The new reality: perspectives on future integrated WASH
Over the next 10 years, the humanitarian and development fields will face significant changes as new skills, expanded technologies, and shifting funding streams prompt innovation in order to maintain impact. As the length of humanitarian crises expand relief response can no longer be viewed merely through the humanitarian lens, but current and future crisis responses increasingly require long-term development considerations. Integration across the humanitarian-development nexus will be vital to future emergency response. The interdisciplinary nature of the WASH sector makes it ideally placed to lead further integration with sectors like health, nutrition, livelihoods, child protection, and education. Integration of the WASH sector is not only possible but essential to face the challenges of future crises. COVID-19 is a wake-up call showing how quickly global humanitarian needs can change and the need for a more integrated response to emergencies. Tomorrow’s WASH practitioners will need to be proactive in developing new hard and soft skills and have broader multi-sectoral experience to succeed. Future integration will require stronger relationships between multi-mandated organizations, governments, and the private sector as well as new innovative funding sources, including impact investing, blended finance, and development impact bonds. We argue that there is a unique window of opportunity to bridge these gaps as COVID-19 brings the value of effective WASH programming forward as a foundational part of long-term resilience building. To indeed provide life-saving interventions as humanitarian works claim to do, we must start with a clear focus on the long-term developmental ends in mind.Cardon, A., Maisonnave, E., Richard, J.B., Saga, B. and Yakpanga, B. (2018) ‘Rapid response to efficiently counter cholera: lessons from a 45-days intervention in eastern DRC’, presented at the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 9–13 July 2018, 6.
Cronk, R., Slaymaker, T. and Bartram, J. (2015) ‘Monitoring drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in non-household settings: priorities for policy and practice’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 218(8): 692–703 <>.
Devex Editor (2020) ‘Q&A: how to plug the WASH financing gaps’, Devex, 12 February 2020[online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
DuBois, M. (2016) ‘Don’t blur the lines between development and humanitarian work’, The Guardian, 12 May, Global Development Professionals Network [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
DuBois, M. (2020) ‘Searching for the nexus: why we’re looking in the wrong place’, The New Humanitarian 7 January [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Fanning, E. and Fullwood-Thomas, J. (2019) The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: What Does It Mean for Multi-Mandated Organizations? Oxfam, Oxford, UK.
Fischer, H.-T. (2019) Humanitarian-Development Nexus and Child Protection: Sharing Responsibility for Children’s Protection – Addressing Risks and Vulnerabilities through Cohesive Partnerships, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Geneva, Switzerland.
Fonseca, C. and Pories, L. (2017) Financing WASH: How to Increase Funds for the Sector While Reducing Inequities (Position Paper for the Sanitation and Water for All Finance Ministers Meeting) [online], IRC, The Hague, Netherlands <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
FSN Network (no date) ‘PRO-WASH’ [online] <> [accessed 25 March 2020].
Global WASH Cluster (2019) Delivering Humanitarian WASH as Scale, Anywhere and Any Time: Road Map for 2020-2025, WASH Cluster, Geneva, Switzerland.
Grieve, T. (2019) Water Under Fire: Emergencies, Development and Peace in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Contexts, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New York.
Grunewald, F., Luff, R., Dehove, E. and Brangeon, S. (2019) The Capacity of the WASH Sector to Respond to emergencies [online], Global WASH Cluster <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Guinote, F.S. (2018) ‘World: a humanitarian-development nexus that works’ [online], ReliefWeb, 21 June <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Hutton, G. (2015) Water and Sanitation Assessment Paper: Benefits and Costs of the Water and Sanitation Targets for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Mason, N. and Msello, B. (2016) Making Humanitarian and Development WASH Work Better Together, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Mason, N., Mosello, B., Shah, J. and Grieve, T. (2017) ‘Improving the fit between development and humanitarian WASH in protracted crises’, in R.J. Shaw (ed.), Local Action with International Cooperation to Improve and Sustain Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services: Proceedings of the 40th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, UK, 24–28 July 2017, Paper 2609[online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Nakamitsu, I., Eziakonwa-Onochie, A., Ging, J. and Ruedas, M. (2017) ‘Humanitarian-development nexus: what is the new way of working?’ [webinar], April 26 <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Next Generation Professional (no date) ‘Next Generation Professional’ [website] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Rammal, I. (2019) ‘Water sector resilience’, presentation at the World Water Forum, Stockholm, 25 August 2019.
Salem, P. (2020) ‘MENA coronavirus update: the region faces an unprecedented crisis’, 23 March [blog], Middle East Institute <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Save the Children (2018) ‘Save the Children receives global award from USAID-OFDA for major disease outbreak readiness’ [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Save the Children (2019) Global Humanitarian WASH Guidance 2019–2021, Save the Children UK, London.
Saywell, D. and Crocker, J. (2019) ‘Process learning on partnerships: building functioning research and practice organizational relationships’, Waterlines 38(1): 3–19 <>.
Smith, E. (2018a) ‘Opportunity driving change in global development sectors’, 17 July 2018 [online], Devex <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Smith, E. (2018b) ‘Business experience will be valuable for development professionals of the future’. 30 July 2018 [online], Devex <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Snel, M. (2018) Creating Sustainable WASH Programmes: A Compilation of Lessons Learned in Five Countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, World Vision, Strovolos, Cyprus.
Trajano, D.G.S., Dias, E., Ebdon, J. and Taylor, H. (2016) ‘Limitations of chlorine disinfection of human excreta: implications for ebola disease control’, in 39th WEDC International Conference, Kumasi, Ghana <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
UNICEF (2003) ‘WASH and Women’, 30 April 2003 [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) (2019) Global Humanitarian Overview 2020, OCHA, Geneva, Switzerland.
Cardon, A., Maisonnave, E., Richard, J.B., Saga, B. and Yakpanga, B. (2018) ‘Rapid response to efficiently counter cholera: lessons from a 45-days intervention in eastern DRC’, presented at the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 9–13 July 2018, 6.
Cronk, R., Slaymaker, T. and Bartram, J. (2015) ‘Monitoring drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in non-household settings: priorities for policy and practice’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 218(8): 692–703 <>.
Devex Editor (2020) ‘Q&A: how to plug the WASH financing gaps’, Devex, 12 February 2020[online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
DuBois, M. (2016) ‘Don’t blur the lines between development and humanitarian work’, The Guardian, 12 May, Global Development Professionals Network [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
DuBois, M. (2020) ‘Searching for the nexus: why we’re looking in the wrong place’, The New Humanitarian 7 January [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Fanning, E. and Fullwood-Thomas, J. (2019) The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: What Does It Mean for Multi-Mandated Organizations? Oxfam, Oxford, UK.
Fischer, H.-T. (2019) Humanitarian-Development Nexus and Child Protection: Sharing Responsibility for Children’s Protection – Addressing Risks and Vulnerabilities through Cohesive Partnerships, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Geneva, Switzerland.
Fonseca, C. and Pories, L. (2017) Financing WASH: How to Increase Funds for the Sector While Reducing Inequities (Position Paper for the Sanitation and Water for All Finance Ministers Meeting) [online], IRC, The Hague, Netherlands <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
FSN Network (no date) ‘PRO-WASH’ [online] <> [accessed 25 March 2020].
Global WASH Cluster (2019) Delivering Humanitarian WASH as Scale, Anywhere and Any Time: Road Map for 2020-2025, WASH Cluster, Geneva, Switzerland.
Grieve, T. (2019) Water Under Fire: Emergencies, Development and Peace in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Contexts, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), New York.
Grunewald, F., Luff, R., Dehove, E. and Brangeon, S. (2019) The Capacity of the WASH Sector to Respond to emergencies [online], Global WASH Cluster <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Guinote, F.S. (2018) ‘World: a humanitarian-development nexus that works’ [online], ReliefWeb, 21 June <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Hutton, G. (2015) Water and Sanitation Assessment Paper: Benefits and Costs of the Water and Sanitation Targets for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Mason, N. and Msello, B. (2016) Making Humanitarian and Development WASH Work Better Together, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Mason, N., Mosello, B., Shah, J. and Grieve, T. (2017) ‘Improving the fit between development and humanitarian WASH in protracted crises’, in R.J. Shaw (ed.), Local Action with International Cooperation to Improve and Sustain Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services: Proceedings of the 40th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, UK, 24–28 July 2017, Paper 2609[online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Nakamitsu, I., Eziakonwa-Onochie, A., Ging, J. and Ruedas, M. (2017) ‘Humanitarian-development nexus: what is the new way of working?’ [webinar], April 26 <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Next Generation Professional (no date) ‘Next Generation Professional’ [website] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Rammal, I. (2019) ‘Water sector resilience’, presentation at the World Water Forum, Stockholm, 25 August 2019.
Salem, P. (2020) ‘MENA coronavirus update: the region faces an unprecedented crisis’, 23 March [blog], Middle East Institute <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Save the Children (2018) ‘Save the Children receives global award from USAID-OFDA for major disease outbreak readiness’ [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Save the Children (2019) Global Humanitarian WASH Guidance 2019–2021, Save the Children UK, London.
Saywell, D. and Crocker, J. (2019) ‘Process learning on partnerships: building functioning research and practice organizational relationships’, Waterlines 38(1): 3–19 <>.
Smith, E. (2018a) ‘Opportunity driving change in global development sectors’, 17 July 2018 [online], Devex <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Smith, E. (2018b) ‘Business experience will be valuable for development professionals of the future’. 30 July 2018 [online], Devex <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
Snel, M. (2018) Creating Sustainable WASH Programmes: A Compilation of Lessons Learned in Five Countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, World Vision, Strovolos, Cyprus.
Trajano, D.G.S., Dias, E., Ebdon, J. and Taylor, H. (2016) ‘Limitations of chlorine disinfection of human excreta: implications for ebola disease control’, in 39th WEDC International Conference, Kumasi, Ghana <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
UNICEF (2003) ‘WASH and Women’, 30 April 2003 [online] <> [accessed 6 July 2020].
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) (2019) Global Humanitarian Overview 2020, OCHA, Geneva, Switzerland.
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