Partnerships in Urban Planning
A Guide for Municipalities
Based on a three-year project in Kenya, this booklet examines the key features in understanding the development of participatory urban planning strategies and approaches that will assist in safeguarding of the position of poor and vulnerable. The book aims to help readers to understand power relations, and comparative advantage as a basis for deciding on partners; safeguard the poor and vulnerable in partnership formation; decide the type of partnership in relationship to purpose ; decide the kind of organization to which the partnership will lead; ensure partnerships create organizational identity whilst safeguarding the distinctive identity of individual partners; sort out levels of partner relations in pursuit of both practical and strategic agendas; understand partnership capacities interests and priorities as a basis for partner selection; assess the advantages of participation and partnership and evaluate risk; and utilise participatory action planning methods in order to converge the interests of stakeholders and pool resources.
Published: 2006
Pages: 64
eBook: 9781780441528
Paperback: 9781853396571
Acknowledgements; Acronyms and abbreviations; List of boxes, figures and tables; Introduction; Background; Project purpose; Project approach. Part 1 – The Urban Challenge: Urbanization and the challenge of urban poverty; Urbanization of poverty; Sustainable urban development; Building the sustainable city; Participation and partnership: crucial dimensions for achieving the MDGs. Part 2 – Partnerships in Action: Partnerships – what are they? Purpose of partnerships; Choosing the right partner; Private corporate sector; Building partnerships; Action planning – reaching consensus. Part 3 – Guiding Principles; References; Online resources |
Nabeel Hamdi
NABEEL HAMDI, architect and teacher. Specialist in housing, shelter and settlement, slum upgrading and in participatory planning and design. Director of the Centre for Development and Emergency Planning (CENDEP) at Oxford Brookes University. Research Affiliate, MIT Cambridge, USA.
Michael Majale
Michael Majale is Lecturer in Overseas Development in the Global Urban Research Unit (GURU) at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.