Practical Action Publishing
Rainwater Harvesting in Thailand
An explorative study was done to collect information and analyse the experiences of the promotion of domestic rainwater harvesting (DRWH) in Thailand. A rapid review of evidence was combined with a field trip to collect information from a wide variety of actors. This report summarizes the main findi...
Banana farming in flood deposited sandy soil
Banana is one of the major and economically important fruit crops of Nepal. It has been traditionally grown in home yards for home consumption purpose.
Demonstrating evidence on Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Developing countries depend to a large extent on the ecosystems and the services they provide. Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is emerging as a potential response to climate change and a key pillar for sustainable development. UN Environment Programme under the Regional Portal for the Transfer of T...
Anticipatory Humanitarian Action in Nepal
This document focuses on resource centres for health workers. Information is especially important for training health workers helping them to understand the context of their work, follow new approaches, undertake new responsibilities, improve their practice and remind them of basic concepts.
Solar Photovoltaic Energy
This Technical Brief looks at the background of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy (in which sunlight is directly converted into electricity), the design of PV cell, modules and arrays, and configuration of PV systems.
Solar Water Heating
Solar water heaters generally employ a solar collector and a storage tank and provide hot water for washing and heating.
Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping
The advantages and disadvantages of solar water pumping are outlined in this document.
Solar Distillation
The technical brief contains the information on solar distillation process that provides clean and safe drinking water to people living in areas with less access to it. Solar distillation is the process of removing salts and other impurities using the energy of the sun to get pure water for drinking...
Extrusion of Foods
There are two types of extrusion process: cold extrusion, which mixes and shapes foods such as biscuit dough and pasta without cooking them; and hot extrusion (or extrusion cooking).
Spice Processing
Small-scale processing of spices can be economically and socially successful.