Rainwater Harvesting
The collection of rainfall and runoff in rural areas
This book emphasizes the importance of social, economic, and environmental considerations when planning and implementing projects. For rural development workers, it aims to fill the gap in existing literature on the gathering and storage of rainwater.
Published: 1986
Pages: 224
eBook: 9781780445700
Paperback: 9780946688227
9781780445700.000 |
Arnold Pacey
Arnold Pacey was lecturer at the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, 1963-72; editor for Oxfam, 1973-74; Associate Lecturer at the Open University, Yorkshire Region, Leeds, 1976-2000; and retired in 2001.
Adrian Cullis
Adrian Cullis is Team Leader at the Food Security Unit at Save the Children US - Ethiopia
Rainwater Harvesting in Iraq(2005 JRCSA Forum|Panel Discussion)
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