The White Revolution and reordering of relations among the pastoralists of Gujarat: a case for pastoralist policies
This paper introduces India's dairy policy before analysing some of the implications of this policy for the pastoralists of Gujarat State, illustrating the need for pastoralist-appropriate policies. The paper argues that on the basis of mounting ecological and economic data, dairy policy in India needs to consider pastoralist management systems and livelihoods and develop appropriate policies and programmes to support them. While the programmes have created important opportunities for increased earning potential for pastoralists, they have also led to negative consequences for food security, traditional livelihoods, and livestock diversity. A recognizable neo-liberal turn in Indian dairy policy will most likely amplify the negative impacts of the previous programme and potentially compromise existing best practices. The paper concludes with policy recommendations and a call to ground future policy processes with the normative and analytical right to adequate food framework.Agrawal, A. (1992) The Grass is Greener on the Other Side: A Study of Raikas, Migrant Pastoralists of Rajasthan, London: International Institute for Environmental and Development Dryland Networks Programme.
Aneja, R.P. (1994) Dairying in India: A Success Story, Bangkok: Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions; FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Basu, P. (2009) ‘Success and failure of crossbred cows in India: a place-based approach to rural development’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(4): 746-66 <≯.
Ben-David, D., Nordström, H., and Winters, A. (1999) Trade, Income Disparity and Poverty, Geneva: WTO.
Berkes, F., Colding, J. and Folke, C. (2003) Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2005) Mangroves and Maldharis of Gujarat: Understanding Coastal Pastoralists' Dependence on Mangrove, Baroda: Gujarat Ecology Commission.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2006) ‘Quiet transfer of commons’, Economic and Political Weekly 41(4): 313-15.
Blench, R. (2000) Extensive Pastoral Livestock Systems: Issues and Options for the Future, London: ODI.
Blench, R. (2001) ‘You Can't Go Home Again’: Pastoralism in the New Millennium, London: ODI.
Candler, W. and Kumar, N. (1998) India: The Dairy Revolution: The Impact of Dairy Development in India and the World Bank's Contribution, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Cincotta, R.P. and Pangare, G. (1994) ‘Population growth, agricutural change, and natural resource transition: pastoralism amidst the agricultural economy of Gujarat’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 17-35, London: ODI.
De Schutter, O. (2013) Mission to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, New York: UN.
Doornbos, M., van Dorsten, F., Mitra, M. and Terhal, P. (1990) ‘The state of Indian dairying’, in Institutions and Strategies: Operation Flood and Indian Dairying, Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives, London: Sage Publications.
Duncan, J. and Barling, D. (2012) ‘Renewal through participation in global food security governance: implementing the International Food Security and Nutrition Civil Society Mechanism to the Committee on World Food Security’, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 19: 143-61.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2000) Agriculture, Trade and Food Security: Issues and Options in the WTO Negotiations from the Perspective of Developing Countries, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2003) ‘Milking the camel’, Camel Milk [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
FAO (2009) Livestock Keepers: Guardians of Biodiversity, Rome: FAO.
Fulton, J. and Bhargava, M. (1994) ‘The results of a marketing intervention: dairy cooperatives in India’, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 6(1): 33-58.
George, S. (1985) ‘Nomadic cattle breeders and dairy policy in India’, Nomadic Peoples 19: 1-19.
Gooch, P. (1992) ‘Transhuman pastoralism in Northern India: the Gujar case’, Nomadic Peoples 30: 84-96.
Hatfield, R. and Davies, J. (2006) Global Review of the Economics of Pastoralism, Nairobi: WISP (IUCN).
Herskovits, M.J. (1926) ‘The cattle complex of East Africa’, American Anthropologist 28: 230-72, 361-88, 494-528, 633-64.
High Level Panel of Experts (2011) Land Tenure and International Investments in Agriculture, Rome: FAO.
IFAD (2013) ‘Food prices: smallholder farmers can be part of the solution’ [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
Köller-Rollefson, I. (1994) ‘Pastoralism in Western India from a comparative perspective: some comments’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 3-5, London: ODI.
Kumar, A. and Singh, K. (1993) ‘Impact of milk cooperatives on the rural economy of Rajasthan’, Indian Cooperative Review 30(3): 228-37.
LPP, LIFE Network, IUCN-WISP, and FAO (2010) Adding Value to Livestock Diversity: Marketing to Promote Local Breeds and Improve Livelihoods, Rome: FAO.
McMichael, P. (2009) ‘A food regime genealogy’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 36(1): 139-69 <≯.
Madeley, J. (2000) The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Food Security and Poverty, Stockholm: Forum Syd.
Maldhari Rural Action Network (MARAG) (2012) ‘About us’, Ahmedabad: MARAG.
Mazoomdaar, J. (2012) ‘The Desi cow: almost extinct’, Tehelka 10(5) <≯.
Mishra, S. and Sharma, R.K. (1990) Livestock Development in India: An Appraisal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) (2012) ‘NDP1 in Brief’, Mission Milk [online] <≯ [accessed 5 February 2013].
NDDB (2013) ‘Operation Flood’, NDDB [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
Niamir-Fuller, M. (1999) Managing Mobility in African Rangelands: The Legitimization of Transhumance, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Ostrom, E. (2009) ‘A general framework for analysing sustainability of social-ecological systems’, Science 325(5939): 419-22 <≯.
Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (2009) ‘Pastoralism and climate change: enabling adaptive capacity’, Synthesis Paper, London: ODI.
Panda, M. and Ganesh-Kumar, A. (2009) Trade Liberalization, Poverty, and Food Security in India, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Pandey, G. (1983) ‘Rallying round the cow: sectarian strife in the Bhojpuri region, c.1888-1917’, in R. Guha (ed.), Subaltern Studies II: Writings on South Asian History and Society, pp. 60-129, Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Parmar, V. (2010) ‘Holy cow! Gir gai goes global via Brazil’, Times of India, 27 September 2010.
Ramkumar, T., Roa, S.V.N. and Waldie, K. (2004) ‘Dairy cattle rearing by landless rural women in Pondicherry: a path to empowerment’, Indian Journal of Gender Studies 11: 205-22 <≯.
Rangnekar, D.V. (1994) ‘Gujarat and Rajasthan’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 13-15, London: ODI.
Rangnekar, S. (1994) ‘Women pastoralists, indigenous knowledge and livestock production in Northern Gujarat’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 15-16, London: ODI.
Rivera-Ferre, M.G. and Lopez-i-Gelats, F. (n.d.) The Role of Small Scale Livestock Farming in Climate Change and Food Security: Executive Summary, Brussels: Vétérinaires Sans frontières Europa.
Rodriguez, L. (2008) A Global Perspective on the Total Economic Value of Pastoralism: Global Synthesis Report Based on Six Country Valuations, Nairobi: IUCN.
Salzman, P. (1987) ‘From nomads to dairymen: two Gujarati cases’, Nomadic Peoples 24: 43-53.
Scholten, B. (2010) India's White Revolution: Operation Flood, Food Aid and Development, London: I.B. Tauris.
Sen, A. (1981) Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Shah, J. (2009) ‘68% of Gujarat land is turning into desert; it's 66% in Rajasthan's case!’, Daily News and Analysis, December 27.
Sharma, V.P., Köhler-Rollefson, I. and Morton, J. (2003) Pastoralism in India: A Scoping Study, Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management.
Singh, K. (1999) Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Singh, R. (2012) India Dairy and Products Annual, Washington, DC: USDA Foreign Agriculture Service, Global Agriculture Information Network.
Sultana, F. (2007) ‘Participatory ethics: negotiating fieldwork dilemmas in international research’, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 6(3): 374-85.
Times of India (2012a) ‘Gujarat to have first camel milk dairy soon’, Times of India, 26 March 2012.
Times of India (2012b) ‘“Mission Milk” launched from Anand’, Times of India, 20 April 2012: 7.
Vet Concerns (2012) ‘Mission Milk’ Launched, Kerala: Vet Concerns.
Wise, T. (2009) ‘Promise or pitfall? The limited gains from agricultural trade liberalisation for developing countries’, Journal of Peasant Studies 36(4): 855-70 <≯.
World Bank (1997) From Vision to Action in the Rural Sector, Report No. 15560, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank (2009) Implementing Agriculture for Development: World Bank Group Agriculture Action Plan (FY 2010-12), Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank (2012) Exporting India's Dairy ‘Revolution’ to Help Feed Children in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP) (2008) ‘Pastoralism’, [online] IUCN <≯ [accessed 8 February 2013].
Yang, A. (1980) ‘Sacred symbol and sacred space in rural India: community mobilization in the “anti-cow killing” riot of 1893’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(4): 579-96 <≯.
Agrawal, A. (1992) The Grass is Greener on the Other Side: A Study of Raikas, Migrant Pastoralists of Rajasthan, London: International Institute for Environmental and Development Dryland Networks Programme.
Aneja, R.P. (1994) Dairying in India: A Success Story, Bangkok: Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions; FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Basu, P. (2009) ‘Success and failure of crossbred cows in India: a place-based approach to rural development’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(4): 746-66 <≯.
Ben-David, D., Nordström, H., and Winters, A. (1999) Trade, Income Disparity and Poverty, Geneva: WTO.
Berkes, F., Colding, J. and Folke, C. (2003) Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2005) Mangroves and Maldharis of Gujarat: Understanding Coastal Pastoralists' Dependence on Mangrove, Baroda: Gujarat Ecology Commission.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2006) ‘Quiet transfer of commons’, Economic and Political Weekly 41(4): 313-15.
Blench, R. (2000) Extensive Pastoral Livestock Systems: Issues and Options for the Future, London: ODI.
Blench, R. (2001) ‘You Can't Go Home Again’: Pastoralism in the New Millennium, London: ODI.
Candler, W. and Kumar, N. (1998) India: The Dairy Revolution: The Impact of Dairy Development in India and the World Bank's Contribution, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Cincotta, R.P. and Pangare, G. (1994) ‘Population growth, agricutural change, and natural resource transition: pastoralism amidst the agricultural economy of Gujarat’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 17-35, London: ODI.
De Schutter, O. (2013) Mission to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, New York: UN.
Doornbos, M., van Dorsten, F., Mitra, M. and Terhal, P. (1990) ‘The state of Indian dairying’, in Institutions and Strategies: Operation Flood and Indian Dairying, Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives, London: Sage Publications.
Duncan, J. and Barling, D. (2012) ‘Renewal through participation in global food security governance: implementing the International Food Security and Nutrition Civil Society Mechanism to the Committee on World Food Security’, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 19: 143-61.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2000) Agriculture, Trade and Food Security: Issues and Options in the WTO Negotiations from the Perspective of Developing Countries, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2003) ‘Milking the camel’, Camel Milk [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
FAO (2009) Livestock Keepers: Guardians of Biodiversity, Rome: FAO.
Fulton, J. and Bhargava, M. (1994) ‘The results of a marketing intervention: dairy cooperatives in India’, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 6(1): 33-58.
George, S. (1985) ‘Nomadic cattle breeders and dairy policy in India’, Nomadic Peoples 19: 1-19.
Gooch, P. (1992) ‘Transhuman pastoralism in Northern India: the Gujar case’, Nomadic Peoples 30: 84-96.
Hatfield, R. and Davies, J. (2006) Global Review of the Economics of Pastoralism, Nairobi: WISP (IUCN).
Herskovits, M.J. (1926) ‘The cattle complex of East Africa’, American Anthropologist 28: 230-72, 361-88, 494-528, 633-64.
High Level Panel of Experts (2011) Land Tenure and International Investments in Agriculture, Rome: FAO.
IFAD (2013) ‘Food prices: smallholder farmers can be part of the solution’ [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
Köller-Rollefson, I. (1994) ‘Pastoralism in Western India from a comparative perspective: some comments’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 3-5, London: ODI.
Kumar, A. and Singh, K. (1993) ‘Impact of milk cooperatives on the rural economy of Rajasthan’, Indian Cooperative Review 30(3): 228-37.
LPP, LIFE Network, IUCN-WISP, and FAO (2010) Adding Value to Livestock Diversity: Marketing to Promote Local Breeds and Improve Livelihoods, Rome: FAO.
McMichael, P. (2009) ‘A food regime genealogy’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 36(1): 139-69 <≯.
Madeley, J. (2000) The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Food Security and Poverty, Stockholm: Forum Syd.
Maldhari Rural Action Network (MARAG) (2012) ‘About us’, Ahmedabad: MARAG.
Mazoomdaar, J. (2012) ‘The Desi cow: almost extinct’, Tehelka 10(5) <≯.
Mishra, S. and Sharma, R.K. (1990) Livestock Development in India: An Appraisal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) (2012) ‘NDP1 in Brief’, Mission Milk [online] <≯ [accessed 5 February 2013].
NDDB (2013) ‘Operation Flood’, NDDB [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
Niamir-Fuller, M. (1999) Managing Mobility in African Rangelands: The Legitimization of Transhumance, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Ostrom, E. (2009) ‘A general framework for analysing sustainability of social-ecological systems’, Science 325(5939): 419-22 <≯.
Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (2009) ‘Pastoralism and climate change: enabling adaptive capacity’, Synthesis Paper, London: ODI.
Panda, M. and Ganesh-Kumar, A. (2009) Trade Liberalization, Poverty, and Food Security in India, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Pandey, G. (1983) ‘Rallying round the cow: sectarian strife in the Bhojpuri region, c.1888-1917’, in R. Guha (ed.), Subaltern Studies II: Writings on South Asian History and Society, pp. 60-129, Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Parmar, V. (2010) ‘Holy cow! Gir gai goes global via Brazil’, Times of India, 27 September 2010.
Ramkumar, T., Roa, S.V.N. and Waldie, K. (2004) ‘Dairy cattle rearing by landless rural women in Pondicherry: a path to empowerment’, Indian Journal of Gender Studies 11: 205-22 <≯.
Rangnekar, D.V. (1994) ‘Gujarat and Rajasthan’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 13-15, London: ODI.
Rangnekar, S. (1994) ‘Women pastoralists, indigenous knowledge and livestock production in Northern Gujarat’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 15-16, London: ODI.
Rivera-Ferre, M.G. and Lopez-i-Gelats, F. (n.d.) The Role of Small Scale Livestock Farming in Climate Change and Food Security: Executive Summary, Brussels: Vétérinaires Sans frontières Europa.
Rodriguez, L. (2008) A Global Perspective on the Total Economic Value of Pastoralism: Global Synthesis Report Based on Six Country Valuations, Nairobi: IUCN.
Salzman, P. (1987) ‘From nomads to dairymen: two Gujarati cases’, Nomadic Peoples 24: 43-53.
Scholten, B. (2010) India's White Revolution: Operation Flood, Food Aid and Development, London: I.B. Tauris.
Sen, A. (1981) Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Shah, J. (2009) ‘68% of Gujarat land is turning into desert; it's 66% in Rajasthan's case!’, Daily News and Analysis, December 27.
Sharma, V.P., Köhler-Rollefson, I. and Morton, J. (2003) Pastoralism in India: A Scoping Study, Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management.
Singh, K. (1999) Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Singh, R. (2012) India Dairy and Products Annual, Washington, DC: USDA Foreign Agriculture Service, Global Agriculture Information Network.
Sultana, F. (2007) ‘Participatory ethics: negotiating fieldwork dilemmas in international research’, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 6(3): 374-85.
Times of India (2012a) ‘Gujarat to have first camel milk dairy soon’, Times of India, 26 March 2012.
Times of India (2012b) ‘“Mission Milk” launched from Anand’, Times of India, 20 April 2012: 7.
Vet Concerns (2012) ‘Mission Milk’ Launched, Kerala: Vet Concerns.
Wise, T. (2009) ‘Promise or pitfall? The limited gains from agricultural trade liberalisation for developing countries’, Journal of Peasant Studies 36(4): 855-70 <≯.
World Bank (1997) From Vision to Action in the Rural Sector, Report No. 15560, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank (2009) Implementing Agriculture for Development: World Bank Group Agriculture Action Plan (FY 2010-12), Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank (2012) Exporting India's Dairy ‘Revolution’ to Help Feed Children in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP) (2008) ‘Pastoralism’, [online] IUCN <≯ [accessed 8 February 2013].
Yang, A. (1980) ‘Sacred symbol and sacred space in rural India: community mobilization in the “anti-cow killing” riot of 1893’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(4): 579-96 <≯.
Agrawal, A. (1992) The Grass is Greener on the Other Side: A Study of Raikas, Migrant Pastoralists of Rajasthan, London: International Institute for Environmental and Development Dryland Networks Programme.
Aneja, R.P. (1994) Dairying in India: A Success Story, Bangkok: Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions; FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Basu, P. (2009) ‘Success and failure of crossbred cows in India: a place-based approach to rural development’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(4): 746-66 <≯.
Ben-David, D., Nordström, H., and Winters, A. (1999) Trade, Income Disparity and Poverty, Geneva: WTO.
Berkes, F., Colding, J. and Folke, C. (2003) Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2005) Mangroves and Maldharis of Gujarat: Understanding Coastal Pastoralists' Dependence on Mangrove, Baroda: Gujarat Ecology Commission.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2006) ‘Quiet transfer of commons’, Economic and Political Weekly 41(4): 313-15.
Blench, R. (2000) Extensive Pastoral Livestock Systems: Issues and Options for the Future, London: ODI.
Blench, R. (2001) ‘You Can't Go Home Again’: Pastoralism in the New Millennium, London: ODI.
Candler, W. and Kumar, N. (1998) India: The Dairy Revolution: The Impact of Dairy Development in India and the World Bank's Contribution, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Cincotta, R.P. and Pangare, G. (1994) ‘Population growth, agricutural change, and natural resource transition: pastoralism amidst the agricultural economy of Gujarat’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 17-35, London: ODI.
De Schutter, O. (2013) Mission to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, New York: UN.
Doornbos, M., van Dorsten, F., Mitra, M. and Terhal, P. (1990) ‘The state of Indian dairying’, in Institutions and Strategies: Operation Flood and Indian Dairying, Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives, London: Sage Publications.
Duncan, J. and Barling, D. (2012) ‘Renewal through participation in global food security governance: implementing the International Food Security and Nutrition Civil Society Mechanism to the Committee on World Food Security’, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 19: 143-61.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2000) Agriculture, Trade and Food Security: Issues and Options in the WTO Negotiations from the Perspective of Developing Countries, Rome: FAO.
FAO (2003) ‘Milking the camel’, Camel Milk [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
FAO (2009) Livestock Keepers: Guardians of Biodiversity, Rome: FAO.
Fulton, J. and Bhargava, M. (1994) ‘The results of a marketing intervention: dairy cooperatives in India’, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 6(1): 33-58.
George, S. (1985) ‘Nomadic cattle breeders and dairy policy in India’, Nomadic Peoples 19: 1-19.
Gooch, P. (1992) ‘Transhuman pastoralism in Northern India: the Gujar case’, Nomadic Peoples 30: 84-96.
Hatfield, R. and Davies, J. (2006) Global Review of the Economics of Pastoralism, Nairobi: WISP (IUCN).
Herskovits, M.J. (1926) ‘The cattle complex of East Africa’, American Anthropologist 28: 230-72, 361-88, 494-528, 633-64.
High Level Panel of Experts (2011) Land Tenure and International Investments in Agriculture, Rome: FAO.
IFAD (2013) ‘Food prices: smallholder farmers can be part of the solution’ [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
Köller-Rollefson, I. (1994) ‘Pastoralism in Western India from a comparative perspective: some comments’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 3-5, London: ODI.
Kumar, A. and Singh, K. (1993) ‘Impact of milk cooperatives on the rural economy of Rajasthan’, Indian Cooperative Review 30(3): 228-37.
LPP, LIFE Network, IUCN-WISP, and FAO (2010) Adding Value to Livestock Diversity: Marketing to Promote Local Breeds and Improve Livelihoods, Rome: FAO.
McMichael, P. (2009) ‘A food regime genealogy’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 36(1): 139-69 <≯.
Madeley, J. (2000) The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Food Security and Poverty, Stockholm: Forum Syd.
Maldhari Rural Action Network (MARAG) (2012) ‘About us’, Ahmedabad: MARAG.
Mazoomdaar, J. (2012) ‘The Desi cow: almost extinct’, Tehelka 10(5) <≯.
Mishra, S. and Sharma, R.K. (1990) Livestock Development in India: An Appraisal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) (2012) ‘NDP1 in Brief’, Mission Milk [online] <≯ [accessed 5 February 2013].
NDDB (2013) ‘Operation Flood’, NDDB [online] <≯ [accessed 1 February 2013].
Niamir-Fuller, M. (1999) Managing Mobility in African Rangelands: The Legitimization of Transhumance, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Ostrom, E. (2009) ‘A general framework for analysing sustainability of social-ecological systems’, Science 325(5939): 419-22 <≯.
Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (2009) ‘Pastoralism and climate change: enabling adaptive capacity’, Synthesis Paper, London: ODI.
Panda, M. and Ganesh-Kumar, A. (2009) Trade Liberalization, Poverty, and Food Security in India, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Pandey, G. (1983) ‘Rallying round the cow: sectarian strife in the Bhojpuri region, c.1888-1917’, in R. Guha (ed.), Subaltern Studies II: Writings on South Asian History and Society, pp. 60-129, Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Parmar, V. (2010) ‘Holy cow! Gir gai goes global via Brazil’, Times of India, 27 September 2010.
Ramkumar, T., Roa, S.V.N. and Waldie, K. (2004) ‘Dairy cattle rearing by landless rural women in Pondicherry: a path to empowerment’, Indian Journal of Gender Studies 11: 205-22 <≯.
Rangnekar, D.V. (1994) ‘Gujarat and Rajasthan’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 13-15, London: ODI.
Rangnekar, S. (1994) ‘Women pastoralists, indigenous knowledge and livestock production in Northern Gujarat’, in A Collection of Papers From Gujarat and Rajasthan, pp. 15-16, London: ODI.
Rivera-Ferre, M.G. and Lopez-i-Gelats, F. (n.d.) The Role of Small Scale Livestock Farming in Climate Change and Food Security: Executive Summary, Brussels: Vétérinaires Sans frontières Europa.
Rodriguez, L. (2008) A Global Perspective on the Total Economic Value of Pastoralism: Global Synthesis Report Based on Six Country Valuations, Nairobi: IUCN.
Salzman, P. (1987) ‘From nomads to dairymen: two Gujarati cases’, Nomadic Peoples 24: 43-53.
Scholten, B. (2010) India's White Revolution: Operation Flood, Food Aid and Development, London: I.B. Tauris.
Sen, A. (1981) Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Shah, J. (2009) ‘68% of Gujarat land is turning into desert; it's 66% in Rajasthan's case!’, Daily News and Analysis, December 27.
Sharma, V.P., Köhler-Rollefson, I. and Morton, J. (2003) Pastoralism in India: A Scoping Study, Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management.
Singh, K. (1999) Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Singh, R. (2012) India Dairy and Products Annual, Washington, DC: USDA Foreign Agriculture Service, Global Agriculture Information Network.
Sultana, F. (2007) ‘Participatory ethics: negotiating fieldwork dilemmas in international research’, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 6(3): 374-85.
Times of India (2012a) ‘Gujarat to have first camel milk dairy soon’, Times of India, 26 March 2012.
Times of India (2012b) ‘“Mission Milk” launched from Anand’, Times of India, 20 April 2012: 7.
Vet Concerns (2012) ‘Mission Milk’ Launched, Kerala: Vet Concerns.
Wise, T. (2009) ‘Promise or pitfall? The limited gains from agricultural trade liberalisation for developing countries’, Journal of Peasant Studies 36(4): 855-70 <≯.
World Bank (1997) From Vision to Action in the Rural Sector, Report No. 15560, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank (2009) Implementing Agriculture for Development: World Bank Group Agriculture Action Plan (FY 2010-12), Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank (2012) Exporting India's Dairy ‘Revolution’ to Help Feed Children in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP) (2008) ‘Pastoralism’, [online] IUCN <≯ [accessed 8 February 2013].
Yang, A. (1980) ‘Sacred symbol and sacred space in rural India: community mobilization in the “anti-cow killing” riot of 1893’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(4): 579-96 <≯.
Agrawal, A. (1992) The Grass is Greener on the Other Side: A Study of Raikas, Migrant Pastoralists of Rajasthan, London: International Institute for Environmental and Development Dryland Networks Programme.
Aneja, R.P. (1994) Dairying in India: A Success Story, Bangkok: Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions; FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Basu, P. (2009) ‘Success and failure of crossbred cows in India: a place-based approach to rural development’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(4): 746-66 <≯.
Ben-David, D., Nordström, H., and Winters, A. (1999) Trade, Income Disparity and Poverty, Geneva: WTO.
Berkes, F., Colding, J. and Folke, C. (2003) Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2005) Mangroves and Maldharis of Gujarat: Understanding Coastal Pastoralists' Dependence on Mangrove, Baroda: Gujarat Ecology Commission.
Bharwada, C. and Mahajan, V. (2006) ‘Quiet transfer of commons’, Economic and Political Weekly 41(4): 313-15.
Blench, R. (2000) Extensive Pastoral Livestock Systems: Issues and Options for the Future, London: ODI.
Blench, R. (2001) ‘You Can't Go Home Again’: Pastoralism in the New Millennium, London: ODI.
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