Campaign spaces for sustainable development: a power analysis of the Fairtrade Town Campaign in the UK
This paper explores the role that Fairtrade towns and cities can play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the largest consumers of resources, cities have a crucial role to play in the transition towards sustainable development, both within and outside their geographical boundaries. In the UK, towns and cities have driven the expansion of the Fair Trade movement through the ‘Fairtrade Town’ campaign, but an exploration of the relationship with sustainable development is currently missing. By applying power analysis we investigate campaign material produced by the Fairtrade Foundation and the experience of local campaigners. Our findings suggest that Fairtrade Towns operate as campaign spaces for sustainable development, challenging multiple forms of power and mobilizing resources on interrelated levels. Providing a framework to foster social equity on a glocal level, Fairtrade Towns hold the potential to contribute to multiple SDGs, representing a systemic approach to sustainable communities and cities.Alexander, A. and Nicholls, A. (2006) ‘Rediscovering consumer-producer involvement: a network perspective on fair trade marketing’, European Journal of Marketing 40(11/12): 1236–53 <>.
Anderson, M. (2015) A History of Fair Trade in Contemporary Britain: From Civil Society Campaigns to Corporate Compliance, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Anderson, M. (2018) ‘Fair trade and consumer social responsibility: exploring consumer citizenship as a driver of social and environmental change’, Management Decision 56(3): 634–51 <>.
Andorfer, V.A. and Liebe, U. (2012) ‘Research on fair trade consumption: a review’, Journal of Business Ethics 106(4): 415–35 <>.
Bai, X., Surveyer, A., Elmqvist, T., Gatzweiler, F.W., Güneralp, B., Parnell, S., Prieur-Richard, A.H., Shrivastava, P., Siri, J.G., Stafford-Smith, M., Toussaint, J.P. and Webb, R. (2016) ‘Defining and advancing a systems approach for sustainable cities’, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 23: 69–78 <>.
Barnett, C., Cloke, P., Clarke, N. and Malpass, A. (2005a) ‘Consuming ethics: articulating the subjects and spaces of ethical consumption’, Antipode 37(1): 23–45.
Barnett, C., Clarke, N., Cloke, P. and Malpass, A. (2005b) ‘The political ethics of consumerism’, Consumer Policy Review 15(2): 45–51.
Bengtsson, M., Alfredsson, E., Cohen, M., Lorek, S. and Schroeder, P. (2018) ‘Transforming systems of consumption and production for achieving the sustainable development goals: moving beyond efficiency’, Sustainability Science 1: 1–15 <>.
BLINC (n.d.) Bristol Link with Nicaragua website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Bowen, G.A. (2009) ‘Document analysis as a qualitative research method’, Qualitative Research Journal 9(2): 27–40 <>.
CDEC (2019) Cumbria Development of Education Centre website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Clarke, N., Barnett, C., Cloke, P. and Malpass, A. (2007) ‘The political rationalities of fair-trade consumption in the United Kingdom’, Politics & Society 35(4): 583–607 <>.
Cornwall, A. (2002) Making Spaces, Changing Places: Situating Participation in Development, IDS Working Paper 170, Brighton: IDS.
Dempsey, N., Bramley, G., Power, S. and Brown, C. (2011) ‘The social dimension of sustainable development: defining urban social sustainability’, Sustainable Development 19(5): 289–300 <>.
Dillard, J., Dujon, V. and King, M.C. (eds) (2008) Understanding the Social Dimension of Sustainability, New York: Routledge.
Dubuisson-Quellier, S. and Lamine, C. (2008) ‘Consumer involvement in fair trade and local food systems: delegation and empowerment regimes’, GeoJournal 73(1): 55–65 <>.
The Economist (2017) ‘Globalisation has marginalised many regions in the rich world’, The Economist, 21 October [online] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2018) Cities and the Circular Economy for Food [pdf], Cowes, UK: Ellen MacArthur Foundation <> [accessed 5 July 2019].
European Parliament (2005) European Parliament resolution on Fair Trade and development (2005/2245(INI)) [online] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2011) Fairtrade Town Action Guide Update [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2014) Public Procurement for Fairtrade Towns [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2015) Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals through Trade: Update [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2016a) Fairtrade Foundation’s 2016–2020 Strategy (pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2016b) Sustainable Development Goals and Fairtrade: The Case for Partnership [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2017) Brexit: Let’s Change Trade for Good [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2018a) Delivering a ‘Fairtrade Brexit’ [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2018b) Renewing Fairtrade community status [online], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2019) ‘National Campaigner Committee’ [online], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Feldman, J.W. and Barnhill, D. (2013) ‘Fair trade, social justice, and campus sustainability at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’, in P.F. Barlett and G.W. Chase (eds), Sustainability in Higher Education: Stories and Strategies for Transformation, pp. 241–8, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
FTTI (n.d.) Fair Trade Towns International website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
FTAO (2016) Localising the Sustainable Development Goals through Fair Trade [pdf], Brussels: Fair Trade Advocacy Office <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Gaventa, J. (2006) ‘Finding space for change: a power analysis’, IDS Bulletin 6: 23–33 <>.
Gaventa, J. (2019) ‘Applying power analysis: using the “Powercube” to explore forms, levels and spaces’, paper presented at the Changing Faces of Power 1979–2019: The 40th Anniversary of the Power Group, International Political Science Association Moscow, 22–23 May 2019.
Gaventa, J. and Cornwall, A. (2008) ‘Power and knowledge’, in P. Reason and H. Bradbury (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and Practice, 2nd edn, pp. 172–89, London: SAGE Publications.
Global Goals Centre (n.d.) Global Goals Centre website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Gray, M. and Barford, A. (2018) ‘The depths of the cuts: the uneven geography of local government austerity’, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11(3): 541–63 <>.
Jaffee, D. (2010) ‘Fair trade standards, corporate participation, and social movement responses in the United States’, Journal of Business Ethics 92(suppl. 2): 267–85 <>.
Lamb, H. (2008) Fighting the Banana Wars and other Fairtrade Battles, London: Random House.
Low, W. and Davenport, E. (2007) ‘To boldly go … exploring ethical spaces to re-politicise ethical consumption and fair trade’, Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 6(5): 336–48 <>.
Lukes, S. (1974) Power: A Radical View, London: Macmillan.
Lyon, S. (2014) ‘Fair Trade Towns USA: growing the market within a diverse economy’, Journal of Political Ecology 21(1): 145–60 <>.
Malpass, A., Cloke, P., Barnett, C. and Clarke, N. (2007) ‘Fairtrade urbanism? The politics of place beyond place in the Bristol Fairtrade City Campaign’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 31(3): 633–45 <>.
Nealis, K. (2018) ‘Fairtrade universities’, presented at the 12th International Fair Trade Town Conference, Madrid, October 2018.
Pantazidou, M. (2012) What Next for Power Analysis? A Review of Recent Experience with the Powercube and Related Frameworks, IDS Working Paper 400, Brighton: IDS.
Peattie, K. and Samuel, A. (2015) ‘Places where people matter: the marketing dynamics of Fairtrade Towns’, Social Business 5(3): 237–54 <>.
Peattie, K. and Samuel, A. (2018) ‘Fairtrade towns as unconventional networks of ethical activism’, Journal of Business Ethics 153(1): 265–82 <>.
Robertson, R. (1995) ‘Glocalization: time-space and homogeneity-heterogeneity’, Global Modernities 2(1): 25–44.
Rochman, D. (2018) ‘Bristol Fair Trade Town Campaign’, presented at the 12th International Fair Trade Town Conference, Madrid, October 2018.
Rodriguez, R.S., Ürge-Vorsatz, D. and Barau, A.S. (2018) ‘Sustainable Development Goals and climate change adaptation in cities’, Nature Climate Change 8(3): 181.
Samuel, A. and Peattie, K. (2016) ‘Grounded theory as a macromarketing methodology: critical insights from researching the marketing dynamics of Fairtrade Towns’, Journal of Macromarketing 36(1): 11–26 <>.
Samuel, A., Peattie, K. and Doherty, B. (2018) ‘Expanding the boundaries of brand communities: the case of Fairtrade Towns’, European Journal of Marketing 52(3/4): 758–82 <>.
Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W., do Paço, A. and Brandli, L. (2016) ‘Evaluating the engagement of universities in capacity building for sustainable development in local communities’, Evaluation and Program Planning 54: 123–34 <>.
Szmigin, I. and Carrigan, M. (2003) ‘New consumption communities: resisting the hegemony of the marketing process’, Proceedings of the 3rd International Critical Management Studies Conference, Lancaster University, July [online] <> [accessed 10 October 2019].
Szmigin, I., Carrigan, M. and Bekin, C. (2007) ‘New consumption communities and the re-enabling of 21st century consumers’, in: B. Cova, R. Kozinets, and A. Shankar (eds), Consumer Tribes, pp. 296–311, Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Traidcraft (2016) Harvest Resources for Churches 2016 [online] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UCLG (2018) Towards the Localization of SDGs. Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2018 HLPF [pdf], Barcelona: United Cities and Local Governments <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Ulinski, S. (2013) ‘Ethical consumption vs. reducing consumption: to what extent does Fair Trade merely act to deflect the attention away from the real problem of overconsumption?’ Zeitschrift für Sozialen Fortschritt 2(3): 127–38.
UN (2018) Sustainable Cities: Why They Matter [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UNCED (1992) Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UN Habitat (2016) New Urban Agenda [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UNSTATS (2017) Global Indicator Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Van Dam, P. (2016) ‘Moralizing postcolonial consumer society: fair trade in the Netherlands, 1964–1997’, International Review of Social History 61(2): 223–50.
VeneKlasen, L. and Miller, V. (2002) A New Weave of People, Power and Politics: The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizen Participation, Oklahoma City, OK: World Neighbors.
Wheeler, K. (2012) Fair Trade and the Citizen-consumer: Shopping for Justice? London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wolfram, M. and Frantzeskaki, N. (2016) ‘Cities and systemic change for sustainability: prevailing epistemologies and an emerging research agenda’, Sustainability 8(2): 144 <>.
Alexander, A. and Nicholls, A. (2006) ‘Rediscovering consumer-producer involvement: a network perspective on fair trade marketing’, European Journal of Marketing 40(11/12): 1236–53 <>.
Anderson, M. (2015) A History of Fair Trade in Contemporary Britain: From Civil Society Campaigns to Corporate Compliance, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Anderson, M. (2018) ‘Fair trade and consumer social responsibility: exploring consumer citizenship as a driver of social and environmental change’, Management Decision 56(3): 634–51 <>.
Andorfer, V.A. and Liebe, U. (2012) ‘Research on fair trade consumption: a review’, Journal of Business Ethics 106(4): 415–35 <>.
Bai, X., Surveyer, A., Elmqvist, T., Gatzweiler, F.W., Güneralp, B., Parnell, S., Prieur-Richard, A.H., Shrivastava, P., Siri, J.G., Stafford-Smith, M., Toussaint, J.P. and Webb, R. (2016) ‘Defining and advancing a systems approach for sustainable cities’, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 23: 69–78 <>.
Barnett, C., Cloke, P., Clarke, N. and Malpass, A. (2005a) ‘Consuming ethics: articulating the subjects and spaces of ethical consumption’, Antipode 37(1): 23–45.
Barnett, C., Clarke, N., Cloke, P. and Malpass, A. (2005b) ‘The political ethics of consumerism’, Consumer Policy Review 15(2): 45–51.
Bengtsson, M., Alfredsson, E., Cohen, M., Lorek, S. and Schroeder, P. (2018) ‘Transforming systems of consumption and production for achieving the sustainable development goals: moving beyond efficiency’, Sustainability Science 1: 1–15 <>.
BLINC (n.d.) Bristol Link with Nicaragua website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Bowen, G.A. (2009) ‘Document analysis as a qualitative research method’, Qualitative Research Journal 9(2): 27–40 <>.
CDEC (2019) Cumbria Development of Education Centre website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Clarke, N., Barnett, C., Cloke, P. and Malpass, A. (2007) ‘The political rationalities of fair-trade consumption in the United Kingdom’, Politics & Society 35(4): 583–607 <>.
Cornwall, A. (2002) Making Spaces, Changing Places: Situating Participation in Development, IDS Working Paper 170, Brighton: IDS.
Dempsey, N., Bramley, G., Power, S. and Brown, C. (2011) ‘The social dimension of sustainable development: defining urban social sustainability’, Sustainable Development 19(5): 289–300 <>.
Dillard, J., Dujon, V. and King, M.C. (eds) (2008) Understanding the Social Dimension of Sustainability, New York: Routledge.
Dubuisson-Quellier, S. and Lamine, C. (2008) ‘Consumer involvement in fair trade and local food systems: delegation and empowerment regimes’, GeoJournal 73(1): 55–65 <>.
The Economist (2017) ‘Globalisation has marginalised many regions in the rich world’, The Economist, 21 October [online] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2018) Cities and the Circular Economy for Food [pdf], Cowes, UK: Ellen MacArthur Foundation <> [accessed 5 July 2019].
European Parliament (2005) European Parliament resolution on Fair Trade and development (2005/2245(INI)) [online] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2011) Fairtrade Town Action Guide Update [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2014) Public Procurement for Fairtrade Towns [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2015) Delivering the Sustainable Development Goals through Trade: Update [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2016a) Fairtrade Foundation’s 2016–2020 Strategy (pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2016b) Sustainable Development Goals and Fairtrade: The Case for Partnership [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2017) Brexit: Let’s Change Trade for Good [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2018a) Delivering a ‘Fairtrade Brexit’ [pdf], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2018b) Renewing Fairtrade community status [online], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Fairtrade Foundation (2019) ‘National Campaigner Committee’ [online], London: Fairtrade Foundation <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Feldman, J.W. and Barnhill, D. (2013) ‘Fair trade, social justice, and campus sustainability at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’, in P.F. Barlett and G.W. Chase (eds), Sustainability in Higher Education: Stories and Strategies for Transformation, pp. 241–8, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
FTTI (n.d.) Fair Trade Towns International website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
FTAO (2016) Localising the Sustainable Development Goals through Fair Trade [pdf], Brussels: Fair Trade Advocacy Office <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Gaventa, J. (2006) ‘Finding space for change: a power analysis’, IDS Bulletin 6: 23–33 <>.
Gaventa, J. (2019) ‘Applying power analysis: using the “Powercube” to explore forms, levels and spaces’, paper presented at the Changing Faces of Power 1979–2019: The 40th Anniversary of the Power Group, International Political Science Association Moscow, 22–23 May 2019.
Gaventa, J. and Cornwall, A. (2008) ‘Power and knowledge’, in P. Reason and H. Bradbury (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and Practice, 2nd edn, pp. 172–89, London: SAGE Publications.
Global Goals Centre (n.d.) Global Goals Centre website <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Gray, M. and Barford, A. (2018) ‘The depths of the cuts: the uneven geography of local government austerity’, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11(3): 541–63 <>.
Jaffee, D. (2010) ‘Fair trade standards, corporate participation, and social movement responses in the United States’, Journal of Business Ethics 92(suppl. 2): 267–85 <>.
Lamb, H. (2008) Fighting the Banana Wars and other Fairtrade Battles, London: Random House.
Low, W. and Davenport, E. (2007) ‘To boldly go … exploring ethical spaces to re-politicise ethical consumption and fair trade’, Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 6(5): 336–48 <>.
Lukes, S. (1974) Power: A Radical View, London: Macmillan.
Lyon, S. (2014) ‘Fair Trade Towns USA: growing the market within a diverse economy’, Journal of Political Ecology 21(1): 145–60 <>.
Malpass, A., Cloke, P., Barnett, C. and Clarke, N. (2007) ‘Fairtrade urbanism? The politics of place beyond place in the Bristol Fairtrade City Campaign’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 31(3): 633–45 <>.
Nealis, K. (2018) ‘Fairtrade universities’, presented at the 12th International Fair Trade Town Conference, Madrid, October 2018.
Pantazidou, M. (2012) What Next for Power Analysis? A Review of Recent Experience with the Powercube and Related Frameworks, IDS Working Paper 400, Brighton: IDS.
Peattie, K. and Samuel, A. (2015) ‘Places where people matter: the marketing dynamics of Fairtrade Towns’, Social Business 5(3): 237–54 <>.
Peattie, K. and Samuel, A. (2018) ‘Fairtrade towns as unconventional networks of ethical activism’, Journal of Business Ethics 153(1): 265–82 <>.
Robertson, R. (1995) ‘Glocalization: time-space and homogeneity-heterogeneity’, Global Modernities 2(1): 25–44.
Rochman, D. (2018) ‘Bristol Fair Trade Town Campaign’, presented at the 12th International Fair Trade Town Conference, Madrid, October 2018.
Rodriguez, R.S., Ürge-Vorsatz, D. and Barau, A.S. (2018) ‘Sustainable Development Goals and climate change adaptation in cities’, Nature Climate Change 8(3): 181.
Samuel, A. and Peattie, K. (2016) ‘Grounded theory as a macromarketing methodology: critical insights from researching the marketing dynamics of Fairtrade Towns’, Journal of Macromarketing 36(1): 11–26 <>.
Samuel, A., Peattie, K. and Doherty, B. (2018) ‘Expanding the boundaries of brand communities: the case of Fairtrade Towns’, European Journal of Marketing 52(3/4): 758–82 <>.
Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W., do Paço, A. and Brandli, L. (2016) ‘Evaluating the engagement of universities in capacity building for sustainable development in local communities’, Evaluation and Program Planning 54: 123–34 <>.
Szmigin, I. and Carrigan, M. (2003) ‘New consumption communities: resisting the hegemony of the marketing process’, Proceedings of the 3rd International Critical Management Studies Conference, Lancaster University, July [online] <> [accessed 10 October 2019].
Szmigin, I., Carrigan, M. and Bekin, C. (2007) ‘New consumption communities and the re-enabling of 21st century consumers’, in: B. Cova, R. Kozinets, and A. Shankar (eds), Consumer Tribes, pp. 296–311, Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Traidcraft (2016) Harvest Resources for Churches 2016 [online] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UCLG (2018) Towards the Localization of SDGs. Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2018 HLPF [pdf], Barcelona: United Cities and Local Governments <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Ulinski, S. (2013) ‘Ethical consumption vs. reducing consumption: to what extent does Fair Trade merely act to deflect the attention away from the real problem of overconsumption?’ Zeitschrift für Sozialen Fortschritt 2(3): 127–38.
UN (2018) Sustainable Cities: Why They Matter [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UNCED (1992) Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UN Habitat (2016) New Urban Agenda [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
UNSTATS (2017) Global Indicator Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [pdf] <> [accessed 27 June 2019].
Van Dam, P. (2016) ‘Moralizing postcolonial consumer society: fair trade in the Netherlands, 1964–1997’, International Review of Social History 61(2): 223–50.
VeneKlasen, L. and Miller, V. (2002) A New Weave of People, Power and Politics: The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizen Participation, Oklahoma City, OK: World Neighbors.
Wheeler, K. (2012) Fair Trade and the Citizen-consumer: Shopping for Justice? London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wolfram, M. and Frantzeskaki, N. (2016) ‘Cities and systemic change for sustainability: prevailing epistemologies and an emerging research agenda’, Sustainability 8(2): 144 <>.
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