Agronomy & crop production
Terre Fertile
La planète compte environ 2,5 milliards de personnes impliquées dans l’agriculture familiale et la production alimentaire qui sont réparties sur 500 millions de fermes. Leur capacité créative à exploiter leurs terres de manière productive et durable en accord avec la nature, et non contre elle, est...
Tierra Fértil
En el mundo hay cerca de 2500 millones de personas, en 500 millones de granjas, dedicadas a la agricultura familiar y a la producción de alimentos a pequeña escala. Su capacidad creativa para cultivar de manera productiva y sostenible con la naturaleza, en lugar de en contra de ella, es tal vez la f...
Fertile Ground
There are about 2.5 billion people in the world, on 500 million farms, involved with smallholder family agriculture and food production. Their creative capacity to farm productively and sustainably with nature, instead of against it, is perhaps the most powerful force that can be unleashed to overco...
Cover Crops in Smallholder Agriculture
Lessons learned in Latin America is about the use and dissemination of cover crops in different agreoecosystems need to be made more widely available not only to Spanish speaking, but also Anglophone regions. This publication aims to inform a wide range of actors involved in rural development projec...
Modern Coconut Management
Modern Coconut Management is aimed at guiding those who work with small-scale farmers and farmer groups through the complex area of coconut management. It will also be of value to the many processors and others whose livelihoods depend on coconuts. The emphasis is on the need for training and educat...
Organic Cotton
Commercial organic cotton production is a new area of activity, and research and analysis is still at an early stage, but what written material exists is presented here with material commissioned specifically for this book. It is organized according to the stages in the 'cotton chain', from farmer t...
Intercropping and the Scientific Basis of Traditional Agriculture
This book is a pioneering, comparative study of the practice of intercropping (growing two or more crops at once in the same field). Innis's meticulous analysis of the scientific base of different traditional forms of agriculture in Jamaica, Nepal and India, is at the forefront of the search for int...
Livestock and Land-use Surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa
Oxfam carries out original research on various aspects of its overseas programme, as part of a constant monitoring process, and in an effort to gain greater understanding of development programmes and practice. Although primarily a tool for institutional learning, some of the resulting reports are o...
Cultivating Knowledge
Local crop diversity in the South is being threatened by the promotion of modern 'high-yield' varieties. These worldwide case studies show the importance of small-scale farmers and local communities to maintaining crop diversity.
Growing Diversity
David Cooper, Renée Velve, Henk Hobbelink
Activists present their experiences of managing plant genetic resources. The contributors document the achievements of farmers in developing crop varieties tailored to their needs, and demonstrate how these approaches can be built upon.