Political Dynamics of Transnational Agrarian Movements
Marc Edelman, Saturnino M. Borras, Jr.
Transnational agrarian movements (TAMs) are organizations, networks, coalitions and solidarity linkages of farmers, peasants, pastoralists and their allies that cross national boundaries and seek to influence national and global policies. Today’s TAMs have contributed to reframing a wide range of debates and practices in the fields of international development and agrarian and social movement studies, including sustainability and climate change, land rights and agrarian reform, food sovereignty, neoliberal economics and global trade rules, corporate control of seeds and technology, the human rights of peasants, and gender equity.
In Political Dynamics of Transnational Agrarian Movements, Marc Edelman and Saturnino M. Borras Jr. offer a state-of-the-art review of scholarship on transnational agrarian movements, a synthetic history of TAMs from the early twentieth century to the present, and an analytical guide to TAM research.
Series: Agrarian Change & Peasant Studies
Published: 2016
Pages: 192
eBook: 9781780449142
Paperback: 9781853399152
Hardback: 9781853399145
In Political Dynamics of Transnational Agrarian Movements, Marc Edelman and Saturnino M. Borras Jr. offer a state-of-the-art review of scholarship on transnational agrarian movements, a synthetic history of TAMs from the early twentieth century to the present, and an analytical guide to TAM research.
Foreword. | |||
A Word from ICCO. | |||
Acknowledgements. | |||
Introduction: A Framework for Understanding Transnational Agrarian Movements. | |||
Transnational Agrarian Movements: Histories and Diversity. | |||
Linking the International, the National and the Local in TAMs. | |||
Internally Differentiated TAMs: Competing Class, Identity and Ideological Interests. | |||
Class, Identity and Ideological Differences between TAMs. | |||
TAMs, NGOs and Donor Agencies. | |||
TAMs and Intergovernmental Institutions. | |||
Conclusion: Current and Future Challenges |
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