Using local organizations to design low-cost sanitation systems in Pakistan
Piped water had been provided to the informal settlements of Quetta, Pakistan, but most houses had inadequate sanitation. This article describes how one organization, QKAEMP, worked with local communityorganizations to implement a low-cost sanitation system connected to the main sewer.
organizations to implement a low-cost sanitation system connected to the main sewer.
Subsidy and sustainability in urban sanitation: The case of Quetta Katchi Abadis Environment Management Programme
Syed Ayub Qutub, Syed Ayub Qutub
Naseema Salam, Naseema Salam
Khalid Shah, Khalid Shah
Daanish Anjum, Daanish Anjum
Waterlines, Vol. 27 (2008), Iss. 3 P.205 [Citations: 4]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
- Providing municipal faecal sludge management services: lessons from Bangladesh
- Menstrual hygiene management: education and empowerment for girls?
- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines