Growing Diversity
Genetic resources and local food security
David Cooper, Renée Velve, Henk Hobbelink
Activists present their experiences of managing plant genetic resources. The contributors document the achievements of farmers in developing crop varieties tailored to their needs, and demonstrate how these approaches can be built upon.
Published: 1992
Pages: 176
eBook: 9781780445069
Hardback: 9781853391194
Paperback: 9781853391231
Acknowledgements/About this book vii | |||
1. Why farmer-based conservation and | |||
improvement of plant genetic resources? 1 | |||
GRAIN | |||
2. Community plant genetic resources | |||
management: experiences in Southeast Asia 17 | |||
3. Sowing community seed banks in Indonesia 30 | |||
4. An integrated NGO approach in Thailand 38 | |||
5. Women and biological diversity: lessons from | |||
the Indian Himalaya 44 | |||
6. Promoting traditional trees and food crops in | |||
Kenya 53 | |||
7. Zimbabwean farmers as the starting point 69 | |||
8. Ethiopia: a genebank working with farmers 78 | |||
9. Developing local seed production in Mozambique 97 | |||
10. Grassroots conservation efforts in Latin America 106 | |||
11. Promoting local conservation in Ecuador 116 | |||
12. Towards a folk revolution 125 | |||
13. Facing the challenges of grassroots conservation 146 | |||
Annexes: Acronyms used in this book 155 | |||
A guide to technical, unfamiliar or | |||
strange-sounding terms used in this book 156 | |||
Addresses 159 | |||
Selected reading 161 | |||
Notes 166 |
David Cooper David Cooper works in plant genetic resources at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Renée Velve Renée Velve began working on biodiversity issues in the early 1980s, when she became active with French groups fighting for farmers' rights to use local seeds. For 15 years she was based in the Philippines, helping carry out GRAIN's global programme work. She helps run the open-publishing websites bilaterals.org and farmlandgrab.org, and helps with the overall coordination of GRAIN.
Henk Hobbelink Henk Hobbelink is an agronomist by training. In the 1980s he worked with farmers in Peru on sustainable pest management and worked with Dutch and European NGOs drawing attention to the importance of agricultural biodiversity for the future of farming. He is the coordinator of GRAIN, and as such is responsible for the overall functioning of the organization as well as conducting global trends research, writing and outreach activities.
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