Addressing women’s needs in water access for economic use: the case of Wukro town, Ethiopia
In urban areas where water is not adequately supplied, women’s efforts to make a living out of water-intensive businesses face many challenges. The study examined how small-scale businesses run by women in Wukro town, Ethiopia are impacted by inadequate supply of water, and what coping strategies are employed. The lived experiences of women involved in small-scale water-intensive businesses, such as traditional beer brewing and coffee shops, were examined. In addition to these women, the perspectives and experiences of selected key informants as well as the officers at the local water utility have been assessed. Whether or not these women secure support from the social networks in their neighbourhood has also been considered. The study revealed that the unreliable supply of water in the town has impacted women involved in small business. It was indicated that some women manage to do well either by borrowing water from neighbours or purchasing from providers. In contrast, others who run businesses in rented houses with limited social networks expressed that they are struggling. Suggestions are made for the water utility to revise its working guidelines related to the provision of water services and to implement a gendered perspective in water management practices.Adank, M., Godfrey, S., Butterworth, J. and Defere, E. (2018) ‘Small town water services sustainability checks: development and application in Ethiopia’, Water Policy 20(S1): 52–68 <>.
Ahlers, R., Cleaver, F., Rusca, M. and Schwartz, K. (2014) ‘Informal space in the urban waterscape: disaggregation and co-production of water services’, Water Alternatives 7(1): 1–14.
Amankwaa, E., Owusu, A., Owusu, G. and Eshun, F. (2014) ‘Accra’s poverty trap: analyzing water provision in urban Ghana’, Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications 2(2): 69–89.
Agrawal, A. (2001) ‘Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources’, World Development 29(10): 1649–72.
Chipeta, L. (2009) ‘The water crisis in Blantyre city and its impact on women: the case of Mabyani and Ntopwa, Malawi’, Journal of International Women’s Studies 10(4): 17–33.
Cleaver, F. and Hamada, K. (2010) ‘“Good” water governance and gender equity: a troubled relationship’, Gender & Development 18(1): 27–41 <>.
Das, M.B. (2017) The Rising Tide: A New Look at Water and Gender, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Dos Santos, S., Adams, E., Neville, G., Wada, Y., Sherbinin, A. and Adamo, S. (2017) ‘Urban growth and water access in sub-Saharan Africa: progress, challenges, and emerging research directions’, Science of the Total Environment 607–8: 497–508 <http://doi.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.157>.
Elmhirst, R. (2011) ‘Introducing new feminist political ecologies’, Geoforum 42(2):129–32 <>.
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), Ministry of Water Resources (2002) Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy, FDRE, Addis Ababa.
Fonjong, L. and Ngekwi, M. (2014) ‘Challenges of water crisis on women’s socio-economic activities in the Buea municipality, Cameroon’, Journal of Geography and Geology 6(4): 122–31 <>.
Franks, T.R. and Cleaver, F.D. (2007) ‘Water governance and poverty: a framework for analysis’, Progress in Development Studies 7(4): 291–306 <>.
Hadgu, G., Tesfaye, K., Mamo, G. and Kassa, B. (2013) ‘Trend and variability of rainfall in Tigray, North Ethiopia: analysis of meteorological data and farmers’ perception’, Academia Journal of Agricultural Research 1(6): 88–100 <>.
Hazell, E. (2010) Gender, Water and Livelihoods in Mseleni: A Case Study, School of Development Studies, Research Report No. 87, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Heinen, N. (2014) ‘Urban political ecology I: the urban century’, Progress in Human Geography 38(4): 598–604 <>.
Jensen, O. and Wu, X. (2017) ‘The hybrid model for economic regulation of water utilities: mission impossible?’ Utilities Policy 48: 122–31 <>.
Lahiri-Dutt, K. (2015) ‘Counting (gendered) water use at home: feminist approaches in practice’, An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 14(3): 652–72.
Loftus, A. (2009) ‘Rethinking political ecologies of water’, Third World Quarterly 30(5): 953–68 <>.
Ministry of Water and Energy (2013) National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Tariff Setting [online], Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. <> [accessed 12 March 2020].
Mulenga, N., Bwalya, B. and Kaliba, C. (2017) ‘Determinants and inequalities in access to improved water sources and sanitation among the Zambian households’, International Journal of Development and Sustainability 6(8): 746–62.
Oman, C. and Rumila, E. (2007) Strengthening Capacity for Water Resources Research in Countries with Vulnerable Scientific Infrastructure Report, International Foundation for Science, Stockholm.
ONEWASH Plus (2016) Sustainability of WASH Services Wukro, Tigray [pdf], IRC <> [accessed 9 January 2020].
Pahwaringira, L., Chaminuka, L. and Kaseke, K. (2017) ‘The impacts of water shortages on women’s time-space activities in the high density suburb of Mabvuku in Harare’, The Journal of Gender and Water 4(1): 65–72.
Shnegg, M. (2018) ‘Institutional multiplexity: social networks and community-based natural resource management’, Sustainability Sciences 13(4): 1017–30 <http://doi:10.1007/s11625-018-0549-2>.
Shrestha, A., Roth, D. and Joshi, D. (2018) ‘Flows of change: dynamic water rights and water access in peri-urban Kathmandu’, Ecology and Society 23(2): 42 <>.
Somers, M. (1994) ‘The narrative construction of identity: a relational and network approach’, Theory and Society 23(5): 143–52.
Soussan, J. (2004) Water and Poverty: Fighting Poverty through Water Management [pdf], Asian Development Bank, Philippines <> [accessed 24 May 2019].
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Swyngedouw, E., Kaika, M. and Castro, E. (2002) ‘Urban water: a political-ecology perspective’, Built Environment 28(2): 124–37.
Tefera, A., Ayoade, J. and Bello, N. (2019) ‘Analyzing the spatial pattern of drought risk in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia’, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 23(7): 1265–72 <>.
Truelove, Y. (2011) ‘(Re-)conceptualizing water inequality in Delhi, India through a feminist political ecology framework’, Geoforum 42: 143–52 <>.
UN-Water (2010) UN-Water Annual Report 2010 [online] <> [accessed 13 May 2019].
Van Houweling, E., Hall, R., Diop, A., Davis, J. and Seiss, M. (2012) ‘The role of productive water use in women’s livelihoods: evidence from rural Senegal’, Water Alternatives 5(3): 658–77.
Wutich, A. (2009) ‘Intra-household disparities in women and men’s experiences of water insecurity and emotional distress in urban Bolivia’, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 23: 436–54 <>.
Zwarteveen, M. (2008) ‘Men, masculinities and water powers in irrigation’, Water Alternatives 1(1): 111–30.
Adank, M., Godfrey, S., Butterworth, J. and Defere, E. (2018) ‘Small town water services sustainability checks: development and application in Ethiopia’, Water Policy 20(S1): 52–68 <>.
Ahlers, R., Cleaver, F., Rusca, M. and Schwartz, K. (2014) ‘Informal space in the urban waterscape: disaggregation and co-production of water services’, Water Alternatives 7(1): 1–14.
Amankwaa, E., Owusu, A., Owusu, G. and Eshun, F. (2014) ‘Accra’s poverty trap: analyzing water provision in urban Ghana’, Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications 2(2): 69–89.
Agrawal, A. (2001) ‘Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources’, World Development 29(10): 1649–72.
Chipeta, L. (2009) ‘The water crisis in Blantyre city and its impact on women: the case of Mabyani and Ntopwa, Malawi’, Journal of International Women’s Studies 10(4): 17–33.
Cleaver, F. and Hamada, K. (2010) ‘“Good” water governance and gender equity: a troubled relationship’, Gender & Development 18(1): 27–41 <>.
Das, M.B. (2017) The Rising Tide: A New Look at Water and Gender, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Dos Santos, S., Adams, E., Neville, G., Wada, Y., Sherbinin, A. and Adamo, S. (2017) ‘Urban growth and water access in sub-Saharan Africa: progress, challenges, and emerging research directions’, Science of the Total Environment 607–8: 497–508 <http://doi.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.157>.
Elmhirst, R. (2011) ‘Introducing new feminist political ecologies’, Geoforum 42(2):129–32 <>.
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), Ministry of Water Resources (2002) Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy, FDRE, Addis Ababa.
Fonjong, L. and Ngekwi, M. (2014) ‘Challenges of water crisis on women’s socio-economic activities in the Buea municipality, Cameroon’, Journal of Geography and Geology 6(4): 122–31 <>.
Franks, T.R. and Cleaver, F.D. (2007) ‘Water governance and poverty: a framework for analysis’, Progress in Development Studies 7(4): 291–306 <>.
Hadgu, G., Tesfaye, K., Mamo, G. and Kassa, B. (2013) ‘Trend and variability of rainfall in Tigray, North Ethiopia: analysis of meteorological data and farmers’ perception’, Academia Journal of Agricultural Research 1(6): 88–100 <>.
Hazell, E. (2010) Gender, Water and Livelihoods in Mseleni: A Case Study, School of Development Studies, Research Report No. 87, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Heinen, N. (2014) ‘Urban political ecology I: the urban century’, Progress in Human Geography 38(4): 598–604 <>.
Jensen, O. and Wu, X. (2017) ‘The hybrid model for economic regulation of water utilities: mission impossible?’ Utilities Policy 48: 122–31 <>.
Lahiri-Dutt, K. (2015) ‘Counting (gendered) water use at home: feminist approaches in practice’, An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 14(3): 652–72.
Loftus, A. (2009) ‘Rethinking political ecologies of water’, Third World Quarterly 30(5): 953–68 <>.
Ministry of Water and Energy (2013) National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Tariff Setting [online], Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. <> [accessed 12 March 2020].
Mulenga, N., Bwalya, B. and Kaliba, C. (2017) ‘Determinants and inequalities in access to improved water sources and sanitation among the Zambian households’, International Journal of Development and Sustainability 6(8): 746–62.
Oman, C. and Rumila, E. (2007) Strengthening Capacity for Water Resources Research in Countries with Vulnerable Scientific Infrastructure Report, International Foundation for Science, Stockholm.
ONEWASH Plus (2016) Sustainability of WASH Services Wukro, Tigray [pdf], IRC <> [accessed 9 January 2020].
Pahwaringira, L., Chaminuka, L. and Kaseke, K. (2017) ‘The impacts of water shortages on women’s time-space activities in the high density suburb of Mabvuku in Harare’, The Journal of Gender and Water 4(1): 65–72.
Shnegg, M. (2018) ‘Institutional multiplexity: social networks and community-based natural resource management’, Sustainability Sciences 13(4): 1017–30 <http://doi:10.1007/s11625-018-0549-2>.
Shrestha, A., Roth, D. and Joshi, D. (2018) ‘Flows of change: dynamic water rights and water access in peri-urban Kathmandu’, Ecology and Society 23(2): 42 <>.
Somers, M. (1994) ‘The narrative construction of identity: a relational and network approach’, Theory and Society 23(5): 143–52.
Soussan, J. (2004) Water and Poverty: Fighting Poverty through Water Management [pdf], Asian Development Bank, Philippines <> [accessed 24 May 2019].
Swyngedouw, E. (2004) Social Power and the Urbanization of Water: Flows of Power, Geography and Environmental Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Swyngedouw, E., Kaika, M. and Castro, E. (2002) ‘Urban water: a political-ecology perspective’, Built Environment 28(2): 124–37.
Tefera, A., Ayoade, J. and Bello, N. (2019) ‘Analyzing the spatial pattern of drought risk in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia’, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 23(7): 1265–72 <>.
Truelove, Y. (2011) ‘(Re-)conceptualizing water inequality in Delhi, India through a feminist political ecology framework’, Geoforum 42: 143–52 <>.
UN-Water (2010) UN-Water Annual Report 2010 [online] <> [accessed 13 May 2019].
Van Houweling, E., Hall, R., Diop, A., Davis, J. and Seiss, M. (2012) ‘The role of productive water use in women’s livelihoods: evidence from rural Senegal’, Water Alternatives 5(3): 658–77.
Wutich, A. (2009) ‘Intra-household disparities in women and men’s experiences of water insecurity and emotional distress in urban Bolivia’, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 23: 436–54 <>.
Zwarteveen, M. (2008) ‘Men, masculinities and water powers in irrigation’, Water Alternatives 1(1): 111–30.
Negotiating spaces of marginality and independence: On women entrepreneurs within Ethiopian urbanization and water precarity
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