Practical Action Publishing
Evaporative Cooling
Keeping produce fresh with refrigeration methods that require no external power.
The Boulder Concept in Building Walls
This brief was written BY the Building Advisory Service and Information Network (BASIN) providing information resources on low-cost building technologies.
Mushroom Growing
Developing commercial cultivation of mushrooms is growing throughout Africa. This brief focuses on this practice in Zimbabwe.
Solar Drying
Drying using sunshine - a brief description of the basic principles behind it and how to determine the rate of drying.
Serpentine Solar Water Heating: Guidelines for Fabrication
The Serpentine is a solar thermal collector developed as part of a low cost water heating system by the AIDG for households in Xela, Guatemala.
Clay Tile Manufacture
A guide to clay tile manufacture, covering tools, factory siting, operations, budgeting and financing the project.
Engineering drawings detailing how to make a wheelbarrow.
Health Care Waste Management in Developing Countries
This brief gives an overview on health care waste treatment options focusing on incineration.
Compost Toilets
This fact sheet describes a compost toilet that has proved to be most effective in water-logged areas where pit-latrines and septic tanks are inappropriate.
Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine
The Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine is an improvement on standard pit latrines that eliminates flies and odour.