Rethinking the unthinkable — effective excreta disposal in emergency situations
Thoughts about the needs of people living in refugee camps usually focus on food, water, and medical care. Who wants to dwell on the unpleasant (if necessary) removal of vast amounts of human waste? Technical solutions can be found if fresh, creative thinking is applied to sanitationengineering.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Humanitarian Contexts
Water, sanitation, and hygiene in emergencies: summary review and recommendations for further research
Brown, Joe
Cavill, Sue
Cumming, Oliver
Jeandron, Aurelie
2015 [Citations: 2]Water, sanitation, and hygiene in emergencies: summary review and recommendations for further research
Joe Brown, Joe Brown
Sue Cavill, Sue Cavill
Oliver Cumming, Oliver Cumming
Aurelie Jeandron, Aurelie Jeandron
Waterlines, Vol. 31 (2012), Iss. 1 P.11 [Citations: 46]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
- Providing municipal faecal sludge management services: lessons from Bangladesh
- Menstrual hygiene management: education and empowerment for girls?
- Webwatch
- WASH challenges to girls’ menstrual hygiene management in Metro Manila, Masbate, and South Central Mindanao, Philippines