Micro-hydro Power
A guide for development workers
Peter Fraenkel, Oliver Parish, Varis Bolkalders, Adam Harvey
Guides the reader systematically through the basic methods of hydrology and site survey and describes how to set up an appropriate scheme, with detailed technical information; also covers the essential economic considerations and maintenance requirements.
Published: 1991
Pages: 160
eBook: 9781780442815
Paperback: 9781853390296
9781780442815.000 | 1 | ||
9781780442815.001 | 11 |
Peter Fraenkel
Peter Fraenkel is a mechanical engineer with long experience of renewable energy systems and the author of many books and articles on wind, hydro, and tidal energy. He is a leading authority on water pumping technologies for developing country applications and was a founder and Director of I.T. Power from 1981 to 2000.
Adam Harvey
Adam Harvey has worked for the micro-hydro programme of IT (now Practical Action) in Nepal and Sri Lanka and on training courses for engineers from developing countries. He holds a PhD from the University of Warwick in the field of renewable energy.
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