Mobilizing Appropriate Technology
Papers on planning aid programmes
Discusses the role of AT in a national aid programme. If AT enters the project cycle at too late a stage it has little influence over the technological choice and the grassroots organizations that play a key role in development and change in rural areas.
Published: 1988
Pages: 128
eBook: 9781780442853
Paperback: 9781853390456
1. Why recycle plastics? | |||
2. The plastics industry - its processes, products and structure | |||
3 Giving the customer what he wants | |||
4 . Collection of p l a s t i c s waste | |||
6. Manufacture and sale of small a r t i c l e s from reclaim | |||
I. About p l a s t i c s - t h e i r chemistry and structum | |||
11. Test for melt flow inde | |||
111. Manufacturers of plae t i c s recycling equipment | |||
Matthew Gamser
Matthew Gamser leads IFC’s advisory work in increasing access to financial services in the East Asia-Pacific region. Dr Gamser has 27 years of experience in international enterprise development, local economic development, and finance. His present work for IFC includes microfinance, SME finance, housing finance, insurance, leasing, energy efficiency finance and electronic/mobile phone banking.
Rural mechanisation: a review of processes, policies, practice and literature
Gass, G. M.
Biggs, Stephen D.
Project Appraisal, Vol. 8 (1993), Iss. 3 P.157
https://doi.org/10.1080/02688867.1993.9726905 [Citations: 9]Technology in the textile and clothing industries: implications for developing countries
Journal of Consumer Studies & Home Economics, Vol. 20 (1996), Iss. 2 P.175
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1470-6431.1996.tb00246.x [Citations: 0]