thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Kvarnström, E., Emilsson, K., Richert Stintzing, A., Johansson, M., Jönsson, H., af Petersens, E., Schönning, C., Christensen, J., Hellström, D., Qvarnström, L., Ridderstolpe, P. and Drangert, J.O. (2006) Urine Diversion: One Step Towards Sustainable Sanitation, SEI EcoSanRes series: 2006-1 [pdf] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
LVIA (2014) A Chaque Famille sa Latrine: Une expérience d’Assainissement Ecologique au Burkina Faso [pdf], Project report <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
MEA (2016) Programme National d’Assainissement des Eaux Usées et Excreta (PN–AEUE) 2016–2030 [pdf], Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, Burkina Faso <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Morgan, P. (2007) Toilets That Make Compost: Low-Cost, Sanitary Toilets that Produce Valuable Compost for Crops in an African Context [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Richert, A., Gensch, R., Jönsson, H., Stenström, T.A. and Dagerskog, L. (2010) Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production [pdf], Stockholm: SEI, EcoSanRes series: 2010-1 <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Senecal, J., Nordin, A., Simha, P. and Vinnerås, B. (2018) ‘Hygiene aspect of treating human urine by alkaline dehydration’, Water Research 144: 474–81 <>.
SuSanA (2008) Towards More Sustainable Sanitation Solutions: SuSanA Vision Document [online], Sustainable Sanitation Alliance <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
SuSanA (2014) ‘Photos of Sanergy’s urine diversion pan’ [online] <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Tourlonnias, B. (2018) ‘Panorama des projets EcoSan au Burkina Faso’ [PowerPoint presentation], 28 February 2018, ACTEA Ecosan workshop, Koudougou <> [accessed 16 December 2019].
Traoré, M.B., Dakouré, M.S. and Maïga, A.H. (2017) ‘Ameli-EAUR project: which lessons for the promotion of agricultural value chains?’ IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 60(1): 012033 <>.
WHO (2006) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater: Volume 4 – Excreta and Greywater Use in Agriculture [pdf], Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
Winblad, U. and Simpson-Hébert, M. (eds) (2004) Ecological Sanitation, revised and enlarged edn [pdf], Stockholm: SEI EcoSanRes Programme <> [accessed 12 November 2019].
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