Supporting the development of democratic and locally controlled small-scale enterprises based on non-wood forest products in Burkina Faso
Pietro Carpena | Barthélémy Kaboret | Désiré Ouedraogo | Alexis Sompougdou
Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) are an essential part of traditional livelihoods and culture in the drylands of West Africa. They are an important part of agriculture and food systems and remain popular with rural people and recently urbanized populations. Communities generally have free access to communal forest resources, and NWFPs are already an alternative source of income for rural households, especially for women, as they are one of the few resources that women can access, manage, and control. Yet, while residents have access to a large number of trees, the value chains are underdeveloped in terms of potential production levels, end markets, and supporting services. Additionally, the threats of deforestation and degradation are becoming ever more present. TREE AID developed a series of initiatives to help rural populations take fuller advantage of opportunities for commercial trade in tree products while empowering these communities to protect and manage the forests they use and develop their potential to contribute to livelihood needs and well-being. This article focuses on TREE AID’s work in the development of locally controlled Village Tree Enterprises based on NWFPs and in building stronger, decentralized forest governance in Burkina Faso. The approach has the potential to be applied more widely and scaled-out to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.Arnold, J.E.M. and Ruiz-Perez, M. (1998) ‘The role of non-timber forest products in conservation and development’, in E. Wollenberg and A. Ingles (eds), Income from the Forest: Methods for the Development and Conservation of Forest Products for Local Communities, pp. 17–42, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Belem, B., Nacoulma, B.M.I., Gbangou, R., Kambou, S., Hansen, H.H., Gausset, Q., Lund, S., Raebild, A., Lompo, D., Ouedraogo, M., Theilade, I. and Boussim, I.J. (2007) ‘Use of non wood forest products by local people bordering the Parc National Kaboré Tambi, Burkina Faso’, Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 6(1): 1–21.
Boros, R., Murray, U. and Sisto, I. (2002) ‘A guide to gender-sensitive microfinance: socioeconomic and gender analysis programme’, paper prepared for the International Conference on Women’s Empowerment or Feminization of Debt? Towards a New Agenda in African Microfinance, FAO.
CATIE, FAO, CIFOR, Rainforest Alliance, SNV, WWF, RUTA, ICCO (2006) International Conference on Small and Medium Forest Enterprise Development for Poverty Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges in Globalising Markets, Costa Rica, 23–25 May 2006. Conference Report.
Chikamai, B., Tchatat, M., Tieguhong, J.C. and Ndoye, O. (2009) ‘Forest management for non-wood forest products and services in sub-Saharan Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No. 1): 50–9 <>.
Dampha, A. and Camera, K. (2005) Empowering Communities through Forestry: Community-based Enterprise Development in the Gambia, Working Paper No. 8, Rome: FAO.
De Caluwé, E. (2011) Market Chain Analysis of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) Products in Mali and Benin, PhD thesis, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
DeGeorges, P.A. and Reilly, B.K. (2009) ‘The realities of community based natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in sub-Saharan Africa’, Sustainability 1: 734–788 <>.
Ellis, F. and Allison, E. (2004) Livelihood Diversification and Natural Resource Access, Livelihood Support Programme, Working Paper 9, FAO.
FAO (1999) ‘Towards a harmonized definition of NWFPs’, Unasylva 50: 63–4.
FAO (2010) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010: Main Report, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2015) The Contribution of Tree Crop Products to Smallholder Households: A Case Study of Baobab, Shea, and Néré in Burkina Faso, FAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Paper No.49, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2016) Market Analysis & Development [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Gausset, Q., Ræbild, A., Belem, B. and Dartell, J. (2003) ‘Land tenure, forest policies and forestry practices in Burkina Faso: some preliminary findings’ in L. Soren, K. Juul and C. Lund (eds), Proceedings of the 15th Danish Sahel Workshop, Tune, 6–7 January 2003, pp. 133–53, Serein-Occasional Paper (15), Copenhagen: Sahelo-Sudan Environmental Research Initiative.
IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) (2008) Gender and Non-Timber Forest Products: Promoting Food Security and Economic Empowerment, Rome: IFAD.
IIED (International Institute of Environment and Development) (2003) ‘Les conventions locales au Sahel: un outil de co-gouvernance en ressources naturelles’, Dakar: IIED.
IIED (2012) Investing in Locally Controlled Forestry: Natural Protection for People and Planet, London: IIED.
Kamara, Y., Hill, T., Kaboret, B. and Conditamde, L. (2015) ‘Burkina Faso: Yemboama Union of Non-Timber Forest Product Producers’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
KIT, Faida MaLi and IIRR (2006) Chain Empowerment: Supporting African Farmers to Develop Markets, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, Arusha: Faida Market Link, and Nairobi: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
Macqueen, D., Greijmans, M., Grouwels, S. and deMarsh, P. (2015) ‘Developing a framework for presenting successful locally controlled forest business models’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
MEDD (Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable) (2014) Bulletin d’information de l’Agence de Promotion des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Mickels-Kokwe, G. (2006) Small-scale Woodland Based Enterprises with Outstanding Economic Potential: The Case of Honey in Zambia, Sida/CIFOR Report, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Nair, C.T.S. (2007) ‘Echelle, marchés et économie: Les petites entreprises dans un environnement en voie de mondialisation’, Unasylva 228(58): 3–10. <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Paulson, J., Salt, G., Hill, T., Conditamde, L., Ouedraogo, D. and Wain, J. (2012) Pro-poor Forest Governance in Burkina Faso and Tanzania, Wageningen: European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN).
Roe, D., Nelson, F. and Sandbrook, C. (eds) (2009) Community Management of Natural Resources in Africa: Impacts, Experiences and Future Directions, Natural Resource Issues No. 18, London: International Institute for Environment and Development.
Sambou, B., Lykke, A.M. and Goudiaby, A. (2003) ‘La problématique de l’implication des collectivités locales dans la gestion des réserves forestières au Senegal’, in D.A. Wardell, A. Reenberg, H. Olsen and R. Harpøth (eds), Proceedings from the SEREIN-PETREA Workshop 12 September 2003, pp. 125–36.
Sunderland, T. and Ndoye, O. (eds) (2004) Forest products, Livelihoods and Conservation. Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, Volume 2 – Africa. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Tieguhong, J.C., Ndoye, O., Tchatat, M. and Chikamai, B. (2009) ‘Processing and marketing of non-wood forest products for poverty alleviation in Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No.1): 60–5 <>.
TREE AID (2011) Forest Connect Country Report, Burkina Faso, Bristol: TREE AID.
TREE AID (2015) Etude sur la contribution du secteur forestier communal à l’économie locale: Cas des zones forestières dans le cadre du Projet de Gouvernance Locale des Ressources Forestières de l’ONG TREE AID au Burkina Faso, 2015, Bristol: TREE AID.
UNDP (2015) Human Development Report 2015, New York: UNDP.
Visser, P., Steen, M., Greiling, J., Hayesso, T., Neefjes, R. and Greijn, H. (eds) (2012) Pro-Poor Value Chain Development: Private Sector-Led Innovative Practices in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation.
Arnold, J.E.M. and Ruiz-Perez, M. (1998) ‘The role of non-timber forest products in conservation and development’, in E. Wollenberg and A. Ingles (eds), Income from the Forest: Methods for the Development and Conservation of Forest Products for Local Communities, pp. 17–42, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Belem, B., Nacoulma, B.M.I., Gbangou, R., Kambou, S., Hansen, H.H., Gausset, Q., Lund, S., Raebild, A., Lompo, D., Ouedraogo, M., Theilade, I. and Boussim, I.J. (2007) ‘Use of non wood forest products by local people bordering the Parc National Kaboré Tambi, Burkina Faso’, Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 6(1): 1–21.
Boros, R., Murray, U. and Sisto, I. (2002) ‘A guide to gender-sensitive microfinance: socioeconomic and gender analysis programme’, paper prepared for the International Conference on Women’s Empowerment or Feminization of Debt? Towards a New Agenda in African Microfinance, FAO.
CATIE, FAO, CIFOR, Rainforest Alliance, SNV, WWF, RUTA, ICCO (2006) International Conference on Small and Medium Forest Enterprise Development for Poverty Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges in Globalising Markets, Costa Rica, 23–25 May 2006. Conference Report.
Chikamai, B., Tchatat, M., Tieguhong, J.C. and Ndoye, O. (2009) ‘Forest management for non-wood forest products and services in sub-Saharan Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No. 1): 50–9 <>.
Dampha, A. and Camera, K. (2005) Empowering Communities through Forestry: Community-based Enterprise Development in the Gambia, Working Paper No. 8, Rome: FAO.
De Caluwé, E. (2011) Market Chain Analysis of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) Products in Mali and Benin, PhD thesis, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
DeGeorges, P.A. and Reilly, B.K. (2009) ‘The realities of community based natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in sub-Saharan Africa’, Sustainability 1: 734–788 <>.
Ellis, F. and Allison, E. (2004) Livelihood Diversification and Natural Resource Access, Livelihood Support Programme, Working Paper 9, FAO.
FAO (1999) ‘Towards a harmonized definition of NWFPs’, Unasylva 50: 63–4.
FAO (2010) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010: Main Report, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2015) The Contribution of Tree Crop Products to Smallholder Households: A Case Study of Baobab, Shea, and Néré in Burkina Faso, FAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Paper No.49, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2016) Market Analysis & Development [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Gausset, Q., Ræbild, A., Belem, B. and Dartell, J. (2003) ‘Land tenure, forest policies and forestry practices in Burkina Faso: some preliminary findings’ in L. Soren, K. Juul and C. Lund (eds), Proceedings of the 15th Danish Sahel Workshop, Tune, 6–7 January 2003, pp. 133–53, Serein-Occasional Paper (15), Copenhagen: Sahelo-Sudan Environmental Research Initiative.
IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) (2008) Gender and Non-Timber Forest Products: Promoting Food Security and Economic Empowerment, Rome: IFAD.
IIED (International Institute of Environment and Development) (2003) ‘Les conventions locales au Sahel: un outil de co-gouvernance en ressources naturelles’, Dakar: IIED.
IIED (2012) Investing in Locally Controlled Forestry: Natural Protection for People and Planet, London: IIED.
Kamara, Y., Hill, T., Kaboret, B. and Conditamde, L. (2015) ‘Burkina Faso: Yemboama Union of Non-Timber Forest Product Producers’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
KIT, Faida MaLi and IIRR (2006) Chain Empowerment: Supporting African Farmers to Develop Markets, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, Arusha: Faida Market Link, and Nairobi: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
Macqueen, D., Greijmans, M., Grouwels, S. and deMarsh, P. (2015) ‘Developing a framework for presenting successful locally controlled forest business models’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
MEDD (Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable) (2014) Bulletin d’information de l’Agence de Promotion des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Mickels-Kokwe, G. (2006) Small-scale Woodland Based Enterprises with Outstanding Economic Potential: The Case of Honey in Zambia, Sida/CIFOR Report, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Nair, C.T.S. (2007) ‘Echelle, marchés et économie: Les petites entreprises dans un environnement en voie de mondialisation’, Unasylva 228(58): 3–10. <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Paulson, J., Salt, G., Hill, T., Conditamde, L., Ouedraogo, D. and Wain, J. (2012) Pro-poor Forest Governance in Burkina Faso and Tanzania, Wageningen: European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN).
Roe, D., Nelson, F. and Sandbrook, C. (eds) (2009) Community Management of Natural Resources in Africa: Impacts, Experiences and Future Directions, Natural Resource Issues No. 18, London: International Institute for Environment and Development.
Sambou, B., Lykke, A.M. and Goudiaby, A. (2003) ‘La problématique de l’implication des collectivités locales dans la gestion des réserves forestières au Senegal’, in D.A. Wardell, A. Reenberg, H. Olsen and R. Harpøth (eds), Proceedings from the SEREIN-PETREA Workshop 12 September 2003, pp. 125–36.
Sunderland, T. and Ndoye, O. (eds) (2004) Forest products, Livelihoods and Conservation. Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, Volume 2 – Africa. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Tieguhong, J.C., Ndoye, O., Tchatat, M. and Chikamai, B. (2009) ‘Processing and marketing of non-wood forest products for poverty alleviation in Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No.1): 60–5 <>.
TREE AID (2011) Forest Connect Country Report, Burkina Faso, Bristol: TREE AID.
TREE AID (2015) Etude sur la contribution du secteur forestier communal à l’économie locale: Cas des zones forestières dans le cadre du Projet de Gouvernance Locale des Ressources Forestières de l’ONG TREE AID au Burkina Faso, 2015, Bristol: TREE AID.
UNDP (2015) Human Development Report 2015, New York: UNDP.
Visser, P., Steen, M., Greiling, J., Hayesso, T., Neefjes, R. and Greijn, H. (eds) (2012) Pro-Poor Value Chain Development: Private Sector-Led Innovative Practices in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation.
Arnold, J.E.M. and Ruiz-Perez, M. (1998) ‘The role of non-timber forest products in conservation and development’, in E. Wollenberg and A. Ingles (eds), Income from the Forest: Methods for the Development and Conservation of Forest Products for Local Communities, pp. 17–42, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Belem, B., Nacoulma, B.M.I., Gbangou, R., Kambou, S., Hansen, H.H., Gausset, Q., Lund, S., Raebild, A., Lompo, D., Ouedraogo, M., Theilade, I. and Boussim, I.J. (2007) ‘Use of non wood forest products by local people bordering the Parc National Kaboré Tambi, Burkina Faso’, Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 6(1): 1–21.
Boros, R., Murray, U. and Sisto, I. (2002) ‘A guide to gender-sensitive microfinance: socioeconomic and gender analysis programme’, paper prepared for the International Conference on Women’s Empowerment or Feminization of Debt? Towards a New Agenda in African Microfinance, FAO.
CATIE, FAO, CIFOR, Rainforest Alliance, SNV, WWF, RUTA, ICCO (2006) International Conference on Small and Medium Forest Enterprise Development for Poverty Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges in Globalising Markets, Costa Rica, 23–25 May 2006. Conference Report.
Chikamai, B., Tchatat, M., Tieguhong, J.C. and Ndoye, O. (2009) ‘Forest management for non-wood forest products and services in sub-Saharan Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No. 1): 50–9 <>.
Dampha, A. and Camera, K. (2005) Empowering Communities through Forestry: Community-based Enterprise Development in the Gambia, Working Paper No. 8, Rome: FAO.
De Caluwé, E. (2011) Market Chain Analysis of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) Products in Mali and Benin, PhD thesis, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
DeGeorges, P.A. and Reilly, B.K. (2009) ‘The realities of community based natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in sub-Saharan Africa’, Sustainability 1: 734–788 <>.
Ellis, F. and Allison, E. (2004) Livelihood Diversification and Natural Resource Access, Livelihood Support Programme, Working Paper 9, FAO.
FAO (1999) ‘Towards a harmonized definition of NWFPs’, Unasylva 50: 63–4.
FAO (2010) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010: Main Report, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2015) The Contribution of Tree Crop Products to Smallholder Households: A Case Study of Baobab, Shea, and Néré in Burkina Faso, FAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Paper No.49, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2016) Market Analysis & Development [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Gausset, Q., Ræbild, A., Belem, B. and Dartell, J. (2003) ‘Land tenure, forest policies and forestry practices in Burkina Faso: some preliminary findings’ in L. Soren, K. Juul and C. Lund (eds), Proceedings of the 15th Danish Sahel Workshop, Tune, 6–7 January 2003, pp. 133–53, Serein-Occasional Paper (15), Copenhagen: Sahelo-Sudan Environmental Research Initiative.
IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) (2008) Gender and Non-Timber Forest Products: Promoting Food Security and Economic Empowerment, Rome: IFAD.
IIED (International Institute of Environment and Development) (2003) ‘Les conventions locales au Sahel: un outil de co-gouvernance en ressources naturelles’, Dakar: IIED.
IIED (2012) Investing in Locally Controlled Forestry: Natural Protection for People and Planet, London: IIED.
Kamara, Y., Hill, T., Kaboret, B. and Conditamde, L. (2015) ‘Burkina Faso: Yemboama Union of Non-Timber Forest Product Producers’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
KIT, Faida MaLi and IIRR (2006) Chain Empowerment: Supporting African Farmers to Develop Markets, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, Arusha: Faida Market Link, and Nairobi: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
Macqueen, D., Greijmans, M., Grouwels, S. and deMarsh, P. (2015) ‘Developing a framework for presenting successful locally controlled forest business models’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
MEDD (Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable) (2014) Bulletin d’information de l’Agence de Promotion des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Mickels-Kokwe, G. (2006) Small-scale Woodland Based Enterprises with Outstanding Economic Potential: The Case of Honey in Zambia, Sida/CIFOR Report, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Nair, C.T.S. (2007) ‘Echelle, marchés et économie: Les petites entreprises dans un environnement en voie de mondialisation’, Unasylva 228(58): 3–10. <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Paulson, J., Salt, G., Hill, T., Conditamde, L., Ouedraogo, D. and Wain, J. (2012) Pro-poor Forest Governance in Burkina Faso and Tanzania, Wageningen: European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN).
Roe, D., Nelson, F. and Sandbrook, C. (eds) (2009) Community Management of Natural Resources in Africa: Impacts, Experiences and Future Directions, Natural Resource Issues No. 18, London: International Institute for Environment and Development.
Sambou, B., Lykke, A.M. and Goudiaby, A. (2003) ‘La problématique de l’implication des collectivités locales dans la gestion des réserves forestières au Senegal’, in D.A. Wardell, A. Reenberg, H. Olsen and R. Harpøth (eds), Proceedings from the SEREIN-PETREA Workshop 12 September 2003, pp. 125–36.
Sunderland, T. and Ndoye, O. (eds) (2004) Forest products, Livelihoods and Conservation. Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, Volume 2 – Africa. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Tieguhong, J.C., Ndoye, O., Tchatat, M. and Chikamai, B. (2009) ‘Processing and marketing of non-wood forest products for poverty alleviation in Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No.1): 60–5 <>.
TREE AID (2011) Forest Connect Country Report, Burkina Faso, Bristol: TREE AID.
TREE AID (2015) Etude sur la contribution du secteur forestier communal à l’économie locale: Cas des zones forestières dans le cadre du Projet de Gouvernance Locale des Ressources Forestières de l’ONG TREE AID au Burkina Faso, 2015, Bristol: TREE AID.
UNDP (2015) Human Development Report 2015, New York: UNDP.
Visser, P., Steen, M., Greiling, J., Hayesso, T., Neefjes, R. and Greijn, H. (eds) (2012) Pro-Poor Value Chain Development: Private Sector-Led Innovative Practices in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation.
Arnold, J.E.M. and Ruiz-Perez, M. (1998) ‘The role of non-timber forest products in conservation and development’, in E. Wollenberg and A. Ingles (eds), Income from the Forest: Methods for the Development and Conservation of Forest Products for Local Communities, pp. 17–42, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Belem, B., Nacoulma, B.M.I., Gbangou, R., Kambou, S., Hansen, H.H., Gausset, Q., Lund, S., Raebild, A., Lompo, D., Ouedraogo, M., Theilade, I. and Boussim, I.J. (2007) ‘Use of non wood forest products by local people bordering the Parc National Kaboré Tambi, Burkina Faso’, Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 6(1): 1–21.
Boros, R., Murray, U. and Sisto, I. (2002) ‘A guide to gender-sensitive microfinance: socioeconomic and gender analysis programme’, paper prepared for the International Conference on Women’s Empowerment or Feminization of Debt? Towards a New Agenda in African Microfinance, FAO.
CATIE, FAO, CIFOR, Rainforest Alliance, SNV, WWF, RUTA, ICCO (2006) International Conference on Small and Medium Forest Enterprise Development for Poverty Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges in Globalising Markets, Costa Rica, 23–25 May 2006. Conference Report.
Chikamai, B., Tchatat, M., Tieguhong, J.C. and Ndoye, O. (2009) ‘Forest management for non-wood forest products and services in sub-Saharan Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No. 1): 50–9 <>.
Dampha, A. and Camera, K. (2005) Empowering Communities through Forestry: Community-based Enterprise Development in the Gambia, Working Paper No. 8, Rome: FAO.
De Caluwé, E. (2011) Market Chain Analysis of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) Products in Mali and Benin, PhD thesis, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
DeGeorges, P.A. and Reilly, B.K. (2009) ‘The realities of community based natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in sub-Saharan Africa’, Sustainability 1: 734–788 <>.
Ellis, F. and Allison, E. (2004) Livelihood Diversification and Natural Resource Access, Livelihood Support Programme, Working Paper 9, FAO.
FAO (1999) ‘Towards a harmonized definition of NWFPs’, Unasylva 50: 63–4.
FAO (2010) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010: Main Report, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2015) The Contribution of Tree Crop Products to Smallholder Households: A Case Study of Baobab, Shea, and Néré in Burkina Faso, FAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Paper No.49, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2016) Market Analysis & Development [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Gausset, Q., Ræbild, A., Belem, B. and Dartell, J. (2003) ‘Land tenure, forest policies and forestry practices in Burkina Faso: some preliminary findings’ in L. Soren, K. Juul and C. Lund (eds), Proceedings of the 15th Danish Sahel Workshop, Tune, 6–7 January 2003, pp. 133–53, Serein-Occasional Paper (15), Copenhagen: Sahelo-Sudan Environmental Research Initiative.
IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) (2008) Gender and Non-Timber Forest Products: Promoting Food Security and Economic Empowerment, Rome: IFAD.
IIED (International Institute of Environment and Development) (2003) ‘Les conventions locales au Sahel: un outil de co-gouvernance en ressources naturelles’, Dakar: IIED.
IIED (2012) Investing in Locally Controlled Forestry: Natural Protection for People and Planet, London: IIED.
Kamara, Y., Hill, T., Kaboret, B. and Conditamde, L. (2015) ‘Burkina Faso: Yemboama Union of Non-Timber Forest Product Producers’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
KIT, Faida MaLi and IIRR (2006) Chain Empowerment: Supporting African Farmers to Develop Markets, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, Arusha: Faida Market Link, and Nairobi: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
Macqueen, D., Greijmans, M., Grouwels, S. and deMarsh, P. (2015) ‘Developing a framework for presenting successful locally controlled forest business models’, in D. Macqueen, A. Bolin and M. Greijmans (eds), Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful Locally Controlled Forest Business Organisations, London: IIED.
MEDD (Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable) (2014) Bulletin d’information de l’Agence de Promotion des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux [online] <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Mickels-Kokwe, G. (2006) Small-scale Woodland Based Enterprises with Outstanding Economic Potential: The Case of Honey in Zambia, Sida/CIFOR Report, Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Nair, C.T.S. (2007) ‘Echelle, marchés et économie: Les petites entreprises dans un environnement en voie de mondialisation’, Unasylva 228(58): 3–10. <> [accessed 7 September 2016].
Paulson, J., Salt, G., Hill, T., Conditamde, L., Ouedraogo, D. and Wain, J. (2012) Pro-poor Forest Governance in Burkina Faso and Tanzania, Wageningen: European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN).
Roe, D., Nelson, F. and Sandbrook, C. (eds) (2009) Community Management of Natural Resources in Africa: Impacts, Experiences and Future Directions, Natural Resource Issues No. 18, London: International Institute for Environment and Development.
Sambou, B., Lykke, A.M. and Goudiaby, A. (2003) ‘La problématique de l’implication des collectivités locales dans la gestion des réserves forestières au Senegal’, in D.A. Wardell, A. Reenberg, H. Olsen and R. Harpøth (eds), Proceedings from the SEREIN-PETREA Workshop 12 September 2003, pp. 125–36.
Sunderland, T. and Ndoye, O. (eds) (2004) Forest products, Livelihoods and Conservation. Case studies of non-timber forest product systems, Volume 2 – Africa. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.
Tieguhong, J.C., Ndoye, O., Tchatat, M. and Chikamai, B. (2009) ‘Processing and marketing of non-wood forest products for poverty alleviation in Africa’, Discovery and Innovation 21(SFM Special Edition No.1): 60–5 <>.
TREE AID (2011) Forest Connect Country Report, Burkina Faso, Bristol: TREE AID.
TREE AID (2015) Etude sur la contribution du secteur forestier communal à l’économie locale: Cas des zones forestières dans le cadre du Projet de Gouvernance Locale des Ressources Forestières de l’ONG TREE AID au Burkina Faso, 2015, Bristol: TREE AID.
UNDP (2015) Human Development Report 2015, New York: UNDP.
Visser, P., Steen, M., Greiling, J., Hayesso, T., Neefjes, R. and Greijn, H. (eds) (2012) Pro-Poor Value Chain Development: Private Sector-Led Innovative Practices in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation.
The Climate-Smart Agriculture Papers
Shea Butter: A Pro-Poor, Pro-Female Route to Increased Income
Hammond, James
van Wijk, Mark
Pagella, Tim
Carpena, Pietro
Skirrow, Tom
Dauncey, Victoria
2019 [Citations: 5]A farewell to glaciers: Ecosystem services loss in the Spanish Pyrenees
Grima, Nelson
Campos, Néstor
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 269 (2020), Iss. P.110789 [Citations: 13]- Design, construction, and performance evaluation of an innovative cassava peeling machine
- The dasheen itch factor and approaches to reducing its effect
- Insects in the human food chain: global status and opportunities
- Kenkey production, vending, and consumption practices in Ghana
- Support for small-scale food processors in developing countries in a changing global food supply