MPA: a new methodology for participatory monitoring
Christine Van Wijk | Leonie Postma
Can the MPA shed light on the best approaches for planning water supply systems? This article includes studies using MPA that demonstrate that community-managed water supplies are significantly better sustainedand used when their planning is more demand responsive.
and used when their planning is more demand responsive.
A systematic approach to behavior change interventions for the water and sanitation sector in developing countries: a conceptual model, a review, and a guideline
Mosler, Hans-Joachim
International Journal of Environmental Health Research, Vol. 22 (2012), Iss. 5 P.431 [Citations: 279]Quantification of qualitative data in the water sector: the challenges
Sijbesma, Christine
Postma, Leonie
Water International, Vol. 33 (2008), Iss. 2 P.150 [Citations: 3]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
- Providing municipal faecal sludge management services: lessons from Bangladesh
- Menstrual hygiene management: education and empowerment for girls?
- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines