Aid & relief programmes
Health Care for Refugees and Displaced People
Over the years Oxfam has been involved in a wide variety of health-related projects. The Practical Health Guides draw on this experience to put forward ideas on best practice in the provision of health care and services in developing countries. Drawing on the experience of Oxfam staff in many differ...
Disability, Liberation and Development
Disabled people are marginalized in every country of the world both North and South. By probing these prejudices and studying cases where they have been overcome this book provides an insight into the processes of liberation and empowerment.
Disability, Liberation and Development
Disabled people are marginalized in every country of the world both North and South. By probing these prejudices and studying cases where they have been overcome this book provides an insight into the processes of liberation and empowerment.
To Cure All Hunger
Few countries face as grim a prospect of food insecurity as the Sudan - bankrupt, at civil war, and ravaged by drought. To Cure All Hunger looks at the scope and the content of appropriate interventions, growth, income, and command over food security. A close study of the causes, dimensions and cons...
To Cure All Hunger
Few countries face as grim a prospect of food insecurity as the Sudan - bankrupt, at civil war, and ravaged by drought. To Cure All Hunger looks at the scope and the content of appropriate interventions, growth, income, and command over food security. A close study of the causes, dimensions and cons...
When Aid is No Help
Examines how aid from rich to poor countries often fails to reach those most in need, and how the global aid effort falls short in its most crucial task. It also discusses how changes may be made and offers twelve guidelines to assist aid policymakers. Much development assistance from rich to poor...
Energy Dimension
Helps planners identify energy needs early on so they can be integrated into project design. Summarizes key issues, with detailed discussion of energy options and the dynamics of supply and demand; plus fact sheets and checklists for quick reference.
Mobilizing Appropriate Technology
Discusses the role of AT in a national aid programme. If AT enters the project cycle at too late a stage it has little influence over the technological choice and the grassroots organizations that play a key role in development and change in rural areas.
Mobilizing Appropriate Technology
Discusses the role of AT in a national aid programme. If AT enters the project cycle at too late a stage it has little influence over the technological choice and the grassroots organizations that play a key role in development and change in rural areas.
Educational Wooden Toys in Sri Lanka
A case study about the work of IT IS and Sarvodaya, a Sri Lankan development charity, in establishing the local production of educational pre-school toys. Full colour photographs illustrate the production process and end results.