The practice of contract farming in India: making it inclusive and effective
Agricultural marketing reforms are central to changing the agricultural/agribusiness sector. The Amended APMC Act in India, which permitted contract farming, direct purchase from farmers, and setting up of private wholesale markets, was seen as the way forward to kick start the process of modernizing markets and giving better market access and choice to primary producers. The practice of contract farming, which is one of the new institutions as a result of the policy reforms, leaves much to be desired in India's smallholder context as there is exclusion of small farmers who make up most of the farming population. In this context, this paper examines the extent and nature of small producer exclusion, reasons thereof, and various policy options to encourage more inclusive and effective contract farming so that these mechanisms could be leveraged for inclusive and market-oriented sustainable agricultural development.Asano-Tamanoi, M. (1988) ‘Farmers, industries, and the state: the culture of contract farming in Spain and Japan’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 30(3): 432-52.
Asokan, S.R. and Singh, G. (2006) Contract Farming of Medicinal Herbs and Organic Crops in India, CMA Monograph No. 224, Ahmedabad: CMA, IIM.
Bachke, M.E. (n.d.) ‘Are farmers’ organisations a good tool to improve small scale farmers’ welfare?’, Norwegian University of Life Sciences <≯ [accessed 16 October 2013].
Barrett, C.B., Bachke, M.E., Bellemare, M.F., Michelson, H.C., Narayanan, S. and Walker, T.E. (2010) ‘Smallholder participation in agricultural value chains: comparative evidence from three continents’ [online], MPRA paper No. 27829 <≯ [accessed 20 March 2013].
Barrientos, S. and Smith, S. (2007) ‘Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems’, Third World Quarterly 28(4): 713-29 <≯.
Bellemare, M.F. (2012) ‘As you sow, so shall you reap: the welfare Impacts of contract farming’, World Development 40(7): 1418-34 <≯.
Benziger, V. (1996) ‘Small fields, big money: two successful programs in helping small farmers make the transition to high value-added crops’, World Development 24(11): 1681-93 <≯.
Bijman, J. (2008) ‘Contract farming in developing countries’, Working paper, The Netherlands: Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Wageningen University.
Bingen, J., Serrano, A. and Howard, J. (2003) ‘Linking farmers to markets: different approaches to human capital development’, Food Policy 28: 405-19 <≯.
Boselie, D., Henson, S. and Weatherspoon, D. (2003) ‘Supermarket procurement practices in developing countries: redefining the roles of the public and private sectors’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(5): 1155-61 <≯.
Dev, S.M. and Rao, N.C. (2005) ‘Food processing and contract farming in Andhra Pradesh: a small farmer perspective’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(26): 2705-13.
Dolan, C.S. and Opondo, M. (2005) ‘Seeking common ground: multi-stakeholder processes in Kenya's cut flower industry’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship 18: 87-98.
Eaton, C. and Shepherd, A.W. (2001) Contract Farming: Partnerships for Growth, Rome: FAO.
Esham, M. and Usami, K. (2007) ‘Evaluating the performance of farmer companies in Sri Lanka: a case study of Ridi Bendi Ela Farmer Company’, The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3(2): 86-100.
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) (2006) ETI Code of Labor Practice: Do Workers Really Benefit? Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Farina, E.M.M.Q. (2002) ‘Consolidation, multinationalisation, and competition in Brazil: impacts on horticulture and dairy products systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 441-57.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: African Value Chains and the Global Economy, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Government of India (GoI) (2003) Contract Farming Agreement and its Model Specifications, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation.
Hazell, P.B.R. (2005) ‘Is there a future for small farms?’, in D. Colman and N. Vink (eds), Reshaping Agriculture's Contributions to Society, Proceedings of the 25th Intl. Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), 16-22 August 2005, Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell, pp. 93-101.
Herbel, D. and Haddad, N.U. (2012) ‘Successful farmer collective action to integrate food production into value chains’ Food Chain 2(2): 164-82.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) (2008) ‘Protecting contract growers: Iowa producer protection Act’ [online] 21 November 2008 < growers/2062-2≯ [accessed 2 October 2013]. growers/2062-2
Jalihal, S. (2009) Contract Farming in Medicinal Plants: A Case of Coleus in Karnataka, MBA (Agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Jenkins, R., Pearson, R. and Seyfang, G. (2002) Corporate Responsibility and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy, London: Earthscan.
Key, N. and Runsten, D. (1999) ‘Contract farming, smallholders, and rural development in Latin America: the organisation of agroprocessing firms and the scale of outgrower production’, World Development 27(2): 381-401.
Kirsten, J. and Sartorius, K. (2002) ‘Linking agribusiness and small-scale farmers in developing countries: is there a new role for contract farming?’, Development Southern Africa 19(4): 503-29 <≯.
Kumar, P. (2006) ‘Contract farming through agribusiness firms and state corporation: a case study in Punjab’, Economic and Political Weekly 52(30): A5367-75.
Little, P.D. and Watts, M.J. (eds.) (1994) Living Under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 216-47, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Lund-Thomsen, P. (2008) ‘The global sourcing and codes of conduct debate: five myths and five recommendations’, Development and Change 39(6): 1005-18 <≯.
Lund-Thomsen, P. and Nadvi, K. (2010) ‘Clusters, chains and compliance: governance and corporate social responsibility in the South Asian football manufacturing industry’, Journal of Business Ethics 93(Suppl. 2): 201-22.
Mayers, J. and Vermeulen, S. (2002) Company-Community Forestry Partnerships: From Raw Deals to Mutual Gains? London: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MOAC) (2002) Approach paper for the workshop Linking Production and Marketing under Contracts (Contract Farming) 8 February 2002, Bangkok: MOAC (translated from Thai).
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) (1998) Food Processing Industries, Outline of Assistance under Schemes of the Ninth Plan 1997/2002, New Delhi: Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI), Govt of India.
Naduvinamani, R. (2007) Economics of Red Banana Production under Contract Farming in Karnataka, MSc (Agriculture), Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Narayanaswamy, G. (2006) Management of Contract Farming in Marigold Production, MBA (agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Marketing, Co-operation and Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantations of South India, London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ornberg, L. (2003) ‘Farmers’ choice: contract farming, agricultural change and modernisation in northern Thailand’, paper presented at the 3rd International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS3), Singapore, 19-22 August 2003.
Patnaik, G. (2003) ‘Marketing, storage, and extension services: state of agriculture in India’, in B. Debroy and A.U. Khan (eds.), Enabling Agricultural Markets for the Small Indian Farmer, pp. 81-120, New Delhi: Bookwell.
Penrose-Buckley, C. (2007) Producer Organisations: A Guide to Developing Collective Rural Enterprises, Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Pingali, P. and Khwaja, Y. (2004) ‘Globalisation of Indian diets and the transformation of food supply systems’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing 18(1): 26-9.
Pritchard, B. and Connell, J. (2011) ‘Contract farming and the remaking of agrarian landscapes: insights from south India's chilli belt’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 32(3): 236-52.
Ramaswami, B., Birthal, P.S. and Joshi, P.K. (2006) Efficiency and Distribution in Contract Farming: The Case of Indian Poultry Growers, IFPRI's MTID Discussion Paper No. 91, Washington, DC: IFPRI.
Raynolds, L.T. (2004) ‘The globalisation of organic agro-food networks’, World Development 32(5): 725-43 <≯.
Roy, D. and Thorat, A. (2008) ‘Success in high value horticultural export markets for the small farmers: the case of Mahagrapes in India’, World Development 36(10): 1874-90.
Sako, M. (1992) Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-firm Relations in Britain and Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schwentesius, R. and Gomez, M.A. (2002) ‘Supermarkets in Mexico: impacts on horticulture systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 487-502.
Simmons, P., Winters, P. and Patrick, I. (2005) ‘An analysis of contract farming in East Java, Bali, and Lombok, Indonesia’, Agricultural Economics 33: 513-25 <≯.
Singh, R. (2008) Effectiveness of Contract Farming Practices for Agricultural Development and Equity: A Case of Hoshiarpur District in Punjab, draft report, New Delhi: Oxfam International.
Singh, S. (2002) ‘Contracting out solutions: political economy of contract farming in the Indian Punjab’, World Development 30(9): 1621-38 <≯.
Singh, S. (2004) ‘Crisis and diversification in Punjab agriculture: role of state and agribusiness’, Economic and Political Weekly 39(52): 5583-90.
Singh, S. (2005a) ‘Role of the state in contract farming in Thailand: experience and lessons’, ASEAN Economic Bulletin 22(2): 217-28.
Singh, S. (2005b) ‘Contract farming system in Thailand’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(53): 5578-86.
Singh, S. (2007) ‘Contract farming for agricultural development in Gujarat: evidence and issues’, in R.H. Dholakia (ed.), Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat, pp. 125-52, Ahmedabad: IIM.
Singh, S. (2008a) ‘Marketing channels and their implications for smallholder farmers in India’, in E.B. McCullough, P.L. Pingali and K.G. Stamoulis (eds.) The Transformation of Agri-food Systems: Globalization, Supply Chains, and Smallholder Farmers, pp. 279-310, Chapter 14, Rome: FAO; London: Earthscan.
Singh, S. (2008b) ‘Producer companies as new generation co-operatives’, Economic and Political Weekly 34(20): 22-24.
Singh, S. (2009) Organic Produce Supply Chains in India-organisation and Governance, New Delhi: Allied.
Singh, S. (2012a) Modern Food Value Chains in India: Emerging Potential for the Poor, New Delhi: Samskriti.
Singh, S. (2012b) ‘Land, livelihoods and state in India: issues and challenges’, Anvesak 42(1&2): 161-76.
Singh, S. (2013a) ‘Regulating contract farming: Punjab way’, The Tribune, Chandigarh, 8 July 2013, p. 9. Oped Agriculture.
Singh, S. (2013b) ‘Governance and upgrading in export grape global production networks in India’ [online], Capturing the Gains working paper No. 33 <≯ [accessed 30 September 2013].
Singh, S. and Asokan, S.R. (2005) Contract Farming in India: Text and Cases, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH.
Singh, S. and Singh, T. (2012) Producer Companies in India: A Study of Organisation and Performance, Draft report, New Delhi: IEG.
Trebbin, A. and Franz, M. (2010) ‘Exclusivity of private governance structures in agro-food networks: Bayer and the food retailing and processing sector in India’, Environment and Planning A 42: 2043-57 <≯.
Tripathi, R.S., Singh, R. and Singh, S. (2005) ‘Contract farming in potato production: an alternative for managing risk and uncertainty’, Agricultural Economics Research Review 18: 47-60.
Vorley, B., Lundy, M. and MacGregor, J. (2009) ‘Business models that are inclusive of small farmers’ in C.A.da Silva, D. Baker, A.W. Shepherd, C. Jenane and S. Miranda-da-Cruz (eds.), Agro-industries for Development, Chapter 6, pp. 186-222, Wallingford, UK: FAO, UNIOD and CAB International.
Weatherspoon, D., Cacho, J. and Christy, R. (2001) ‘Linking globalisation, economic growth and poverty: impacts of agribusiness strategies on sub-Saharan Africa’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(3): 722-29.
Welsh, R. (1997) ‘Vertical co-ordination, producer response, and the locus of control over agricultural production decisions’, Rural Sociology 62(4): 491-507 <≯.
White, B. (1997) ‘Agro-industry and contract farming in upland Java’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 24(3): 100-36.
Wilson, J. (1986) ‘The political economy of contract farming’, Review of Radical Political Economics 18(4): 47-70 <≯.
Witsoe, J. (2006) India's Second Green Revolution? The Sociological Implications of Corporate-led Agricultural Growth. India in Transition: Economics and Politics of Change Series, edited by Devesh Kapur, Philadelphia, PA: Centre for the Advanced Study of India.
Wolf, S., Hueth, B. and Ligon, E. (2001) ‘Policing mechanisms in agricultural contracts’, Rural Sociology 66(3): 359-81
Asano-Tamanoi, M. (1988) ‘Farmers, industries, and the state: the culture of contract farming in Spain and Japan’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 30(3): 432-52.
Asokan, S.R. and Singh, G. (2006) Contract Farming of Medicinal Herbs and Organic Crops in India, CMA Monograph No. 224, Ahmedabad: CMA, IIM.
Bachke, M.E. (n.d.) ‘Are farmers’ organisations a good tool to improve small scale farmers’ welfare?’, Norwegian University of Life Sciences <≯ [accessed 16 October 2013].
Barrett, C.B., Bachke, M.E., Bellemare, M.F., Michelson, H.C., Narayanan, S. and Walker, T.E. (2010) ‘Smallholder participation in agricultural value chains: comparative evidence from three continents’ [online], MPRA paper No. 27829 <≯ [accessed 20 March 2013].
Barrientos, S. and Smith, S. (2007) ‘Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems’, Third World Quarterly 28(4): 713-29 <≯.
Bellemare, M.F. (2012) ‘As you sow, so shall you reap: the welfare Impacts of contract farming’, World Development 40(7): 1418-34 <≯.
Benziger, V. (1996) ‘Small fields, big money: two successful programs in helping small farmers make the transition to high value-added crops’, World Development 24(11): 1681-93 <≯.
Bijman, J. (2008) ‘Contract farming in developing countries’, Working paper, The Netherlands: Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Wageningen University.
Bingen, J., Serrano, A. and Howard, J. (2003) ‘Linking farmers to markets: different approaches to human capital development’, Food Policy 28: 405-19 <≯.
Boselie, D., Henson, S. and Weatherspoon, D. (2003) ‘Supermarket procurement practices in developing countries: redefining the roles of the public and private sectors’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(5): 1155-61 <≯.
Dev, S.M. and Rao, N.C. (2005) ‘Food processing and contract farming in Andhra Pradesh: a small farmer perspective’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(26): 2705-13.
Dolan, C.S. and Opondo, M. (2005) ‘Seeking common ground: multi-stakeholder processes in Kenya's cut flower industry’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship 18: 87-98.
Eaton, C. and Shepherd, A.W. (2001) Contract Farming: Partnerships for Growth, Rome: FAO.
Esham, M. and Usami, K. (2007) ‘Evaluating the performance of farmer companies in Sri Lanka: a case study of Ridi Bendi Ela Farmer Company’, The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3(2): 86-100.
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) (2006) ETI Code of Labor Practice: Do Workers Really Benefit? Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Farina, E.M.M.Q. (2002) ‘Consolidation, multinationalisation, and competition in Brazil: impacts on horticulture and dairy products systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 441-57.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: African Value Chains and the Global Economy, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Government of India (GoI) (2003) Contract Farming Agreement and its Model Specifications, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation.
Hazell, P.B.R. (2005) ‘Is there a future for small farms?’, in D. Colman and N. Vink (eds), Reshaping Agriculture's Contributions to Society, Proceedings of the 25th Intl. Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), 16-22 August 2005, Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell, pp. 93-101.
Herbel, D. and Haddad, N.U. (2012) ‘Successful farmer collective action to integrate food production into value chains’ Food Chain 2(2): 164-82.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) (2008) ‘Protecting contract growers: Iowa producer protection Act’ [online] 21 November 2008 < growers/2062-2≯ [accessed 2 October 2013]. growers/2062-2
Jalihal, S. (2009) Contract Farming in Medicinal Plants: A Case of Coleus in Karnataka, MBA (Agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Jenkins, R., Pearson, R. and Seyfang, G. (2002) Corporate Responsibility and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy, London: Earthscan.
Key, N. and Runsten, D. (1999) ‘Contract farming, smallholders, and rural development in Latin America: the organisation of agroprocessing firms and the scale of outgrower production’, World Development 27(2): 381-401.
Kirsten, J. and Sartorius, K. (2002) ‘Linking agribusiness and small-scale farmers in developing countries: is there a new role for contract farming?’, Development Southern Africa 19(4): 503-29 <≯.
Kumar, P. (2006) ‘Contract farming through agribusiness firms and state corporation: a case study in Punjab’, Economic and Political Weekly 52(30): A5367-75.
Little, P.D. and Watts, M.J. (eds.) (1994) Living Under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 216-47, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Lund-Thomsen, P. (2008) ‘The global sourcing and codes of conduct debate: five myths and five recommendations’, Development and Change 39(6): 1005-18 <≯.
Lund-Thomsen, P. and Nadvi, K. (2010) ‘Clusters, chains and compliance: governance and corporate social responsibility in the South Asian football manufacturing industry’, Journal of Business Ethics 93(Suppl. 2): 201-22.
Mayers, J. and Vermeulen, S. (2002) Company-Community Forestry Partnerships: From Raw Deals to Mutual Gains? London: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MOAC) (2002) Approach paper for the workshop Linking Production and Marketing under Contracts (Contract Farming) 8 February 2002, Bangkok: MOAC (translated from Thai).
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) (1998) Food Processing Industries, Outline of Assistance under Schemes of the Ninth Plan 1997/2002, New Delhi: Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI), Govt of India.
Naduvinamani, R. (2007) Economics of Red Banana Production under Contract Farming in Karnataka, MSc (Agriculture), Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Narayanaswamy, G. (2006) Management of Contract Farming in Marigold Production, MBA (agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Marketing, Co-operation and Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantations of South India, London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ornberg, L. (2003) ‘Farmers’ choice: contract farming, agricultural change and modernisation in northern Thailand’, paper presented at the 3rd International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS3), Singapore, 19-22 August 2003.
Patnaik, G. (2003) ‘Marketing, storage, and extension services: state of agriculture in India’, in B. Debroy and A.U. Khan (eds.), Enabling Agricultural Markets for the Small Indian Farmer, pp. 81-120, New Delhi: Bookwell.
Penrose-Buckley, C. (2007) Producer Organisations: A Guide to Developing Collective Rural Enterprises, Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Pingali, P. and Khwaja, Y. (2004) ‘Globalisation of Indian diets and the transformation of food supply systems’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing 18(1): 26-9.
Pritchard, B. and Connell, J. (2011) ‘Contract farming and the remaking of agrarian landscapes: insights from south India's chilli belt’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 32(3): 236-52.
Ramaswami, B., Birthal, P.S. and Joshi, P.K. (2006) Efficiency and Distribution in Contract Farming: The Case of Indian Poultry Growers, IFPRI's MTID Discussion Paper No. 91, Washington, DC: IFPRI.
Raynolds, L.T. (2004) ‘The globalisation of organic agro-food networks’, World Development 32(5): 725-43 <≯.
Roy, D. and Thorat, A. (2008) ‘Success in high value horticultural export markets for the small farmers: the case of Mahagrapes in India’, World Development 36(10): 1874-90.
Sako, M. (1992) Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-firm Relations in Britain and Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schwentesius, R. and Gomez, M.A. (2002) ‘Supermarkets in Mexico: impacts on horticulture systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 487-502.
Simmons, P., Winters, P. and Patrick, I. (2005) ‘An analysis of contract farming in East Java, Bali, and Lombok, Indonesia’, Agricultural Economics 33: 513-25 <≯.
Singh, R. (2008) Effectiveness of Contract Farming Practices for Agricultural Development and Equity: A Case of Hoshiarpur District in Punjab, draft report, New Delhi: Oxfam International.
Singh, S. (2002) ‘Contracting out solutions: political economy of contract farming in the Indian Punjab’, World Development 30(9): 1621-38 <≯.
Singh, S. (2004) ‘Crisis and diversification in Punjab agriculture: role of state and agribusiness’, Economic and Political Weekly 39(52): 5583-90.
Singh, S. (2005a) ‘Role of the state in contract farming in Thailand: experience and lessons’, ASEAN Economic Bulletin 22(2): 217-28.
Singh, S. (2005b) ‘Contract farming system in Thailand’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(53): 5578-86.
Singh, S. (2007) ‘Contract farming for agricultural development in Gujarat: evidence and issues’, in R.H. Dholakia (ed.), Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat, pp. 125-52, Ahmedabad: IIM.
Singh, S. (2008a) ‘Marketing channels and their implications for smallholder farmers in India’, in E.B. McCullough, P.L. Pingali and K.G. Stamoulis (eds.) The Transformation of Agri-food Systems: Globalization, Supply Chains, and Smallholder Farmers, pp. 279-310, Chapter 14, Rome: FAO; London: Earthscan.
Singh, S. (2008b) ‘Producer companies as new generation co-operatives’, Economic and Political Weekly 34(20): 22-24.
Singh, S. (2009) Organic Produce Supply Chains in India-organisation and Governance, New Delhi: Allied.
Singh, S. (2012a) Modern Food Value Chains in India: Emerging Potential for the Poor, New Delhi: Samskriti.
Singh, S. (2012b) ‘Land, livelihoods and state in India: issues and challenges’, Anvesak 42(1&2): 161-76.
Singh, S. (2013a) ‘Regulating contract farming: Punjab way’, The Tribune, Chandigarh, 8 July 2013, p. 9. Oped Agriculture.
Singh, S. (2013b) ‘Governance and upgrading in export grape global production networks in India’ [online], Capturing the Gains working paper No. 33 <≯ [accessed 30 September 2013].
Singh, S. and Asokan, S.R. (2005) Contract Farming in India: Text and Cases, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH.
Singh, S. and Singh, T. (2012) Producer Companies in India: A Study of Organisation and Performance, Draft report, New Delhi: IEG.
Trebbin, A. and Franz, M. (2010) ‘Exclusivity of private governance structures in agro-food networks: Bayer and the food retailing and processing sector in India’, Environment and Planning A 42: 2043-57 <≯.
Tripathi, R.S., Singh, R. and Singh, S. (2005) ‘Contract farming in potato production: an alternative for managing risk and uncertainty’, Agricultural Economics Research Review 18: 47-60.
Vorley, B., Lundy, M. and MacGregor, J. (2009) ‘Business models that are inclusive of small farmers’ in C.A.da Silva, D. Baker, A.W. Shepherd, C. Jenane and S. Miranda-da-Cruz (eds.), Agro-industries for Development, Chapter 6, pp. 186-222, Wallingford, UK: FAO, UNIOD and CAB International.
Weatherspoon, D., Cacho, J. and Christy, R. (2001) ‘Linking globalisation, economic growth and poverty: impacts of agribusiness strategies on sub-Saharan Africa’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(3): 722-29.
Welsh, R. (1997) ‘Vertical co-ordination, producer response, and the locus of control over agricultural production decisions’, Rural Sociology 62(4): 491-507 <≯.
White, B. (1997) ‘Agro-industry and contract farming in upland Java’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 24(3): 100-36.
Wilson, J. (1986) ‘The political economy of contract farming’, Review of Radical Political Economics 18(4): 47-70 <≯.
Witsoe, J. (2006) India's Second Green Revolution? The Sociological Implications of Corporate-led Agricultural Growth. India in Transition: Economics and Politics of Change Series, edited by Devesh Kapur, Philadelphia, PA: Centre for the Advanced Study of India.
Wolf, S., Hueth, B. and Ligon, E. (2001) ‘Policing mechanisms in agricultural contracts’, Rural Sociology 66(3): 359-81
Asano-Tamanoi, M. (1988) ‘Farmers, industries, and the state: the culture of contract farming in Spain and Japan’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 30(3): 432-52.
Asokan, S.R. and Singh, G. (2006) Contract Farming of Medicinal Herbs and Organic Crops in India, CMA Monograph No. 224, Ahmedabad: CMA, IIM.
Bachke, M.E. (n.d.) ‘Are farmers’ organisations a good tool to improve small scale farmers’ welfare?’, Norwegian University of Life Sciences <≯ [accessed 16 October 2013].
Barrett, C.B., Bachke, M.E., Bellemare, M.F., Michelson, H.C., Narayanan, S. and Walker, T.E. (2010) ‘Smallholder participation in agricultural value chains: comparative evidence from three continents’ [online], MPRA paper No. 27829 <≯ [accessed 20 March 2013].
Barrientos, S. and Smith, S. (2007) ‘Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems’, Third World Quarterly 28(4): 713-29 <≯.
Bellemare, M.F. (2012) ‘As you sow, so shall you reap: the welfare Impacts of contract farming’, World Development 40(7): 1418-34 <≯.
Benziger, V. (1996) ‘Small fields, big money: two successful programs in helping small farmers make the transition to high value-added crops’, World Development 24(11): 1681-93 <≯.
Bijman, J. (2008) ‘Contract farming in developing countries’, Working paper, The Netherlands: Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Wageningen University.
Bingen, J., Serrano, A. and Howard, J. (2003) ‘Linking farmers to markets: different approaches to human capital development’, Food Policy 28: 405-19 <≯.
Boselie, D., Henson, S. and Weatherspoon, D. (2003) ‘Supermarket procurement practices in developing countries: redefining the roles of the public and private sectors’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(5): 1155-61 <≯.
Dev, S.M. and Rao, N.C. (2005) ‘Food processing and contract farming in Andhra Pradesh: a small farmer perspective’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(26): 2705-13.
Dolan, C.S. and Opondo, M. (2005) ‘Seeking common ground: multi-stakeholder processes in Kenya's cut flower industry’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship 18: 87-98.
Eaton, C. and Shepherd, A.W. (2001) Contract Farming: Partnerships for Growth, Rome: FAO.
Esham, M. and Usami, K. (2007) ‘Evaluating the performance of farmer companies in Sri Lanka: a case study of Ridi Bendi Ela Farmer Company’, The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3(2): 86-100.
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) (2006) ETI Code of Labor Practice: Do Workers Really Benefit? Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Farina, E.M.M.Q. (2002) ‘Consolidation, multinationalisation, and competition in Brazil: impacts on horticulture and dairy products systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 441-57.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: African Value Chains and the Global Economy, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Government of India (GoI) (2003) Contract Farming Agreement and its Model Specifications, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation.
Hazell, P.B.R. (2005) ‘Is there a future for small farms?’, in D. Colman and N. Vink (eds), Reshaping Agriculture's Contributions to Society, Proceedings of the 25th Intl. Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), 16-22 August 2005, Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell, pp. 93-101.
Herbel, D. and Haddad, N.U. (2012) ‘Successful farmer collective action to integrate food production into value chains’ Food Chain 2(2): 164-82.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) (2008) ‘Protecting contract growers: Iowa producer protection Act’ [online] 21 November 2008 < growers/2062-2≯ [accessed 2 October 2013]. growers/2062-2
Jalihal, S. (2009) Contract Farming in Medicinal Plants: A Case of Coleus in Karnataka, MBA (Agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Jenkins, R., Pearson, R. and Seyfang, G. (2002) Corporate Responsibility and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy, London: Earthscan.
Key, N. and Runsten, D. (1999) ‘Contract farming, smallholders, and rural development in Latin America: the organisation of agroprocessing firms and the scale of outgrower production’, World Development 27(2): 381-401.
Kirsten, J. and Sartorius, K. (2002) ‘Linking agribusiness and small-scale farmers in developing countries: is there a new role for contract farming?’, Development Southern Africa 19(4): 503-29 <≯.
Kumar, P. (2006) ‘Contract farming through agribusiness firms and state corporation: a case study in Punjab’, Economic and Political Weekly 52(30): A5367-75.
Little, P.D. and Watts, M.J. (eds.) (1994) Living Under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 216-47, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Lund-Thomsen, P. (2008) ‘The global sourcing and codes of conduct debate: five myths and five recommendations’, Development and Change 39(6): 1005-18 <≯.
Lund-Thomsen, P. and Nadvi, K. (2010) ‘Clusters, chains and compliance: governance and corporate social responsibility in the South Asian football manufacturing industry’, Journal of Business Ethics 93(Suppl. 2): 201-22.
Mayers, J. and Vermeulen, S. (2002) Company-Community Forestry Partnerships: From Raw Deals to Mutual Gains? London: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MOAC) (2002) Approach paper for the workshop Linking Production and Marketing under Contracts (Contract Farming) 8 February 2002, Bangkok: MOAC (translated from Thai).
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) (1998) Food Processing Industries, Outline of Assistance under Schemes of the Ninth Plan 1997/2002, New Delhi: Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI), Govt of India.
Naduvinamani, R. (2007) Economics of Red Banana Production under Contract Farming in Karnataka, MSc (Agriculture), Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Narayanaswamy, G. (2006) Management of Contract Farming in Marigold Production, MBA (agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Marketing, Co-operation and Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantations of South India, London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ornberg, L. (2003) ‘Farmers’ choice: contract farming, agricultural change and modernisation in northern Thailand’, paper presented at the 3rd International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS3), Singapore, 19-22 August 2003.
Patnaik, G. (2003) ‘Marketing, storage, and extension services: state of agriculture in India’, in B. Debroy and A.U. Khan (eds.), Enabling Agricultural Markets for the Small Indian Farmer, pp. 81-120, New Delhi: Bookwell.
Penrose-Buckley, C. (2007) Producer Organisations: A Guide to Developing Collective Rural Enterprises, Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Pingali, P. and Khwaja, Y. (2004) ‘Globalisation of Indian diets and the transformation of food supply systems’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing 18(1): 26-9.
Pritchard, B. and Connell, J. (2011) ‘Contract farming and the remaking of agrarian landscapes: insights from south India's chilli belt’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 32(3): 236-52.
Ramaswami, B., Birthal, P.S. and Joshi, P.K. (2006) Efficiency and Distribution in Contract Farming: The Case of Indian Poultry Growers, IFPRI's MTID Discussion Paper No. 91, Washington, DC: IFPRI.
Raynolds, L.T. (2004) ‘The globalisation of organic agro-food networks’, World Development 32(5): 725-43 <≯.
Roy, D. and Thorat, A. (2008) ‘Success in high value horticultural export markets for the small farmers: the case of Mahagrapes in India’, World Development 36(10): 1874-90.
Sako, M. (1992) Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-firm Relations in Britain and Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schwentesius, R. and Gomez, M.A. (2002) ‘Supermarkets in Mexico: impacts on horticulture systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 487-502.
Simmons, P., Winters, P. and Patrick, I. (2005) ‘An analysis of contract farming in East Java, Bali, and Lombok, Indonesia’, Agricultural Economics 33: 513-25 <≯.
Singh, R. (2008) Effectiveness of Contract Farming Practices for Agricultural Development and Equity: A Case of Hoshiarpur District in Punjab, draft report, New Delhi: Oxfam International.
Singh, S. (2002) ‘Contracting out solutions: political economy of contract farming in the Indian Punjab’, World Development 30(9): 1621-38 <≯.
Singh, S. (2004) ‘Crisis and diversification in Punjab agriculture: role of state and agribusiness’, Economic and Political Weekly 39(52): 5583-90.
Singh, S. (2005a) ‘Role of the state in contract farming in Thailand: experience and lessons’, ASEAN Economic Bulletin 22(2): 217-28.
Singh, S. (2005b) ‘Contract farming system in Thailand’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(53): 5578-86.
Singh, S. (2007) ‘Contract farming for agricultural development in Gujarat: evidence and issues’, in R.H. Dholakia (ed.), Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat, pp. 125-52, Ahmedabad: IIM.
Singh, S. (2008a) ‘Marketing channels and their implications for smallholder farmers in India’, in E.B. McCullough, P.L. Pingali and K.G. Stamoulis (eds.) The Transformation of Agri-food Systems: Globalization, Supply Chains, and Smallholder Farmers, pp. 279-310, Chapter 14, Rome: FAO; London: Earthscan.
Singh, S. (2008b) ‘Producer companies as new generation co-operatives’, Economic and Political Weekly 34(20): 22-24.
Singh, S. (2009) Organic Produce Supply Chains in India-organisation and Governance, New Delhi: Allied.
Singh, S. (2012a) Modern Food Value Chains in India: Emerging Potential for the Poor, New Delhi: Samskriti.
Singh, S. (2012b) ‘Land, livelihoods and state in India: issues and challenges’, Anvesak 42(1&2): 161-76.
Singh, S. (2013a) ‘Regulating contract farming: Punjab way’, The Tribune, Chandigarh, 8 July 2013, p. 9. Oped Agriculture.
Singh, S. (2013b) ‘Governance and upgrading in export grape global production networks in India’ [online], Capturing the Gains working paper No. 33 <≯ [accessed 30 September 2013].
Singh, S. and Asokan, S.R. (2005) Contract Farming in India: Text and Cases, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH.
Singh, S. and Singh, T. (2012) Producer Companies in India: A Study of Organisation and Performance, Draft report, New Delhi: IEG.
Trebbin, A. and Franz, M. (2010) ‘Exclusivity of private governance structures in agro-food networks: Bayer and the food retailing and processing sector in India’, Environment and Planning A 42: 2043-57 <≯.
Tripathi, R.S., Singh, R. and Singh, S. (2005) ‘Contract farming in potato production: an alternative for managing risk and uncertainty’, Agricultural Economics Research Review 18: 47-60.
Vorley, B., Lundy, M. and MacGregor, J. (2009) ‘Business models that are inclusive of small farmers’ in C.A.da Silva, D. Baker, A.W. Shepherd, C. Jenane and S. Miranda-da-Cruz (eds.), Agro-industries for Development, Chapter 6, pp. 186-222, Wallingford, UK: FAO, UNIOD and CAB International.
Weatherspoon, D., Cacho, J. and Christy, R. (2001) ‘Linking globalisation, economic growth and poverty: impacts of agribusiness strategies on sub-Saharan Africa’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(3): 722-29.
Welsh, R. (1997) ‘Vertical co-ordination, producer response, and the locus of control over agricultural production decisions’, Rural Sociology 62(4): 491-507 <≯.
White, B. (1997) ‘Agro-industry and contract farming in upland Java’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 24(3): 100-36.
Wilson, J. (1986) ‘The political economy of contract farming’, Review of Radical Political Economics 18(4): 47-70 <≯.
Witsoe, J. (2006) India's Second Green Revolution? The Sociological Implications of Corporate-led Agricultural Growth. India in Transition: Economics and Politics of Change Series, edited by Devesh Kapur, Philadelphia, PA: Centre for the Advanced Study of India.
Wolf, S., Hueth, B. and Ligon, E. (2001) ‘Policing mechanisms in agricultural contracts’, Rural Sociology 66(3): 359-81
Asano-Tamanoi, M. (1988) ‘Farmers, industries, and the state: the culture of contract farming in Spain and Japan’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 30(3): 432-52.
Asokan, S.R. and Singh, G. (2006) Contract Farming of Medicinal Herbs and Organic Crops in India, CMA Monograph No. 224, Ahmedabad: CMA, IIM.
Bachke, M.E. (n.d.) ‘Are farmers’ organisations a good tool to improve small scale farmers’ welfare?’, Norwegian University of Life Sciences <≯ [accessed 16 October 2013].
Barrett, C.B., Bachke, M.E., Bellemare, M.F., Michelson, H.C., Narayanan, S. and Walker, T.E. (2010) ‘Smallholder participation in agricultural value chains: comparative evidence from three continents’ [online], MPRA paper No. 27829 <≯ [accessed 20 March 2013].
Barrientos, S. and Smith, S. (2007) ‘Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems’, Third World Quarterly 28(4): 713-29 <≯.
Bellemare, M.F. (2012) ‘As you sow, so shall you reap: the welfare Impacts of contract farming’, World Development 40(7): 1418-34 <≯.
Benziger, V. (1996) ‘Small fields, big money: two successful programs in helping small farmers make the transition to high value-added crops’, World Development 24(11): 1681-93 <≯.
Bijman, J. (2008) ‘Contract farming in developing countries’, Working paper, The Netherlands: Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Wageningen University.
Bingen, J., Serrano, A. and Howard, J. (2003) ‘Linking farmers to markets: different approaches to human capital development’, Food Policy 28: 405-19 <≯.
Boselie, D., Henson, S. and Weatherspoon, D. (2003) ‘Supermarket procurement practices in developing countries: redefining the roles of the public and private sectors’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(5): 1155-61 <≯.
Dev, S.M. and Rao, N.C. (2005) ‘Food processing and contract farming in Andhra Pradesh: a small farmer perspective’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(26): 2705-13.
Dolan, C.S. and Opondo, M. (2005) ‘Seeking common ground: multi-stakeholder processes in Kenya's cut flower industry’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship 18: 87-98.
Eaton, C. and Shepherd, A.W. (2001) Contract Farming: Partnerships for Growth, Rome: FAO.
Esham, M. and Usami, K. (2007) ‘Evaluating the performance of farmer companies in Sri Lanka: a case study of Ridi Bendi Ela Farmer Company’, The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3(2): 86-100.
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) (2006) ETI Code of Labor Practice: Do Workers Really Benefit? Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Farina, E.M.M.Q. (2002) ‘Consolidation, multinationalisation, and competition in Brazil: impacts on horticulture and dairy products systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 441-57.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: African Value Chains and the Global Economy, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Government of India (GoI) (2003) Contract Farming Agreement and its Model Specifications, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation.
Hazell, P.B.R. (2005) ‘Is there a future for small farms?’, in D. Colman and N. Vink (eds), Reshaping Agriculture's Contributions to Society, Proceedings of the 25th Intl. Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), 16-22 August 2005, Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell, pp. 93-101.
Herbel, D. and Haddad, N.U. (2012) ‘Successful farmer collective action to integrate food production into value chains’ Food Chain 2(2): 164-82.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) (2008) ‘Protecting contract growers: Iowa producer protection Act’ [online] 21 November 2008 < growers/2062-2≯ [accessed 2 October 2013]. growers/2062-2
Jalihal, S. (2009) Contract Farming in Medicinal Plants: A Case of Coleus in Karnataka, MBA (Agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Jenkins, R., Pearson, R. and Seyfang, G. (2002) Corporate Responsibility and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy, London: Earthscan.
Key, N. and Runsten, D. (1999) ‘Contract farming, smallholders, and rural development in Latin America: the organisation of agroprocessing firms and the scale of outgrower production’, World Development 27(2): 381-401.
Kirsten, J. and Sartorius, K. (2002) ‘Linking agribusiness and small-scale farmers in developing countries: is there a new role for contract farming?’, Development Southern Africa 19(4): 503-29 <≯.
Kumar, P. (2006) ‘Contract farming through agribusiness firms and state corporation: a case study in Punjab’, Economic and Political Weekly 52(30): A5367-75.
Little, P.D. and Watts, M.J. (eds.) (1994) Living Under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 216-47, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Lund-Thomsen, P. (2008) ‘The global sourcing and codes of conduct debate: five myths and five recommendations’, Development and Change 39(6): 1005-18 <≯.
Lund-Thomsen, P. and Nadvi, K. (2010) ‘Clusters, chains and compliance: governance and corporate social responsibility in the South Asian football manufacturing industry’, Journal of Business Ethics 93(Suppl. 2): 201-22.
Mayers, J. and Vermeulen, S. (2002) Company-Community Forestry Partnerships: From Raw Deals to Mutual Gains? London: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MOAC) (2002) Approach paper for the workshop Linking Production and Marketing under Contracts (Contract Farming) 8 February 2002, Bangkok: MOAC (translated from Thai).
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) (1998) Food Processing Industries, Outline of Assistance under Schemes of the Ninth Plan 1997/2002, New Delhi: Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI), Govt of India.
Naduvinamani, R. (2007) Economics of Red Banana Production under Contract Farming in Karnataka, MSc (Agriculture), Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Narayanaswamy, G. (2006) Management of Contract Farming in Marigold Production, MBA (agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Marketing, Co-operation and Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantations of South India, London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ornberg, L. (2003) ‘Farmers’ choice: contract farming, agricultural change and modernisation in northern Thailand’, paper presented at the 3rd International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS3), Singapore, 19-22 August 2003.
Patnaik, G. (2003) ‘Marketing, storage, and extension services: state of agriculture in India’, in B. Debroy and A.U. Khan (eds.), Enabling Agricultural Markets for the Small Indian Farmer, pp. 81-120, New Delhi: Bookwell.
Penrose-Buckley, C. (2007) Producer Organisations: A Guide to Developing Collective Rural Enterprises, Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Pingali, P. and Khwaja, Y. (2004) ‘Globalisation of Indian diets and the transformation of food supply systems’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing 18(1): 26-9.
Pritchard, B. and Connell, J. (2011) ‘Contract farming and the remaking of agrarian landscapes: insights from south India's chilli belt’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 32(3): 236-52.
Ramaswami, B., Birthal, P.S. and Joshi, P.K. (2006) Efficiency and Distribution in Contract Farming: The Case of Indian Poultry Growers, IFPRI's MTID Discussion Paper No. 91, Washington, DC: IFPRI.
Raynolds, L.T. (2004) ‘The globalisation of organic agro-food networks’, World Development 32(5): 725-43 <≯.
Roy, D. and Thorat, A. (2008) ‘Success in high value horticultural export markets for the small farmers: the case of Mahagrapes in India’, World Development 36(10): 1874-90.
Sako, M. (1992) Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-firm Relations in Britain and Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schwentesius, R. and Gomez, M.A. (2002) ‘Supermarkets in Mexico: impacts on horticulture systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 487-502.
Simmons, P., Winters, P. and Patrick, I. (2005) ‘An analysis of contract farming in East Java, Bali, and Lombok, Indonesia’, Agricultural Economics 33: 513-25 <≯.
Singh, R. (2008) Effectiveness of Contract Farming Practices for Agricultural Development and Equity: A Case of Hoshiarpur District in Punjab, draft report, New Delhi: Oxfam International.
Singh, S. (2002) ‘Contracting out solutions: political economy of contract farming in the Indian Punjab’, World Development 30(9): 1621-38 <≯.
Singh, S. (2004) ‘Crisis and diversification in Punjab agriculture: role of state and agribusiness’, Economic and Political Weekly 39(52): 5583-90.
Singh, S. (2005a) ‘Role of the state in contract farming in Thailand: experience and lessons’, ASEAN Economic Bulletin 22(2): 217-28.
Singh, S. (2005b) ‘Contract farming system in Thailand’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(53): 5578-86.
Singh, S. (2007) ‘Contract farming for agricultural development in Gujarat: evidence and issues’, in R.H. Dholakia (ed.), Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat, pp. 125-52, Ahmedabad: IIM.
Singh, S. (2008a) ‘Marketing channels and their implications for smallholder farmers in India’, in E.B. McCullough, P.L. Pingali and K.G. Stamoulis (eds.) The Transformation of Agri-food Systems: Globalization, Supply Chains, and Smallholder Farmers, pp. 279-310, Chapter 14, Rome: FAO; London: Earthscan.
Singh, S. (2008b) ‘Producer companies as new generation co-operatives’, Economic and Political Weekly 34(20): 22-24.
Singh, S. (2009) Organic Produce Supply Chains in India-organisation and Governance, New Delhi: Allied.
Singh, S. (2012a) Modern Food Value Chains in India: Emerging Potential for the Poor, New Delhi: Samskriti.
Singh, S. (2012b) ‘Land, livelihoods and state in India: issues and challenges’, Anvesak 42(1&2): 161-76.
Singh, S. (2013a) ‘Regulating contract farming: Punjab way’, The Tribune, Chandigarh, 8 July 2013, p. 9. Oped Agriculture.
Singh, S. (2013b) ‘Governance and upgrading in export grape global production networks in India’ [online], Capturing the Gains working paper No. 33 <≯ [accessed 30 September 2013].
Singh, S. and Asokan, S.R. (2005) Contract Farming in India: Text and Cases, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH.
Singh, S. and Singh, T. (2012) Producer Companies in India: A Study of Organisation and Performance, Draft report, New Delhi: IEG.
Trebbin, A. and Franz, M. (2010) ‘Exclusivity of private governance structures in agro-food networks: Bayer and the food retailing and processing sector in India’, Environment and Planning A 42: 2043-57 <≯.
Tripathi, R.S., Singh, R. and Singh, S. (2005) ‘Contract farming in potato production: an alternative for managing risk and uncertainty’, Agricultural Economics Research Review 18: 47-60.
Vorley, B., Lundy, M. and MacGregor, J. (2009) ‘Business models that are inclusive of small farmers’ in C.A.da Silva, D. Baker, A.W. Shepherd, C. Jenane and S. Miranda-da-Cruz (eds.), Agro-industries for Development, Chapter 6, pp. 186-222, Wallingford, UK: FAO, UNIOD and CAB International.
Weatherspoon, D., Cacho, J. and Christy, R. (2001) ‘Linking globalisation, economic growth and poverty: impacts of agribusiness strategies on sub-Saharan Africa’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(3): 722-29.
Welsh, R. (1997) ‘Vertical co-ordination, producer response, and the locus of control over agricultural production decisions’, Rural Sociology 62(4): 491-507 <≯.
White, B. (1997) ‘Agro-industry and contract farming in upland Java’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 24(3): 100-36.
Wilson, J. (1986) ‘The political economy of contract farming’, Review of Radical Political Economics 18(4): 47-70 <≯.
Witsoe, J. (2006) India's Second Green Revolution? The Sociological Implications of Corporate-led Agricultural Growth. India in Transition: Economics and Politics of Change Series, edited by Devesh Kapur, Philadelphia, PA: Centre for the Advanced Study of India.
Wolf, S., Hueth, B. and Ligon, E. (2001) ‘Policing mechanisms in agricultural contracts’, Rural Sociology 66(3): 359-81
Asano-Tamanoi, M. (1988) ‘Farmers, industries, and the state: the culture of contract farming in Spain and Japan’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 30(3): 432-52.
Asokan, S.R. and Singh, G. (2006) Contract Farming of Medicinal Herbs and Organic Crops in India, CMA Monograph No. 224, Ahmedabad: CMA, IIM.
Bachke, M.E. (n.d.) ‘Are farmers’ organisations a good tool to improve small scale farmers’ welfare?’, Norwegian University of Life Sciences <≯ [accessed 16 October 2013].
Barrett, C.B., Bachke, M.E., Bellemare, M.F., Michelson, H.C., Narayanan, S. and Walker, T.E. (2010) ‘Smallholder participation in agricultural value chains: comparative evidence from three continents’ [online], MPRA paper No. 27829 <≯ [accessed 20 March 2013].
Barrientos, S. and Smith, S. (2007) ‘Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems’, Third World Quarterly 28(4): 713-29 <≯.
Bellemare, M.F. (2012) ‘As you sow, so shall you reap: the welfare Impacts of contract farming’, World Development 40(7): 1418-34 <≯.
Benziger, V. (1996) ‘Small fields, big money: two successful programs in helping small farmers make the transition to high value-added crops’, World Development 24(11): 1681-93 <≯.
Bijman, J. (2008) ‘Contract farming in developing countries’, Working paper, The Netherlands: Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Wageningen University.
Bingen, J., Serrano, A. and Howard, J. (2003) ‘Linking farmers to markets: different approaches to human capital development’, Food Policy 28: 405-19 <≯.
Boselie, D., Henson, S. and Weatherspoon, D. (2003) ‘Supermarket procurement practices in developing countries: redefining the roles of the public and private sectors’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(5): 1155-61 <≯.
Dev, S.M. and Rao, N.C. (2005) ‘Food processing and contract farming in Andhra Pradesh: a small farmer perspective’, Economic and Political Weekly 40(26): 2705-13.
Dolan, C.S. and Opondo, M. (2005) ‘Seeking common ground: multi-stakeholder processes in Kenya's cut flower industry’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship 18: 87-98.
Eaton, C. and Shepherd, A.W. (2001) Contract Farming: Partnerships for Growth, Rome: FAO.
Esham, M. and Usami, K. (2007) ‘Evaluating the performance of farmer companies in Sri Lanka: a case study of Ridi Bendi Ela Farmer Company’, The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3(2): 86-100.
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) (2006) ETI Code of Labor Practice: Do Workers Really Benefit? Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Farina, E.M.M.Q. (2002) ‘Consolidation, multinationalisation, and competition in Brazil: impacts on horticulture and dairy products systems’, Development Policy Review 20(4): 441-57.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: African Value Chains and the Global Economy, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Government of India (GoI) (2003) Contract Farming Agreement and its Model Specifications, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation.
Hazell, P.B.R. (2005) ‘Is there a future for small farms?’, in D. Colman and N. Vink (eds), Reshaping Agriculture's Contributions to Society, Proceedings of the 25th Intl. Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), 16-22 August 2005, Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell, pp. 93-101.
Herbel, D. and Haddad, N.U. (2012) ‘Successful farmer collective action to integrate food production into value chains’ Food Chain 2(2): 164-82.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) (2008) ‘Protecting contract growers: Iowa producer protection Act’ [online] 21 November 2008 < growers/2062-2≯ [accessed 2 October 2013]. growers/2062-2
Jalihal, S. (2009) Contract Farming in Medicinal Plants: A Case of Coleus in Karnataka, MBA (Agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Jenkins, R., Pearson, R. and Seyfang, G. (2002) Corporate Responsibility and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy, London: Earthscan.
Key, N. and Runsten, D. (1999) ‘Contract farming, smallholders, and rural development in Latin America: the organisation of agroprocessing firms and the scale of outgrower production’, World Development 27(2): 381-401.
Kirsten, J. and Sartorius, K. (2002) ‘Linking agribusiness and small-scale farmers in developing countries: is there a new role for contract farming?’, Development Southern Africa 19(4): 503-29 <≯.
Kumar, P. (2006) ‘Contract farming through agribusiness firms and state corporation: a case study in Punjab’, Economic and Political Weekly 52(30): A5367-75.
Little, P.D. and Watts, M.J. (eds.) (1994) Living Under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 216-47, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Lund-Thomsen, P. (2008) ‘The global sourcing and codes of conduct debate: five myths and five recommendations’, Development and Change 39(6): 1005-18 <≯.
Lund-Thomsen, P. and Nadvi, K. (2010) ‘Clusters, chains and compliance: governance and corporate social responsibility in the South Asian football manufacturing industry’, Journal of Business Ethics 93(Suppl. 2): 201-22.
Mayers, J. and Vermeulen, S. (2002) Company-Community Forestry Partnerships: From Raw Deals to Mutual Gains? London: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MOAC) (2002) Approach paper for the workshop Linking Production and Marketing under Contracts (Contract Farming) 8 February 2002, Bangkok: MOAC (translated from Thai).
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) (1998) Food Processing Industries, Outline of Assistance under Schemes of the Ninth Plan 1997/2002, New Delhi: Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI), Govt of India.
Naduvinamani, R. (2007) Economics of Red Banana Production under Contract Farming in Karnataka, MSc (Agriculture), Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Narayanaswamy, G. (2006) Management of Contract Farming in Marigold Production, MBA (agribusiness) thesis, Karnataka: Dept of Agricultural Marketing, Co-operation and Agribusiness Management, College of Agriculture, Dharwad.
Neilson, J. and Pritchard, B. (2009) Value Chain Struggles: Institutions and Governance in the Plantations of South India, London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ornberg, L. (2003) ‘Farmers’ choice: contract farming, agricultural change and modernisation in northern Thailand’, paper presented at the 3rd International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS3), Singapore, 19-22 August 2003.
Patnaik, G. (2003) ‘Marketing, storage, and extension services: state of agriculture in India’, in B. Debroy and A.U. Khan (eds.), Enabling Agricultural Markets for the Small Indian Farmer, pp. 81-120, New Delhi: Bookwell.
Penrose-Buckley, C. (2007) Producer Organisations: A Guide to Developing Collective Rural Enterprises, Oxford: Oxfam GB.
Pingali, P. and Khwaja, Y. (2004) ‘Globalisation of Indian diets and the transformation of food supply systems’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing 18(1): 26-9.
Pritchard, B. and Connell, J. (2011) ‘Contract farming and the remaking of agrarian landscapes: insights from south India's chilli belt’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 32(3): 236-52.
Ramaswami, B., Birthal, P.S. and Joshi, P.K. (2006) Efficiency and Distribution in Contract Farming: The Case of Indian Poultry Growers, IFPRI's MTID Discussion Paper No. 91, Washington, DC: IFPRI.
Raynolds, L.T. (2004) ‘The globalisation of organic agro-food networks’, World Development 32(5): 725-43 <≯.
Roy, D. and Thorat, A. (2008) ‘Success in high value horticultural export markets for the small farmers: the case of Mahagrapes in India’, World Development 36(10): 1874-90.
Sako, M. (1992) Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-firm Relations in Britain and Japan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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