Land, Rights and Innovation
Improving tenure for the urban poor
Every day millions of people around the world spend their hard-earned income improving houses they do not officially own or legally occupy. The vast majority are poor householders in urban areas of the South, where, in some cities, more than half the population lives in various types of unauthorized housing. As land in urban areas becomes more expensive and globalization accelerates the commercialization of urban land markets, people are forced to occupy unused government land, or purchase agricultural land and build a house without permission - activities that urban authorities are often seeking to prevent. Land, Rights and Innovation examines the complex issues surrounding land tenure, and the challenges they present for urban planners in the South and in the transition economies of Eastern Europe. Based on extensive research, the book brings together a diverse range of examples from 17 countries where the authorities, non-governmental organizations or communities have evolved practical, innovative approaches to providing tenure for the urban poor. These widen the choices available for residents, encourage local investment to reduce poverty and facilitate the development of more equitable and efficient urban land markets. The inclusion of a chapter examining the legal issues of security of tenure, as well as an introduction and a conclusion summarizing the way forward, makes this book of value to all those responsible for formulating and implementing urban land tenure policies in the rapidly changing and expanding cities in the South and transition economies.
Published: 2002
Pages: 352
eBook: 9781780441207
Paperback: 9781853395444
Prelims (Foreword by Michael Mutter, Acknowledgements, List of figures, List of tables, List of boxes, List of acroynms and abbreviations) | |||
1. Introduction | |||
Geoffrey Payne | |||
2. Tenure and the law: The legality of illegality and the illegality of legality. | |||
Patrick McAuslan | |||
3. Housing tenure change in the transitional economies. | |||
Richard Grover, Paul Munro-Faure, Mikhail Soloviev | |||
4. The process of urban land tenure formalisation in Peru. | |||
Ayako Kagawa and Jan Turkstra | |||
5. What is secure tenure in urban Egypt? | |||
David Sims | |||
6. Are services more important than titles in Bogotá? | |||
Nora Aristizabal, Andrés Ortíz Gomez | |||
7. Current changes and trends: Benin, Burkina Faso and Senegal. | |||
Alain Durand-Lasserve in collaboration with Alain Bagré, Moussa Gueye, José Tonato. | |||
8. Tenure security, housing investment and environmental improvement: the cases of Delhi and Ahmedabad, India. | |||
Amitabh Kundu | |||
9. Legality and legitimacy of tenure in Turkey. | |||
Murat Balamir | |||
10. Bolivia’s land tenure experience. | |||
Fabian Farfan Espinoza | |||
11. The Certificate of Rights story in Botswana. | |||
Saad S. Yahya | |||
12. Combining tenure policies, urban planning and city management in Brazil. | |||
Edesio Fernandes | |||
13. Community Land Trusts and other tenure innovations in Kenya. | |||
Saad S. Yahya | |||
14. Going against the grain: alternatives to individual ownership in South Africa. | |||
Lauren Royston, Cecile Ambert | |||
15. A level playing field: security of tenure and the urban poor in Bangkok, Thailand. | |||
Radhika Savant Mohit | |||
16. Conclusion: the way ahead | |||
Geoffrey Payne | |||
Back Matter (List of contributors, Notes, Bibliography, Index) |
Geoffrey Payne
Geoffrey Payne is a housing and urban development consultant based in London. He is author of Making Common Ground: Public-private Partnerships in Land for Housing also published by Practical Action Publishing.
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