Successful farmer collective action to integrate food production into value chains
In the past decade, a broad variety of producer organizational innovations has emerged which contributed to reducing small producers’ barriers to market entry while improving policy-making. This paper seeks to identify the factors that are responsible for this successful collective action by small-scale producers. Analysing empirical worldwide cases, this study further suggests that effective collective action results from the building of two interdependent types of relationships: first, bonding or intra-group relationships among small producers within local organizations. Bonding relations empower small-scale producers, enhancing their individual and group capacities to make purposive choices and to transform these choices into desired outcomes (autonomous capacity of action). The second type of relationship is bridging or inter-group relations between small-scale producer organizations to create apex organizations. Bridging relations improve their ability to exert influence on policy-making and on markets to improve the condition of market transactions (bargaining power). With close bonding and strong bridging relations, small-scale producers who were once excluded from markets and social choice have gained the ability to link with powerful market actors and policy-makers thereby playing a greater role in meeting the growing world food demand.Beugelsdijk, S. and Smulders, S. (2003) Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: Which Type is Good for Economic Development? [online] discussion paper submitted to ERSA 2003, Jyvaskila, Finland, <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Bijman, J. (2010) ‘Agricultural cooperatives and market orientation: A challenging combination?’ in A. Lindgreen, M. Hingley, D. Harness and P. Custance (eds), Market Orientated? The Metamorphosis of Food and Agricultural Production and Marketing, pp. 119-36, Gower Publishing, Aldershot.
Crowley, E., Baas, S., Termine, P., Rouse, J., Pozarny, P. and Dionne, G. (2007) Organizations of the Poor: Conditions for Success [online], Rural Institutions and Participation Service, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Develtere, P. (1994) Cooperation and Development, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Develtere P., Pollet I. & Wanyama F. (2009) L’Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale. La renaissance du mouvement coopératif africain, International Labour Organization, Geneva <≯
Dilts, R. (2001) ‘Scaling up the integrated pest management movement’, Leisa Magazine 17 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Amersfoort <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (1998) ‘Self-help groups in watershed management’, Leisa Magazine 14 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Wageningen <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (2006) ‘A concept paper on federation of self help groups’, Rural Management Systems Series paper 32 [online], Myrada, Bangalore <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Ghanem, H., Matuschke, I. and Wiebe, K. (2010). Using agricultural growth to fight poverty. FAO, Rome <≯
Herbel, D. and Nanavaty, R. (2011) SEWA's Organizational Model: Empowering Small-scale Women Farmers [online], FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Herbel, D., Crowley, E., Ourabah, N. and Lee, M. (2012) Good Practices in Building Innovative Rural Institutions to Increase Food Security [online], FAO-IFAD, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Irungu, C. (2007) Analysis of Markets for African Leafy Vegetables within Nairobi and its Environs and Implications for On-farm Conservation of Biodiversity [online], The Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Kirsten, J., Dorward, A.R., Poulton, C. and Vink, N. (eds) (2009) Institutional Economics Perspectives on African Agricultural Development [online], International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Losh B, Fréguin B., Gresh, S. and White E. (2010) Structural Dimension of Liberalization on Agriculture and Rural Development, Synthesis Report, World Bank <≯
Lothoré, A. and Delmas, P. (2009) Market Access and Agricultural Product Marketing [online], Inter-réseaux Développement rural, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), Wageningen, Agence
Française de Développement (AFD), Paris <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Marshall, G. (1998) Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Martinez Nogueira, R. (2008) New Roles of the Public Sector for an Agriculture for Development Agenda [online], background paper for the World Development Report, World Bank, Washington, DC <…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf
North, D. (1990) Institution, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
OECD-FAO (2011) OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021 [online], OECD-FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Poole, N. and De Frece, A. (2010) A Review of Existing Organisational Forms of Smallholder Farmers’ Associations and their Contractual Relationships with Other Market Participants in the East and Southern African ACP Region [online], AAACP paper series No 11, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Sen, A. (2001) Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
SEWA, (2009) ‘Developing agriculture as an industry’, The SEWA's Agriculture Campaign. Ahmedabad, India.
Simon, H. (1991) ‘Bounded rationality and organizational learning’, Organization Science 2: 125-34 <≯.
Stiglitz, J. (1998) Towards a New Paradigm for Development [online], Prebisch Lecture at United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva <≯ [accessed 23 October2012].
Stiglitz, J. (2004) The Roaring Nineties, Penguin Books, London.
Stiglitz J. (2007) Making Globalization Work, Penguin Books, London.
Stringfellow, R., Coulter, J., Lucey, T., McKone, C. and Hussain, A. (1997) Improving the Access of Smallholders to Agricultural Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Farmer Cooperation and the Role of the Donor Community, Natural Resource Perspectives Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK. Available at: <≯
Ton, G., Bijman, J., Oorthuizen, J. (2007) Producer Organisations and Market Chains: Facilitating Trajectories of Change in Developing Countries, Wageningen Academic Publishers, CTA Wageningen.
Uphoff, N. (2000) ‘Understanding social capital: Learning from the analysis and experience of participation’, in P. Dasgupta and I. Serageldin (eds) Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, World Bank, Washington, dc.
Woolcock, M. (1998) ‘Social capital and economic development: toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework’, Theory and Society 27: 151-208. Available at: <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research, and Policy, World Bank Research Observer, Washington, DC.
Woolcock, M. and Sweetser, A. (2002) ‘Bright ideas: social capital - the bonds that connect’, ADB Review 34, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank (2008) World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development, World Bank, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Beugelsdijk, S. and Smulders, S. (2003) Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: Which Type is Good for Economic Development? [online] discussion paper submitted to ERSA 2003, Jyvaskila, Finland, <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Bijman, J. (2010) ‘Agricultural cooperatives and market orientation: A challenging combination?’ in A. Lindgreen, M. Hingley, D. Harness and P. Custance (eds), Market Orientated? The Metamorphosis of Food and Agricultural Production and Marketing, pp. 119-36, Gower Publishing, Aldershot.
Crowley, E., Baas, S., Termine, P., Rouse, J., Pozarny, P. and Dionne, G. (2007) Organizations of the Poor: Conditions for Success [online], Rural Institutions and Participation Service, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Develtere, P. (1994) Cooperation and Development, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Develtere P., Pollet I. & Wanyama F. (2009) L’Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale. La renaissance du mouvement coopératif africain, International Labour Organization, Geneva <≯
Dilts, R. (2001) ‘Scaling up the integrated pest management movement’, Leisa Magazine 17 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Amersfoort <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (1998) ‘Self-help groups in watershed management’, Leisa Magazine 14 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Wageningen <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (2006) ‘A concept paper on federation of self help groups’, Rural Management Systems Series paper 32 [online], Myrada, Bangalore <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Ghanem, H., Matuschke, I. and Wiebe, K. (2010). Using agricultural growth to fight poverty. FAO, Rome <≯
Herbel, D. and Nanavaty, R. (2011) SEWA's Organizational Model: Empowering Small-scale Women Farmers [online], FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Herbel, D., Crowley, E., Ourabah, N. and Lee, M. (2012) Good Practices in Building Innovative Rural Institutions to Increase Food Security [online], FAO-IFAD, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Irungu, C. (2007) Analysis of Markets for African Leafy Vegetables within Nairobi and its Environs and Implications for On-farm Conservation of Biodiversity [online], The Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Kirsten, J., Dorward, A.R., Poulton, C. and Vink, N. (eds) (2009) Institutional Economics Perspectives on African Agricultural Development [online], International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Losh B, Fréguin B., Gresh, S. and White E. (2010) Structural Dimension of Liberalization on Agriculture and Rural Development, Synthesis Report, World Bank <≯
Lothoré, A. and Delmas, P. (2009) Market Access and Agricultural Product Marketing [online], Inter-réseaux Développement rural, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), Wageningen, Agence
Française de Développement (AFD), Paris <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Marshall, G. (1998) Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Martinez Nogueira, R. (2008) New Roles of the Public Sector for an Agriculture for Development Agenda [online], background paper for the World Development Report, World Bank, Washington, DC <…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf
North, D. (1990) Institution, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
OECD-FAO (2011) OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021 [online], OECD-FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Poole, N. and De Frece, A. (2010) A Review of Existing Organisational Forms of Smallholder Farmers’ Associations and their Contractual Relationships with Other Market Participants in the East and Southern African ACP Region [online], AAACP paper series No 11, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Sen, A. (2001) Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
SEWA, (2009) ‘Developing agriculture as an industry’, The SEWA's Agriculture Campaign. Ahmedabad, India.
Simon, H. (1991) ‘Bounded rationality and organizational learning’, Organization Science 2: 125-34 <≯.
Stiglitz, J. (1998) Towards a New Paradigm for Development [online], Prebisch Lecture at United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva <≯ [accessed 23 October2012].
Stiglitz, J. (2004) The Roaring Nineties, Penguin Books, London.
Stiglitz J. (2007) Making Globalization Work, Penguin Books, London.
Stringfellow, R., Coulter, J., Lucey, T., McKone, C. and Hussain, A. (1997) Improving the Access of Smallholders to Agricultural Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Farmer Cooperation and the Role of the Donor Community, Natural Resource Perspectives Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK. Available at: <≯
Ton, G., Bijman, J., Oorthuizen, J. (2007) Producer Organisations and Market Chains: Facilitating Trajectories of Change in Developing Countries, Wageningen Academic Publishers, CTA Wageningen.
Uphoff, N. (2000) ‘Understanding social capital: Learning from the analysis and experience of participation’, in P. Dasgupta and I. Serageldin (eds) Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, World Bank, Washington, dc.
Woolcock, M. (1998) ‘Social capital and economic development: toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework’, Theory and Society 27: 151-208. Available at: <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research, and Policy, World Bank Research Observer, Washington, DC.
Woolcock, M. and Sweetser, A. (2002) ‘Bright ideas: social capital - the bonds that connect’, ADB Review 34, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank (2008) World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development, World Bank, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Beugelsdijk, S. and Smulders, S. (2003) Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: Which Type is Good for Economic Development? [online] discussion paper submitted to ERSA 2003, Jyvaskila, Finland, <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Bijman, J. (2010) ‘Agricultural cooperatives and market orientation: A challenging combination?’ in A. Lindgreen, M. Hingley, D. Harness and P. Custance (eds), Market Orientated? The Metamorphosis of Food and Agricultural Production and Marketing, pp. 119-36, Gower Publishing, Aldershot.
Crowley, E., Baas, S., Termine, P., Rouse, J., Pozarny, P. and Dionne, G. (2007) Organizations of the Poor: Conditions for Success [online], Rural Institutions and Participation Service, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Develtere, P. (1994) Cooperation and Development, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Develtere P., Pollet I. & Wanyama F. (2009) L’Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale. La renaissance du mouvement coopératif africain, International Labour Organization, Geneva <≯
Dilts, R. (2001) ‘Scaling up the integrated pest management movement’, Leisa Magazine 17 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Amersfoort <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (1998) ‘Self-help groups in watershed management’, Leisa Magazine 14 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Wageningen <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (2006) ‘A concept paper on federation of self help groups’, Rural Management Systems Series paper 32 [online], Myrada, Bangalore <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Ghanem, H., Matuschke, I. and Wiebe, K. (2010). Using agricultural growth to fight poverty. FAO, Rome <≯
Herbel, D. and Nanavaty, R. (2011) SEWA's Organizational Model: Empowering Small-scale Women Farmers [online], FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Herbel, D., Crowley, E., Ourabah, N. and Lee, M. (2012) Good Practices in Building Innovative Rural Institutions to Increase Food Security [online], FAO-IFAD, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Irungu, C. (2007) Analysis of Markets for African Leafy Vegetables within Nairobi and its Environs and Implications for On-farm Conservation of Biodiversity [online], The Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Kirsten, J., Dorward, A.R., Poulton, C. and Vink, N. (eds) (2009) Institutional Economics Perspectives on African Agricultural Development [online], International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Losh B, Fréguin B., Gresh, S. and White E. (2010) Structural Dimension of Liberalization on Agriculture and Rural Development, Synthesis Report, World Bank <≯
Lothoré, A. and Delmas, P. (2009) Market Access and Agricultural Product Marketing [online], Inter-réseaux Développement rural, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), Wageningen, Agence
Française de Développement (AFD), Paris <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Marshall, G. (1998) Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Martinez Nogueira, R. (2008) New Roles of the Public Sector for an Agriculture for Development Agenda [online], background paper for the World Development Report, World Bank, Washington, DC <…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf
North, D. (1990) Institution, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
OECD-FAO (2011) OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021 [online], OECD-FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Poole, N. and De Frece, A. (2010) A Review of Existing Organisational Forms of Smallholder Farmers’ Associations and their Contractual Relationships with Other Market Participants in the East and Southern African ACP Region [online], AAACP paper series No 11, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Sen, A. (2001) Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
SEWA, (2009) ‘Developing agriculture as an industry’, The SEWA's Agriculture Campaign. Ahmedabad, India.
Simon, H. (1991) ‘Bounded rationality and organizational learning’, Organization Science 2: 125-34 <≯.
Stiglitz, J. (1998) Towards a New Paradigm for Development [online], Prebisch Lecture at United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva <≯ [accessed 23 October2012].
Stiglitz, J. (2004) The Roaring Nineties, Penguin Books, London.
Stiglitz J. (2007) Making Globalization Work, Penguin Books, London.
Stringfellow, R., Coulter, J., Lucey, T., McKone, C. and Hussain, A. (1997) Improving the Access of Smallholders to Agricultural Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Farmer Cooperation and the Role of the Donor Community, Natural Resource Perspectives Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK. Available at: <≯
Ton, G., Bijman, J., Oorthuizen, J. (2007) Producer Organisations and Market Chains: Facilitating Trajectories of Change in Developing Countries, Wageningen Academic Publishers, CTA Wageningen.
Uphoff, N. (2000) ‘Understanding social capital: Learning from the analysis and experience of participation’, in P. Dasgupta and I. Serageldin (eds) Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, World Bank, Washington, dc.
Woolcock, M. (1998) ‘Social capital and economic development: toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework’, Theory and Society 27: 151-208. Available at: <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research, and Policy, World Bank Research Observer, Washington, DC.
Woolcock, M. and Sweetser, A. (2002) ‘Bright ideas: social capital - the bonds that connect’, ADB Review 34, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank (2008) World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development, World Bank, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Beugelsdijk, S. and Smulders, S. (2003) Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: Which Type is Good for Economic Development? [online] discussion paper submitted to ERSA 2003, Jyvaskila, Finland, <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Bijman, J. (2010) ‘Agricultural cooperatives and market orientation: A challenging combination?’ in A. Lindgreen, M. Hingley, D. Harness and P. Custance (eds), Market Orientated? The Metamorphosis of Food and Agricultural Production and Marketing, pp. 119-36, Gower Publishing, Aldershot.
Crowley, E., Baas, S., Termine, P., Rouse, J., Pozarny, P. and Dionne, G. (2007) Organizations of the Poor: Conditions for Success [online], Rural Institutions and Participation Service, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Develtere, P. (1994) Cooperation and Development, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Develtere P., Pollet I. & Wanyama F. (2009) L’Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale. La renaissance du mouvement coopératif africain, International Labour Organization, Geneva <≯
Dilts, R. (2001) ‘Scaling up the integrated pest management movement’, Leisa Magazine 17 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Amersfoort <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (1998) ‘Self-help groups in watershed management’, Leisa Magazine 14 [online], AgriCultures Network, ILEIA-Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture, Wageningen <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Fernandez, A. (2006) ‘A concept paper on federation of self help groups’, Rural Management Systems Series paper 32 [online], Myrada, Bangalore <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Ghanem, H., Matuschke, I. and Wiebe, K. (2010). Using agricultural growth to fight poverty. FAO, Rome <≯
Herbel, D. and Nanavaty, R. (2011) SEWA's Organizational Model: Empowering Small-scale Women Farmers [online], FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Herbel, D., Crowley, E., Ourabah, N. and Lee, M. (2012) Good Practices in Building Innovative Rural Institutions to Increase Food Security [online], FAO-IFAD, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Irungu, C. (2007) Analysis of Markets for African Leafy Vegetables within Nairobi and its Environs and Implications for On-farm Conservation of Biodiversity [online], The Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Kirsten, J., Dorward, A.R., Poulton, C. and Vink, N. (eds) (2009) Institutional Economics Perspectives on African Agricultural Development [online], International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Losh B, Fréguin B., Gresh, S. and White E. (2010) Structural Dimension of Liberalization on Agriculture and Rural Development, Synthesis Report, World Bank <≯
Lothoré, A. and Delmas, P. (2009) Market Access and Agricultural Product Marketing [online], Inter-réseaux Développement rural, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), Wageningen, Agence
Française de Développement (AFD), Paris <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Marshall, G. (1998) Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Martinez Nogueira, R. (2008) New Roles of the Public Sector for an Agriculture for Development Agenda [online], background paper for the World Development Report, World Bank, Washington, DC <…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].…/MartinezNogueira_NewRolesOfPublic.pdf
North, D. (1990) Institution, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
OECD-FAO (2011) OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021 [online], OECD-FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Poole, N. and De Frece, A. (2010) A Review of Existing Organisational Forms of Smallholder Farmers’ Associations and their Contractual Relationships with Other Market Participants in the East and Southern African ACP Region [online], AAACP paper series No 11, FAO, Rome <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Sen, A. (2001) Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
SEWA, (2009) ‘Developing agriculture as an industry’, The SEWA's Agriculture Campaign. Ahmedabad, India.
Simon, H. (1991) ‘Bounded rationality and organizational learning’, Organization Science 2: 125-34 <≯.
Stiglitz, J. (1998) Towards a New Paradigm for Development [online], Prebisch Lecture at United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva <≯ [accessed 23 October2012].
Stiglitz, J. (2004) The Roaring Nineties, Penguin Books, London.
Stiglitz J. (2007) Making Globalization Work, Penguin Books, London.
Stringfellow, R., Coulter, J., Lucey, T., McKone, C. and Hussain, A. (1997) Improving the Access of Smallholders to Agricultural Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Farmer Cooperation and the Role of the Donor Community, Natural Resource Perspectives Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK. Available at: <≯
Ton, G., Bijman, J., Oorthuizen, J. (2007) Producer Organisations and Market Chains: Facilitating Trajectories of Change in Developing Countries, Wageningen Academic Publishers, CTA Wageningen.
Uphoff, N. (2000) ‘Understanding social capital: Learning from the analysis and experience of participation’, in P. Dasgupta and I. Serageldin (eds) Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, World Bank, Washington, dc.
Woolcock, M. (1998) ‘Social capital and economic development: toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework’, Theory and Society 27: 151-208. Available at: <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research, and Policy, World Bank Research Observer, Washington, DC.
Woolcock, M. and Sweetser, A. (2002) ‘Bright ideas: social capital - the bonds that connect’, ADB Review 34, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank (2008) World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development, World Bank, Washington, DC <≯ [accessed 23 October 2012].
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