Health systems & services
Hygiene Promotion
Indispensable for fieldworkers on projects or programmes aiming to reduce the incidence of water-and sanitation-related diseases, it will also be useful for other relief and development workers, particularly those working in the fields of community development, health, and engineering. The authors d...
Supporting Communities Affected by Violence
More than 15,000 people have been killed, and 500,000 displaced, during years of low-intensity civil war in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal. This title describes the work of the KwaZulu-Natal Programme for Survivors of Violence (KZN-PSV), which (with the support of Oxfam) helps communiti...
Gender, Development and Health
What are the differences between women’s and men’s experiences of health, sickness and health care? How does our gender identity affect our physical and mental wellbeing? Despite improvements in health indicators in many countries, developing countries are currently facing a health crisis. New disea...
Gender Issues In Health Projects and Programmes
Oxfam carries out original research on various aspects of its overseas programme, as part of a constant monitoring process, and in an effort to gain greater understanding of development programmes and practice. Although primarily a tool for institutional learning, some of the resulting reports are o...
Financing Health Care
Hilary Goodman, Catriona Waddington
Over the years Oxfam has been involved in a wide variety of health-related projects. The Practical Health Guides draw on this experience to put forward ideas on best practice in the provision of health care and services in developing countries. The way in which a health service is financed has signi...