Results from implementing a cohesive strategy and standardized monitoring programme for hygiene kit distribution in Myanmar
Marta Domini | Travis Yates | Sunny Guidotti | Lae Yee Win | Daniele Lantagne
Hygiene kits are commonly distributed in humanitarian emergencies to interrupt disease transmission and provide dignity. Despite being commonly implemented, hygiene kit distribution interventions are under-researched, and there is a lack of knowledge on kit efficacy and effectiveness. In Myanmar, the WASH cluster developed a national hygiene kit distribution and monitoring strategy. The research was aimed at determining the effectiveness of this strategy in the context of protracted internally displaced persons camps in Myanmar. To understand programme strategy, we reviewed documents against inclusion criteria; extracted and categorized data for included documents; analysed data; and summarized results. Twenty-six documents met the inclusion criteria of describing strategy development (47 per cent), monitoring in Rakhine (47 per cent) or Kachin State (3 per cent), or monitoring menstrual health and hygiene programme (3 per cent). We identified the strategy was successfully adopted and adapted for Kachin and Rakhine states; however, limitations were identified in receiving consistent monitoring data. We found hygiene kit distributions need to consider local context, including population mobility, local markets and availability of products, and household expenses and debt. Due to these interrelated factors, the percentage of households selling kit items decreased over time; additionally, soap and sanitary pad presence was significantly associated with household income. Consistently, women reported preferring disposable pads for menstrual health and hygiene due to privacy concerns. Programmatically, it is recommended to adapt hygiene kit distributions to local contexts, continue to distribute hygiene kits in protracted contexts to identified at-risk households, distribute disposable pads, and continue revising and improving strategy and monitoring tools.Connolly, M.A., Gayer, M., Ryan, M.J., Salama, P., Spiegel, P. and Heymann, D.L. (2004) ‘Communicable diseases in complex emergencies: impact and challenges’, Lancet 364(9449): 1974–83 <>.
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) (2015) ‘Cash based programming feasibility assessment in central Rakhine’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016a) ‘Kyin Ni Pyin hygiene core and replenishment kits : combined post-distribution monitoring summary’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016b) ‘Post-distribution monitoring reporting hygiene replenishment kits in Phwe Yar Gone and Ohn Thaw Gyi South IDP camps June 2016’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016c) ‘FGD for PDM: male,female group PYG_Oct16’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016d) ‘FGD for PDM: mix group OTG (4)(5)’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016e) ‘PDM OTGs PYG Sept 2016.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017a) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report – KNP’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017b) ‘Hygiene replenishment kit post-distribution monitoring report-KNP’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017c) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report: Draft Phwe Yar Gone Camp, Sittwe’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017d) ‘FGD at PYG_March 2017’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017e) ‘PDM_regular PYG July 2017 - labels - 2017-08-02-08-11.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017f) ‘KII results.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017g) ‘HK survey_long OTGs.xls’ (file of data) Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2018a) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report Phwe Yar Gone Camp, Sittwe’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2018b) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Department of Population (2019) ‘Myanmar population’ [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
EM-DAT (2019) The International Disaster Database [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
Global WASH Cluster (2019) Guidance on Market Based Programming for Humanitarian Wash Practitioners [online] <> [accessed 5 May 2010].
Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) (2018) ‘Bulletin Rohingya: needs and services’, report, (available from authors).
Harmer, A. and Macrae, J. (2004) Beyond the Continuum: The Changing Role of Aid in Protracted Crises, Vol. 44, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Harp and WASH cluster (2018) ‘A rapid review of soap and sanitary pad availability for IDPs in Kachin’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
House, S., Mahon, T. and Cavill, S. (2012) Menstrual Hygiene Matters: Hygiene around the World, Water Aid, London.
JIPS (2016) ‘Myanmar Kachin and Northern Shan: profile at a glance’ [online], Joint IDP Profiling Service < [Accessed 5 May 2020].
Kohrt, B.A., Mistry, A.S., Anand, N., Beecroft, B. and Nuwayhid, I. (2019) ‘Health research in humanitarian crises: an urgent global imperative’, BMJ Global Health 4(6): 1–8 <>.
Lwin, S. (2014) ‘Assessment report existing hygiene promotion tools, methodology and IEC materials within WASH Cluster: Kachin 2014’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Mahmood, S.S., Wroe, E., Fuller, A. and Leaning, J. (2017) ‘The Rohingya people of Myanmar: health, human rights, and identity’, Lancet 389(10081): 1841–50 <>.
Oxfam (2013) Oxfam Minimum Requirements for WASH Programmes: MR-WASH [online], Technical Briefing Note <> [accessed 5 May 2020].
Salama, P., Spiegel, P., Talley, L. and Waldman, R. (2004) ‘Lessons learned from complex emergencies over past decade’, Lancet 364(9447): 1801–13 <>.
Smith, K.F., Goldberg, M., Rosenthal, S., Carlson, L., Chen, J., Chen, C. and Ramachandran, S. (2014) ‘Global rise in human infectious disease outbreaks’, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11(101): 1–6 <>.
Solidarites International (SI) (2016) ‘Safepad post distribution monitoring (PDM)’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Sommer, M., Schmitt, M.L., Clatworthy, D., Bramucci, G., Wheeler, E. and Ratnayake, R. (2016) ‘What is the scope for addressing menstrual hygiene management in complex humanitarian emergencies? A Global review’, Waterlines 35(3): 245–64 <>.
Sphere Association (2018) The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, 4th edn [online], Sphere, Geneva, Switzerland <> [accessed 5 May 2010].
United Nations (2012) ‘Activation of clusters in Myanmar’, Yangon, Myanmar (available from authors).
UNHCR (2016) ‘Cash based interventions for WASH programmes in refugee settings’, report <> [accessed 2 September 2020].
UNHCR (2020) ‘Figures at a glance’, Statistical Yearbooks [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
UN OCHA (2019) Myanmar [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
Vaillancourt, A. (2016) ‘Kit management in humanitarian supply chains’, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 16(18): 64–71 <>.
Vanleeuwen, C. and Torondel, B. (2018) ‘Improving menstrual hygiene management in emergency contexts: literature review of current perspectives’, International Journal of Women’s Health 10: 169–86 <>.
WASH Cluster (2014a) ‘Hygiene kit strategy for Rakhine and Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014b) ‘Hygiene kit strategy for Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014c) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring for Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014d) ‘Assessment report hygiene promotion approaches and tools for WASH response in Kachin State’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017a) ‘Rakhine hygiene kit strategy: May 2017’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017b) ‘Rakhine hygiene kit strategy 2017’, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017c) ‘Rakhine WASH cluster meeting minutes’, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2018) Strategic Operational Framework 2017–2019 [pdf], UNICEF Myanmar, Yangon <> [accessed 24 September 2020].
WASH Cluster (2019) ‘Kachin hygiene kit distribution strategy meeting minutes’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Watson, J.T., Gayer, M. and Connolly, M.A. (2007) ‘Epidemics after natural disasters’, Emerging Infectious Diseases 13: 1–5 <>.
Yates, T., Vujcic, J.A., Joseph, M.L., Gallandat, K. and Lantagne, D. (2018) ‘Efficacy and effectiveness of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions in emergencies in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review’, Waterlines 37(1): 31–65 <>.
Connolly, M.A., Gayer, M., Ryan, M.J., Salama, P., Spiegel, P. and Heymann, D.L. (2004) ‘Communicable diseases in complex emergencies: impact and challenges’, Lancet 364(9449): 1974–83 <>.
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) (2015) ‘Cash based programming feasibility assessment in central Rakhine’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016a) ‘Kyin Ni Pyin hygiene core and replenishment kits : combined post-distribution monitoring summary’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016b) ‘Post-distribution monitoring reporting hygiene replenishment kits in Phwe Yar Gone and Ohn Thaw Gyi South IDP camps June 2016’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016c) ‘FGD for PDM: male,female group PYG_Oct16’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016d) ‘FGD for PDM: mix group OTG (4)(5)’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016e) ‘PDM OTGs PYG Sept 2016.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017a) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report – KNP’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017b) ‘Hygiene replenishment kit post-distribution monitoring report-KNP’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017c) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report: Draft Phwe Yar Gone Camp, Sittwe’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017d) ‘FGD at PYG_March 2017’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017e) ‘PDM_regular PYG July 2017 - labels - 2017-08-02-08-11.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017f) ‘KII results.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017g) ‘HK survey_long OTGs.xls’ (file of data) Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2018a) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report Phwe Yar Gone Camp, Sittwe’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2018b) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Department of Population (2019) ‘Myanmar population’ [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
EM-DAT (2019) The International Disaster Database [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
Global WASH Cluster (2019) Guidance on Market Based Programming for Humanitarian Wash Practitioners [online] <> [accessed 5 May 2010].
Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) (2018) ‘Bulletin Rohingya: needs and services’, report, (available from authors).
Harmer, A. and Macrae, J. (2004) Beyond the Continuum: The Changing Role of Aid in Protracted Crises, Vol. 44, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Harp and WASH cluster (2018) ‘A rapid review of soap and sanitary pad availability for IDPs in Kachin’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
House, S., Mahon, T. and Cavill, S. (2012) Menstrual Hygiene Matters: Hygiene around the World, Water Aid, London.
JIPS (2016) ‘Myanmar Kachin and Northern Shan: profile at a glance’ [online], Joint IDP Profiling Service < [Accessed 5 May 2020].
Kohrt, B.A., Mistry, A.S., Anand, N., Beecroft, B. and Nuwayhid, I. (2019) ‘Health research in humanitarian crises: an urgent global imperative’, BMJ Global Health 4(6): 1–8 <>.
Lwin, S. (2014) ‘Assessment report existing hygiene promotion tools, methodology and IEC materials within WASH Cluster: Kachin 2014’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Mahmood, S.S., Wroe, E., Fuller, A. and Leaning, J. (2017) ‘The Rohingya people of Myanmar: health, human rights, and identity’, Lancet 389(10081): 1841–50 <>.
Oxfam (2013) Oxfam Minimum Requirements for WASH Programmes: MR-WASH [online], Technical Briefing Note <> [accessed 5 May 2020].
Salama, P., Spiegel, P., Talley, L. and Waldman, R. (2004) ‘Lessons learned from complex emergencies over past decade’, Lancet 364(9447): 1801–13 <>.
Smith, K.F., Goldberg, M., Rosenthal, S., Carlson, L., Chen, J., Chen, C. and Ramachandran, S. (2014) ‘Global rise in human infectious disease outbreaks’, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11(101): 1–6 <>.
Solidarites International (SI) (2016) ‘Safepad post distribution monitoring (PDM)’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Sommer, M., Schmitt, M.L., Clatworthy, D., Bramucci, G., Wheeler, E. and Ratnayake, R. (2016) ‘What is the scope for addressing menstrual hygiene management in complex humanitarian emergencies? A Global review’, Waterlines 35(3): 245–64 <>.
Sphere Association (2018) The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, 4th edn [online], Sphere, Geneva, Switzerland <> [accessed 5 May 2010].
United Nations (2012) ‘Activation of clusters in Myanmar’, Yangon, Myanmar (available from authors).
UNHCR (2016) ‘Cash based interventions for WASH programmes in refugee settings’, report <> [accessed 2 September 2020].
UNHCR (2020) ‘Figures at a glance’, Statistical Yearbooks [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
UN OCHA (2019) Myanmar [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
Vaillancourt, A. (2016) ‘Kit management in humanitarian supply chains’, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 16(18): 64–71 <>.
Vanleeuwen, C. and Torondel, B. (2018) ‘Improving menstrual hygiene management in emergency contexts: literature review of current perspectives’, International Journal of Women’s Health 10: 169–86 <>.
WASH Cluster (2014a) ‘Hygiene kit strategy for Rakhine and Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014b) ‘Hygiene kit strategy for Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014c) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring for Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014d) ‘Assessment report hygiene promotion approaches and tools for WASH response in Kachin State’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017a) ‘Rakhine hygiene kit strategy: May 2017’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017b) ‘Rakhine hygiene kit strategy 2017’, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017c) ‘Rakhine WASH cluster meeting minutes’, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2018) Strategic Operational Framework 2017–2019 [pdf], UNICEF Myanmar, Yangon <> [accessed 24 September 2020].
WASH Cluster (2019) ‘Kachin hygiene kit distribution strategy meeting minutes’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Watson, J.T., Gayer, M. and Connolly, M.A. (2007) ‘Epidemics after natural disasters’, Emerging Infectious Diseases 13: 1–5 <>.
Yates, T., Vujcic, J.A., Joseph, M.L., Gallandat, K. and Lantagne, D. (2018) ‘Efficacy and effectiveness of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions in emergencies in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review’, Waterlines 37(1): 31–65 <>.
Connolly, M.A., Gayer, M., Ryan, M.J., Salama, P., Spiegel, P. and Heymann, D.L. (2004) ‘Communicable diseases in complex emergencies: impact and challenges’, Lancet 364(9449): 1974–83 <>.
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) (2015) ‘Cash based programming feasibility assessment in central Rakhine’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016a) ‘Kyin Ni Pyin hygiene core and replenishment kits : combined post-distribution monitoring summary’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016b) ‘Post-distribution monitoring reporting hygiene replenishment kits in Phwe Yar Gone and Ohn Thaw Gyi South IDP camps June 2016’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016c) ‘FGD for PDM: male,female group PYG_Oct16’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016d) ‘FGD for PDM: mix group OTG (4)(5)’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2016e) ‘PDM OTGs PYG Sept 2016.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017a) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report – KNP’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017b) ‘Hygiene replenishment kit post-distribution monitoring report-KNP’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017c) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report: Draft Phwe Yar Gone Camp, Sittwe’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017d) ‘FGD at PYG_March 2017’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017e) ‘PDM_regular PYG July 2017 - labels - 2017-08-02-08-11.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017f) ‘KII results.xls’ (file of data), Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2017g) ‘HK survey_long OTGs.xls’ (file of data) Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2018a) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report Phwe Yar Gone Camp, Sittwe’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
DRC (2018b) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring report’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Department of Population (2019) ‘Myanmar population’ [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
EM-DAT (2019) The International Disaster Database [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
Global WASH Cluster (2019) Guidance on Market Based Programming for Humanitarian Wash Practitioners [online] <> [accessed 5 May 2010].
Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) (2018) ‘Bulletin Rohingya: needs and services’, report, (available from authors).
Harmer, A. and Macrae, J. (2004) Beyond the Continuum: The Changing Role of Aid in Protracted Crises, Vol. 44, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Harp and WASH cluster (2018) ‘A rapid review of soap and sanitary pad availability for IDPs in Kachin’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
House, S., Mahon, T. and Cavill, S. (2012) Menstrual Hygiene Matters: Hygiene around the World, Water Aid, London.
JIPS (2016) ‘Myanmar Kachin and Northern Shan: profile at a glance’ [online], Joint IDP Profiling Service < [Accessed 5 May 2020].
Kohrt, B.A., Mistry, A.S., Anand, N., Beecroft, B. and Nuwayhid, I. (2019) ‘Health research in humanitarian crises: an urgent global imperative’, BMJ Global Health 4(6): 1–8 <>.
Lwin, S. (2014) ‘Assessment report existing hygiene promotion tools, methodology and IEC materials within WASH Cluster: Kachin 2014’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Mahmood, S.S., Wroe, E., Fuller, A. and Leaning, J. (2017) ‘The Rohingya people of Myanmar: health, human rights, and identity’, Lancet 389(10081): 1841–50 <>.
Oxfam (2013) Oxfam Minimum Requirements for WASH Programmes: MR-WASH [online], Technical Briefing Note <> [accessed 5 May 2020].
Salama, P., Spiegel, P., Talley, L. and Waldman, R. (2004) ‘Lessons learned from complex emergencies over past decade’, Lancet 364(9447): 1801–13 <>.
Smith, K.F., Goldberg, M., Rosenthal, S., Carlson, L., Chen, J., Chen, C. and Ramachandran, S. (2014) ‘Global rise in human infectious disease outbreaks’, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11(101): 1–6 <>.
Solidarites International (SI) (2016) ‘Safepad post distribution monitoring (PDM)’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Sommer, M., Schmitt, M.L., Clatworthy, D., Bramucci, G., Wheeler, E. and Ratnayake, R. (2016) ‘What is the scope for addressing menstrual hygiene management in complex humanitarian emergencies? A Global review’, Waterlines 35(3): 245–64 <>.
Sphere Association (2018) The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, 4th edn [online], Sphere, Geneva, Switzerland <> [accessed 5 May 2010].
United Nations (2012) ‘Activation of clusters in Myanmar’, Yangon, Myanmar (available from authors).
UNHCR (2016) ‘Cash based interventions for WASH programmes in refugee settings’, report <> [accessed 2 September 2020].
UNHCR (2020) ‘Figures at a glance’, Statistical Yearbooks [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
UN OCHA (2019) Myanmar [website] <> [accessed 10 December 2019].
Vaillancourt, A. (2016) ‘Kit management in humanitarian supply chains’, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 16(18): 64–71 <>.
Vanleeuwen, C. and Torondel, B. (2018) ‘Improving menstrual hygiene management in emergency contexts: literature review of current perspectives’, International Journal of Women’s Health 10: 169–86 <>.
WASH Cluster (2014a) ‘Hygiene kit strategy for Rakhine and Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014b) ‘Hygiene kit strategy for Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014c) ‘Hygiene kit post-distribution monitoring for Kachin emergency response’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2014d) ‘Assessment report hygiene promotion approaches and tools for WASH response in Kachin State’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017a) ‘Rakhine hygiene kit strategy: May 2017’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017b) ‘Rakhine hygiene kit strategy 2017’, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2017c) ‘Rakhine WASH cluster meeting minutes’, Yangon (available from authors).
WASH Cluster (2018) Strategic Operational Framework 2017–2019 [pdf], UNICEF Myanmar, Yangon <> [accessed 24 September 2020].
WASH Cluster (2019) ‘Kachin hygiene kit distribution strategy meeting minutes’, report, Yangon (available from authors).
Watson, J.T., Gayer, M. and Connolly, M.A. (2007) ‘Epidemics after natural disasters’, Emerging Infectious Diseases 13: 1–5 <>.
Yates, T., Vujcic, J.A., Joseph, M.L., Gallandat, K. and Lantagne, D. (2018) ‘Efficacy and effectiveness of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions in emergencies in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review’, Waterlines 37(1): 31–65 <>.
Hygiene kit distribution and use in humanitarian response: summary of information from a systematic review and key informant interviews
Travis Yates, Travis Yates
Marta Domini, Marta Domini
Juliemarie Vander Burg, Juliemarie Vander Burg
Daniele Lantagne, Daniele Lantagne
Waterlines, Vol. 40 (2021), Iss. 4 P.248 [Citations: 0]- A call to action: organizational, professional, and personal change for gender transformative WASH programming
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- Webwatch
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